Load Balancing
Describes how to configure load balancing for multiple origins for an edge policy.
Configure load balancing when you have multiple origins associated with an edge policy.
Describes how to configure load balancing for multiple origins for an edge policy.
Configure load balancing when you have multiple origins associated with an edge policy.
Alternatively, open the Web Application Firewall page and click Policies under Resources.
The WAF Policies page appears.
All the WAF policies in that compartment are listed in tabular form.
Policy Type: Select Edge Policy.
The Settings list appears.
The Origin Management Settings dialog box appears.
The section on health checks is described in Health Checks. Ignore that functionality for configuring load balancers for multiple origins.
Select one of the following load balancing methods:
IP_HASH: All incoming requests from the same client IP address go to the same content origination server. IP_HASH load balancing method uses origin weights when choosing which origin to which the hash is initially assigned.
ROUND_ROBIN: Forwards requests sequentially to the available origin servers. The first request is to the first origin server, the second request is to the next origin server, and so on. After it sends a request to the last origin server, it starts again with the first origin server. When using weights on origins, Weighted Round Robin assigns more requests to origins with a greater weight. Over time, origins receive requests in proportion to their weight.
STICKY_COOKIE: Adds a session cookie to the first response from the origin server and identifies the server that sent the response. The client's next request contains the cookie value, and NGINX routes the request to the origin server that responded to the first request. STICKY_COOKIE load balancing method falls back to Round Robin for the first request.
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