Enabling and Viewing Maintenance Notifications

Learn how to receive and view notifications about maintenance activities.

About Notifications

Oracle automatically notifies you by email to let you know about maintenance-related activities, including the dates for next scheduled maintenance. You can expect email notifications for the following:

  • 1 month before the start of a maintenance event
  • 1 week before the start of a maintenance event
  • Extension of a maintenance window
  • Rescheduling of a maintenance event
  • Cancellation of a maintenance event

You can also view past notifications for your tenancy at any time in the Console.

Who Can Receive and View Maintenance Notifications

The default administrator of the tenancy automatically receives e-mail notifications and can view notification announcements in the Console.

To allow other users in your organization to view notification announcements in the Console, an administrator must add them to a group with the following permission granted in a policy:

Allow group <your-group-name> to read announcements in tenancy

A user with this permission can navigate to the Announcements page in the Console to view the details of the maintenance notifications. For more information about setting up groups and policies for Fusion Applications, see Managing Oracle Cloud Users with Specific Job Functions.

To enable other users in your organization to receive notifications via email or other channels (such as SMS), an administrator must create a subscription and add the user information to the subscription.

To create a subscription, you need the following additional policy permissions:

Allow group <your-group-name> to manage announcement-subscriptions in tenancy
Allow group <your-group-name> to manage ons-topics in tenancy

Viewing Maintenance Notification Announcements

To view announcements in the Console:

  1. In the Console, click the Announcements icon (Announcements Menu) on the top bar. The Overview page displays.
  2. Click Announcements to display all announcements for your tenancy. To refine the list, you can:
    • Filter by start and end date
    • Filter by service. Select Oracle Fusion Applications from the Service list to view only announcements pertaining to your applications.
    • Select a tab to filter by type. For example, you can click Scheduled Maintenance to filter the list to only the scheduled maintenance notifications.

For more details about working with Announcements, see Console Announcements.

Creating a Subscription for Maintenance Announcements

This task describes how to create an email subscription. For information about other options, see Console Announcements.

To create an email subscription for Oracle Fusion Applications announcements:

  1. In the Console, click the Announcements icon (Announcements Menu) on the top bar. The Overview page displays.
  2. Click Subscriptions and then click Create announcement subscription.
  3. Enter a Name for the subscription. Avoid entering confidential information.
  4. Optionally, enter a Description. Avoid entering confidential information.
  5. Accept the default Compartment, or select the compartment where you want to create the subscription.
  6. Choose Selected announcements only.
  7. Define the Filter group:
    • Filter group name: enter a name, for example, "FA-Maintenance-Notifications".
    • Type: select Service.
    • Value: select Oracle Fusion Applications.

    These selections will include all announcements regarding Fusion Applications. To include only maintenance-related announcements, add another filter:

    • Click +Another filter.
    • Type: select Announcement type.
    • You can add multiple selections for Value. Select the following to include all maintenance announcements Scheduled maintenance, Emergency maintenance, Emergency maintenance extended, Emergency maintenance complete, Emergency maintenance rescheduled.
  8. Maintenance Notification Announcements use UTC and English as the default time zone and language. If you wish to change these, under Display preferences, select the preferred Time zone for announcement time stamps and the preferred Language. (Note that the Language option is only available when you have selected the filter values Type: Service and Value: Oracle Fusion Applications.)
  9. Define the Notifications topic:
    • Select Create new topic.
    • Accept the default Compartment, or select the compartment where you want to create the topic.
    • Enter a Name for the topic. Avoid entering confidential information.
    • Optionally, enter a Description. Avoid entering confidential information.
    • Subscription protocol: select Email.
    • Email address: enter the email address of the person to receive the email notifications. To add multiple people or addresses, click +Another subscription.
  10. Click Create.

A confirmation email is sent to the email address entered. The recipient must click the Confirm subscription link in the email to activate the subscription.

Adding Subscribers to an Existing Subscription

To add more users to a subscription, like the one you created above, you must create a subscription for the user in the notification topic, as follows:

  1. In the Console, click the Announcements icon (Announcements Menu). The Overview page displays.
  2. Click Subscriptions, The list of subscriptions is displayed. Click the name of the subscription to add the user to.
  3. On the subscription detail page, click the Notification topic.
  4. On the notification topic details page, click Create Subscription, then enter the following:
    • Protocol: select Email. For information about the other protocol options, see Creating a Subscription.
    • Email address: enter the email address of the person to receive the email notifications.
    • Click Create.

A confirmation email is sent to the email address entered. The recipient must click the Confirm subscription link in the email to activate the subscription.