A subnet that is specific to a particular availability domain (AD). Historically,
all subnets were AD-specific. Now, subnets can be either AD-specific or regional.
alarm 🔗
The trigger rule and query to evaluate, plus related configuration, such as the notification details to use when the trigger is breached. Alarms passively monitor your cloud resources by using metrics in the Monitoring service.
Apache Spark 🔗
A unified analytics engine for big data processing, with built-in modules for
streaming, SQL, machine learning, and graph processing.
API key 🔗
A credential for securing requests to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure REST API.
application (Data Flow) 🔗
Templates that bundle together a Spark application and specify a Spark version,
default resource sizing, and default application parameters.
application (Data Integration) 🔗
A container for published Data Integration tasks to test or roll out to production.
Asynchronous Xfer Full Range (AXFR) (DNS) 🔗
A mechanism used by DNS to transfer an entire zone file.
attach (Block Volume) 🔗
To link a volume and instance together. Attaching lets an instance connect to and
mount the volume as a hard drive.
attribute (Data Catalog) 🔗
The combination of a name and data type used to describe a data item, for
example, a column in a table or a field in a file.
auth token 🔗
A token generated by Oracle Cloud Infrastructure that you use to authenticate with third-party APIs, such as a Swift client.
availability domain 🔗
One or more isolated, fault-tolerant Oracle data centers that host cloud
resources such as instances, volumes, and subnets. A region contains one or more
availability domains.
B 🔗
backend set 🔗
A logical entity defined by a list of backend servers, a load balancing policy, and a health check policy.
bare metal instance 🔗
A Compute instance that uses hosted, dedicated physical hardware, unlike virtual
machines. Bare metal instances ensure a high level of security
and performance.
bastion 🔗
Provides secured, public access to target resources in the cloud that you can't otherwise reach from the internet.
block storage volume 🔗
A virtual disk that provides persistent storage space for instances in the cloud.
Block Volume 🔗
A service that allows you to add block storage volumes to an instance to expand
the available storage on that resource.
bucket 🔗
A logical container for storing objects.
C 🔗
category 🔗
A grouping of logically related business terms in a glossary. You nest
categories as needed to group terms.
A security protocol used by iSCSI for authentication between a volume and an
clone (File Storage) 🔗
A new file system that's based on a snapshot of an existing file
cloud network 🔗
A virtual version of a traditional network—including CIDRs, subnets, route tables, and gateways—on which your instance runs.
cluster network 🔗
A pool of high performance computing (HPC) instances that are connected with a high-bandwidth, ultra low-latency network.
cluster placement group 🔗
A logical entity that you associate with resources to ensure that the resources are placed in the same location when you create them.
common user 🔗
A database user that has the same identity in the root and in every existing and future
pluggable database (PDB).
compartment 🔗
A collection of related resources that can be accessed only by groups that have
been given permission by an administrator in your organization.
Compute service 🔗
A service that lets you provision and manage compute hosts, known as
connect 🔗
To make an attached volume usable by an instance's guest OS.
connector (Connector Hub) 🔗
The definition of the data to be moved. A connector specifies a source service, target service, and optional tasks.
CPE (customer-premises equipment) 🔗
The router at the edge of your on-premises network. The Networking service also has an object called a CPE, which is a virtual representation of your edge router. You create that object when you set up Site-to-Site VPN (an IPSec connection) between Oracle and your on-premises network.
CPE Configuration Helper 🔗
A feature of the Oracle Console that generates information that a network engineer can use to configure the customer-premises equipment (CPE) at their end of a Site-to-Site VPN IPSec connection.
cross-connect 🔗
The physical cable that connects your existing network to Oracle in a FastConnect location. A cross-connect is used with FastConnect if you're using a third-party provider or are colocated with Oracle in a FastConnect location.
cross-connect group 🔗
A link aggregation group (LAG) that contains at least one cross-connect. A cross-connect group is used with FastConnect if you're using a third-party provider or are colocated with Oracle in a FastConnect location.
custom property 🔗
An additional property that a data expert creates to enrich data catalog objects with
business context.
customer-premises equipment (CPE) 🔗
The router at the edge of your on-premises network. The Networking service also has an object called a CPE, which is a virtual representation of your edge router. You create that object when you set up Site-to-Site VPN (an IPSec connection) between Oracle and your on-premises network.
D 🔗
data asset (Data Catalog and Data Integration) 🔗
Represents a data source, such as a database, an object store, a file or document
store, a message queue, or an application.
data entity (Data Catalog and Data Integration) 🔗
A collection of data, such as a database table or view, or a single logical file.
A data entity normally has many attributes that describe its data.
data point (Monitoring) 🔗
A timestamp-value pair for a specified metric—for example, 2018-05-10T22:19:00Z,
dataset (Data Labeling) 🔗
The first class resource in Data Labeling Dataset. It contains the details of the records to be labeled.
dataset annotations (Data Labeling) 🔗
Data Labeling annotations show the association of labels
and records.
