Health Checks

Describes how to health checks for an edge policy.

Health checks can be enabled when multiple origins are specified.

Default Settings

  • Check URL: / (root/home page)

  • Interval: 10 seconds (how often the check is performed)

  • Timeout: 5 seconds (timeout after which the check is marked as failed)

  • Fail count: 2 (number of failed checks for the origin to be considered down)

  • Rise count: 2 (number of successful checks for the origin to be considered up)

  • Successful responses: 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, 5xx

Custom health checks can also be configured. The following options are available:
  • Enable response text checking (heath checks are looking for the text entered under "Expected response text").

  • Specify a host header.

Using the Console

  1. Open the navigation menu and click Identity & Security. Under Web Application Firewall, click Policies.

    Alternatively, open the Web Application Firewall page and click Policies under Resources.

    The WAF Policies page appears.

  2. Select the Compartment from the list.

    All the WAF policies in that compartment are listed in tabular form.

  3. (Optional) Apply one or more of the following Filters to limit the edge policies displayed:
    • State

    • Name

    • Policy Type: Select Edge Policy.

  4. Click the name of the edge policy whose health checks you want to configure. The Details page of the edge policy you selected appears.
  5. Click Settings under WAF Policy.

    The Settings list appears.

  6. Select the Origin Settings tab.
  7. Click Edit.

    The Origin Management Settings dialog box appears.

  8. Check Enable health checks.
  9. Complete the following:
    • Request: Select the type of health check request:

      • GET
      • HEAD
      • POST
    • URL: Enter the URL to visit on the origin when performing the health check.
    • Host header: Enter the value of the host header in the HTTP health check request. If this field is left blank, the policy domain is used instead.

    • User agent: Enter the value of the user agent header in the HTTP health check request.

    • Expected response code group: Select the HTTP response codes that signify the health state from the list. You can select multiple codes.

    • Check interval (seconds): Enter the interval (in seconds) between health checks to the origin.

    • Response timeout (seconds): Enter the time to wait for a reply before marking the health check as failed.
    • Healthy threshold (number of times): Enter the number of successful health checks after which the origin server is marked up.

    • Unhealthy threshold (number of times): Enter the number of failed health checks after which the origin server is marked down.

    • Enable response text checking: (optional) Check to check for predefined text in addition to the response code.

      Enter the Expected response text in the accompanying box. Health checks search for the given text in a case-sensitive manner within the response body and fail if the text is not found.

  10. Click Save Changes.
Publish your changes for them to take effect. See Publishing Changes.

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