Managing Environments

Learn how to manage the environments where your Fusion Applications are deployed.

Understanding the Health Status and Lifecycle State

During the life cycle of the Fusion Applications environment, it can display different states. The state of the environment is independent from the status of the applications running on the environment. This topic explains the status values and what they mean for the availability of your applications.

When you view your list of environments, you see two status indicators:
  • Health status

    You can think of the Health status as the status of your Fusion Applications. As long as the Health status is Available, your end users can access and use the running applications.

  • Lifecycle state is the state of the Fusion environment.

End users can still access the applications when some updates are occurring on the environment, even though modifications on the environment are disabled. For example, when Lifecycle state is in the Updating state because you made updates to environment settings, such as adding an access control list (ACL) or adding a language pack. Before you can perform lifecycle updates, both the Health status and the Lifecycle state must be in the Available and Active states, respectively.

Health Status

The following table shows the possible values for the Health status of your environment:

Status Description Fusion Appplications Available?
Available The environment is available. This is the normal working status. Yes
Maintenance in progress The environment is undergoing planned maintenance. To view the estimated completion time of the maintenance, click the Maintenance link under Resources on the environment details page. No
Refresh in progress The environment is undergoing a refresh from another environment. When the refresh is complete, the status returns to Available. No
Not Applicable When the LifeCycle state of the Fusion Environment is creating, failed, disabled, deleting or deleted. No
Unavailable The environment is unavailable. Contact support for more information. No

Environment Lifecycle State

The following table shows the possible values for the Lifecycle state of your environment:

Status Description Fusion Applications Available?
Creating The environment resource is being created. No
Active The environment resource is available. Yes
Updating The environment resource is updating. This state occurs when configurations or changes are being implemented, such as network access control rules, language packs, or updating an administrator. In this state, the applications are still available, but you can't make any other changes to the environment resource settings (such as editing maintenance or adding tags) until this update is complete. Yes
Disabled This state occurs when the managed key has been disabled. All users are forced out of the application. The key must be enabled before the environment can be restarted again. For more information, see Disabling and Enabling Keys. No
Deleting The environment resource is in the process of being deleted. No
Deleted The environment resource has been deleted. No
Failed The environment resource creation failed. No

Understanding Work Requests

Some updates that you make to the environment are not immediate. When you make a change, for example, adding an administrator, a work request is initiated to make the update to the environment. While the work request is running, the Lifecycle state of the environment changes to Updating and the Health status changes to Unknown. You can't make additional updates to the environment until the work request completes. You can view the status of the work request by clicking Work Requests, found under Resources on the left side of the details page. While the work request is running, the fields that are not updateable display as grayed out.

If an operation fails, the work request can provide details to help you troubleshoot the issue or provide information to support.

When Environment Modifications Are Not Allowed

At some times you will not be able to make updates to a Fusion Applications environment. In some cases, you'll see a message on the details of the environment to alert you that updates to the environment are disabled, and int others you will get a message after you attempt the update.

You'll see the banner message when maintenance is in progress, or when the environment is updating. You can also see this message when the environment is still being created, has been deleted, or is in the state of deleting. When the maintenance or current update is complete, you'll be able to make updates to the environment, unless the environment is unavailable due to deletion.

Four days prior to scheduled maintenance, you can't make the following updates to an environment:

  • Add an administrator
  • Add language packs
  • Add tags
  • Rename the environment
  • Update network access control lists
  • Update maintenance policy
  • Move the environment to a different compartment
  • Refresh the environment
  • Add an integration

If you try to make one of these updates, you'll get an error letting you know that the environment is within the maintenance window. Wait until the scheduled maintenance is complete to make these updates.

Creating an Environment

If your tenancy doesn't yet have any environment families or environments, you can use the Fusion Applications Environment Setup Wizard to streamline the initial setup process. If you already have an environment family set up in your tenancy, use this procedure to create environments.

Before you begin, ensure that you understand the options you'll choose when you create the environment.

Environment Management Tasks