Object Storage Metrics

Learn about the metrics generated by the Object Storage service.

You can monitor the health, capacity, and performance of your buckets and objects by using metrics, alarms, and notifications.

This topic describes the metrics emitted by the metric namespace oci_objectstorage (the Object Storage service).

Resources include buckets and objects.

Overview of the Object Storage Service Metrics

Object Storage can store an unlimited amount of unstructured data of any content type, including analytic data and rich content, like images and videos. The Object Storage service metrics help you measure the amount of storage you're using. You can also use these metrics to monitor the performance of requests in terms of latency and utilization as measured by counts of requests made per bucket.

Required IAM Policy

To monitor resources, you must be granted the required type of access in a policy  written by an administrator, whether you're using the Console or the REST API with an SDK, CLI, or other tool. The policy must give you access to both the monitoring services and the resources being monitored. If you try to perform an action and get a message that you don't have permission or are unauthorized, contact the administrator to find out what type of access you were granted and which compartment  you need to work in. For more information about user authorizations for monitoring, see IAM Policies.

Available Metrics: oci_objectstorage

The metrics listed in the following tables are automatically available for any buckets you create. You don't need to enable monitoring on the resource to get these metrics. However, you must have an object stored in a bucket to get any metrics. Buckets with no objects emit no metric data.


Valid alarm intervals depend on the frequency at which the metric is emitted. Be sure to set alarm intervals equal to or greater than the frequency at which the metrics are emitted. You can find the emit frequency for each metric in the Default Metrics and Custom Query Metrics tables.

Each metric includes the following dimensions :

The OCID  of the bucket to which the metric applies.
The name of the bucket .
The storage tier (standard or archive) where the object  resides.

Default Metrics

The following default metric charts are available for each Object Storage bucket from the bucket details page. See To view default metric charts for a bucket.

Metric Metric Display Name Unit

Description/ Emit Frequency

ObjectCount Number of Objects count

The count of objects in the bucket, excluding any multipart upload parts that haven't been discarded (aborted) or committed.

Emit frequency: every hour




StoredBytes Bucket Size bytes

The size of the bucket, excluding any multipart upload parts that haven't been discarded (aborted) or committed.

Emit frequency: every hour

Custom Query Metrics

The following custom query metric charts are available using Metrics Explorer. See Using the Console.

Metric Metric Display Name Unit

Description/ Emit Frequency

AllRequests All Requests Count count

The total number of all HTTP requests made in a bucket.

Emit frequency: every 100 ms



ClientErrors Client-Side Error Count count

The total number of 4xx errors for requests made in a bucket.

Emit frequency: every 100 ms

EnabledOLM Enabled Object Lifecycle Management count

Indicates whether a bucket has any executable Object Lifecycle Management policies configured. EnabledOLM emits:

  • 1 if policies are configured
  • 0 if no policies are configured

Emit frequency: every 3 hours

FirstByteLatency First Byte Latency Time time (ms)

The per-request time measured from the time Object Storage receives the complete request to when Object Storage returns the first byte of the response.

Emit frequency: every 100 ms

PostRequests PostObject Request Count count

The total number of HTTP Post requests made in a bucket.

Emit frequency: every 100 ms

PutRequests PutObject Request Count count

The total number of PutObject requests made in a bucket.

Emit frequency: every 100 ms

TotalRequestLatency Overall Latency Time time (ms)

The per-request time from the first byte received by Object Storage to the last byte sent from Object Storage.

Emit frequency: every 100 ms

UncommittedParts Incomplete MultiPart Upload Size bytes

The size of any multipart upload parts that haven't been discarded (aborted) or committed.

Emit frequency: every hour




ListRequests List Requests count

The total number of ListObject requests made in a bucket.

Emit frequency: every 100 ms



GetRequests Get Requests count

The total number of GetObject requests made in a bucket.

Emit frequency: every 100 ms

HeadRequests Head Requests count

The total number of HeadObject requests made in a bucket.

Emit frequency: every 100 ms

DeleteRequests Delete Requests count

The total number of DeleteObject requests made in a bucket.

Emit frequency: every 100 ms

CopyRequests Copy Requests count

The total number of CopyObject requests made in a bucket.

Emit frequency: every 100 ms

RenameRequests Rename Requests count

The total number of RenameObject requests made in a bucket.

Emit frequency: every 100 ms

ArchiveRequests Archive Requests count

The total number of ArchiveObject requests made in a bucket.

Emit frequency: every 100 ms