Fusion Applications Environment Setup Wizard

The Fusion Applications environment setup wizard makes it easy to provision your first Fusion Applications environments.

The wizard merges the create environment family and create environment tasks into a single workflow and provides intelligent defaults based on your account and subscriptions.

You'll see the option to start the Fusion Applications environment setup wizard when you have no environment families set up yet in the tenancy (cloud account).

If your tenancy already has an environment family created, use the create environment workflow to create additional environments.

Accessing the Fusion Applications Environment Setup Wizard

Access the wizard from the Fusion Applications Overview page:

  1. From the Console home page, under Subscriptions, select Go to service on the Fusion Applications tile. This opens the Overview page.

  2. Under Get started with Fusion Applications, select Start .

If you don't see the message and Start environment wizard button, then either you already have an environment family created in your tenancy or you don't have permission to create environments.

Completing the Environment Setup Wizard

  1. Set up environment family:
    • Enter a name for your environment family or accept the default name provided. You can edit the name later.

      An environment family is a logical grouping of environments set up to facilitate management of the related environments. The environment family ensures that the applications on all your environments are maintained, upgraded, and patched at the same levels.

    • Select subscriptions.

      The application subscriptions that you select here will be installed on all environments (production, test, and development) that you create in this family.

    • Confirm or change the assigned region.

      The region is where the environments will be geographically located. Once you create the environment family, it can't be moved to a different region. All environments that you create will be in the region you assign to the family. For more information, see Choosing a Region for an Environment Family.

    • Select Show advanced options to:
      • Select a different compartment (this can be changed later).
      • Customize the maintenance schedule (the quarterly schedule selection can't be changed later).
      To skip these options, select Next.
      • (Optional) Confirm the compartment or select the compartment where you want to create this environment family. For more information about compartments, see Choosing a Compartment.
      • (Optional) Select the Maintenance tab to customize the maintenance schedule. The maintenance schedule you set up for the environment family is the default for all the environments in the family. You can't change the quarterly update schedule after you create the environment family. For environments that you create in this family, you can customize the monthly patching. For more information about these options, see Understanding Environment Maintenance.
        • Quarterly schedule – select the checkbox and then choose the maintenance month grouping that you want to use for the environments in the family. You can't update this choice later. If your environment family includes Oracle Payroll the schedule is set as Feb/May/August/November, and can't be changed.
        • Monthly patching – enable the switch to activate monthly patching for the environments in this family. Monthly patching delivers bug fixes every month so you don't have to wait until the quarterly update for these fixes. Features and other updates are still delivered on the quarterly schedule, and are not included in monthly patching.
  2. Set up environments:
    • Environment name - enter a prefix for the name of the environments or accept the default (the tenancy name). Each environment created will be named using the prefix plus a suffix indicating the environment type (-prod, -devn, or -test). You can change these names later in the environment details page after creation.

    • Confirm the environment types to create in the family.

      All environment types that are included in your subscription will be selected by default. You can choose to create production or development environments at a later time by deselecting these options, but you can't deselect the test environment. For more information about environment types, see About Environment Types.

    • Enter credentials for the Fusion Applications Administrator. You can choose to add the same user to be the Administrator for all the newly created environments, or you can add different users for each environment. After each environment is provisioned, the user entered as the Administrator will receive an email to set up their password for that environment.
    • Click Show advanced options to configure additional settings for DNS prefix and Encryption.

      You can't edit the DNS prefix later, so if you want to customize it, you must enter it now.
      To skip these options, select Next.
      • (Optional) To customize the DNS prefix, select Networking. Adding a DNS prefix allows you to customize the URL used to access your Fusion Applications home page. The prefix can be 1-20 characters. As you enter the prefix, the URL preview is displayed. You can set a different prefix for each environment you are creating.
      • (Optional, available only with the purchase of specific subscriptions.) Select the Encryption tab to encrypt the environment with customer-managed keys. For details about this feature, see Customer-Managed Keys for Oracle Break Glass.
  3. Review and create

    Review the information you entered. Select Edit if you need to make any changes. Select Submit to confirm and launch the environment creation process.

Provisioning and Notifications

The Fusion Applications environment family is created and the provisioning of the selected environments is started. Provisioning time depends on the subscriptions included in your environments, but typically takes a few hours.

When provisioning is complete, an email is sent to the administrator email address that was specified in the credentials entered for each environment.

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