Build Runner Runtime Details

OCI DevOps service provides Oracle Linux 7 as the base container image for the build along with other runtimes as listed:

Type Tool and Version
Linux shell interpreters bash
Linux shell utilities Standard

JDK - 8

Android - 26.1.1

Build and package tools

Gradle - 7.1

Helm - 3

Maven - 3.8.1

Source control tools Git - 2.29.3
Additional tools

Docker - 20.10.7



OCI CLI, OCI SDKs, and OCI Terraform providers on the build pipeline are pre-authenticated with the resource principal of the build pipeline.

Terraform - 1.2.0


Java - 1.8.0

Python - 2.7.x, 3.6.x

PHP - 7.4.23

Golang - 1.16.5

Ruby - 3.0.1

Node.js - 16.14.2


Versions are subject to change based on availability of current versions.

To build high-performance Java applications, you can use Oracle GraalVM in the build pipeline. For more information, see Using Oracle GraalVM in DevOps Build Pipelines.

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