Cloning a Migration Plan

Use an existing migration plan as a template for other plans to tweak target asset configurations and verify the cost differences.

    1. Open the navigation menu  and select Migration & Disaster Recovery. Under Cloud Migrations, select Migrations.
    2. On the Migrations page, select the active migration project that includes the migration plan that you want to clone.
    3. On the Migration project details page, in the Migration plans section, select the active migration plan that you want to clone.
    4. On the Migration plan details page, click Clone.
    5. On the Clone migration plan page, update the name, strategy, or target environment properties, as required.
    6. (Optional) Add tags to organize your resource. To apply a defined tag, you must have permissions to use the tag namespace. For more information about tagging, see Resource Tags. If you are not sure whether to apply tags, skip this option (you can apply tags later) or ask your administrator.
    7. Click Clone.
    You can now tweak the target asset configurations by configuring it.
  • To clone a migration plan, use the create command by specifying the --source-migration-plan-id optional parameter.

    oci cloud-migrations migration-plan create --compartment-id target_compartment_ID --display-name migration_plan_name --migration-id migration_plan_ID --source-migration-plan-id source_migration_plan_ID [OPTIONS]
    The required parameters for the create command are:
    • --compartment-id: Specifies the OCID of the compartment name.
    • --display-name: Specifies a unique name for the migration plan.
    • --migration-id: Specifies the OCID of the associated migration.

    The optional parameter for cloning a migration is:

    --source-migration-plan-id: (Optional) Specifies the existing migration ID of the migration plan from where the plan should be cloned.

    After running the command, you get a copy of the existing migration plan that you can edit, as required.

    To get all the commands for migration-plan, run:

    oci cloud-migrations migration-plan -h

    To get help for the create command, run:

    oci cloud-migrations migration-plan create -h

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

  • To clone a migration plan, use the MigrationPlan Reference operation by specifying the sourceMigrationPlanId optional parameter.