Can't Connect to Bitbucket Server

Troubleshoot connection issues to Bitbucket servers while working with Resource Manager.

Can't connect to Bitbucket Server.

This issue can occur in the following situations: 

Cause: The access token was revoked

Remedy: Re-create the access token

Re-create the access token, ensuring that the token scope includes required permissions. See the relevant Bitbucket documentation:

Cause: The required permission scopes changed and are insufficient

Remedy: Re-create the access token

Re-create the access token, ensuring that the token scope includes required permissions. See the relevant Bitbucket documentation:

Cause: The Bitbucket Server repository permissions changed or are insufficient

Remedy: Use admin or owner

Ensure that the Bitbucket Server repository permissions meet requirements (admin or owner).

Cause: The Bitbucket server isn't accessible over the internet

Remedy: Use port 443

Ensure that the server runs on port 443. Resource Manager only allows HTTPS traffic through port 443.

By default, Bitbucket Server uses port 7990 for HTTP traffic and port 8443 for HTTPS traffic.

Remedy: Confirm that you can view the access token

  • Ensure that the access token is stored as a secret in a vault.
  • Ensure that you have the correct policies to view the secret from the specified vault.

Remedy: For a public server, use a public IP address

Ensure that the Bitbucket server uses a public IP address.

Remedy: For a private server, use a certificate and private endpoint


Ensure that the certificate in the Certificates service matches the certificate on the Bitbucket server.

Remedy: Ensure that the Bitbucket server meets all prerequisites

See Before You Begin.

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