DB system 🔗
A dedicated virtual machine instance running Oracle Linux, optimized for running one or more Oracle databases. A DB system is a Base Database Service resource, and is managed with the Database Service API.
delegation (DNS) 🔗
To allow your domain registrar to host and manage records for a zone and make it available on the internet; the servers where your domain registrar hosts and manages your DNS.
deployment 🔗
A container for your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
GoldenGate resources.
deployment backup 🔗
A backup of a GoldenGate service
deployment. Use a deployment backup to restore a deployment or create a clone of a
detector (Cloud Guard) 🔗
Performs, checks, and identifies potential security
problems based on their type and configuration.
detector recipe (Cloud Guard) 🔗
A set of rules that provides the baselines for examining
the resources and activities in a target.
detector recipe, activity type (Cloud Guard) 🔗
A set of rules designed to detect actions on resources
that could pose a security problem.
detector recipe, configuration type (Cloud Guard) 🔗
A set of rules designed to detect resource configuration
settings that could pose a security problem.
detector recipe, Oracle managed (Cloud Guard) 🔗
A recipe provided by Cloud Guard that allows setting only the scope of resources for which a rule triggers a problem.
detector recipe, user managed (Cloud Guard) 🔗
A recipe that's created by cloning an Oracle managed
detector recipe. You can disable rules and change a rule's risk
level, in addition to setting only the scope of resources for
which a rule triggers a problem.
detector rule (Cloud Guard) 🔗
A specific definition of a class of resources with
specific actions or configurations that causes a detector to
report a problem. A detector recipe consists of multiple
detector rules. When a rule is triggered, the detector reports a
problem. Each rule in a detector recipe can be configured
desktop (Secure Desktops) 🔗
An instance within a desktop pool that an individual user securely accesses. The initial
desktop image and configuration are identical to other desktops in the pool.
desktop pool (Secure Desktops) 🔗
A set of identically configured desktop instances hosted on Oracle Cloud
dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) 🔗
A network management protocol that dynamically assigns an IP address to devices on the network.
DHCP options 🔗
Configuration information that is automatically provided to the instances when
they start up.
dimension (Monitoring) 🔗
A qualifier provided in a metric definition—for example, a resource identifier
(resourceId) provided in the definitions of oci_computeagent
display name 🔗
A friendly name or description that helps you easily identify the resource.
domain (DNS) 🔗
A specific location or group of locations in the internet, defined by a domain name. For example, "example.com" or "oracle.com".
domain names(DNS) 🔗
A name that identifies a domain; a specific location or group of locations in the internet. For example, "example.com" or "oracle.com".
Domain Name Security Extensions (DNSSEC) (DNS) 🔗
A set of extension specifications used to secure data exchanged by DNS.
Dynamic Routing Gateway (DRG) 🔗
An optional virtual router that you can add to a Virtual Cloud Network (VCN) to provide a path for private network traffic between the VCN and an on-premises network.
DRG attachment object 🔗
The result of attaching a Dynamic Routing Gateway (DRG) to a virtual cloud network (VCN). To detach the DRG from the VCN, you delete the attachment object.
drift (Resource Manager) 🔗
The difference between the actual state of your infrastructure and the stack's
last executed configuration.
dynamic group 🔗
A special type of Identity and Access Management (IAM) group that contains instances that match rules that you define. As a result, membership in the groups changes dynamically as matching instances are terminated or launched. These instances act as "principal" actors and can make API calls to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services according to IAM policies that you write for the dynamic group.
Dynamic Routing Gateway (DRG) 🔗
An optional virtual router that you can add to a Virtual Cloud Network (VCN) to provide a path for private network traffic between the VCN and an on-premises network.
E 🔗
ephemeral public IP address 🔗
A temporary public IP address (and related properties) that exists for the life
of the instance that it's assigned to. It can be assigned only to the primary private IP
address on a VNIC.
export (File Storage) 🔗
Controls how file systems are accessed by NFS clients when they connect to a mount target.
export options (File Storage) 🔗
A set of parameters that specify the level of access granted to NFS clients when they connect to a mount target.
F 🔗
FastConnect 🔗
A dedicated, private connection between your data center or existing network and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. FastConnect provides higher-bandwidth options and a more reliable and consistent networking experience compared to internet-based connections.
FastConnect location 🔗
A specific data center from which you can connect to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure by using FastConnect.
fault domain 🔗
A logical grouping of hardware and infrastructure within an availability domain.
Fault domains isolate resources during hardware failure or
unexpected software changes.
file system 🔗
An organized system of directories and folders in which data is stored.
filename pattern 🔗
A regular expression that's created to group multiple Object Storage files into a logical data entity.
frequency (Monitoring) 🔗
The time period between each posted raw data point for a given metric. (Raw data points are posted by the metric namespace to the Monitoring service.)
Fully-Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) 🔗
A complete domain name that specifies the exact location of a computer or a host on the internet. The format is [hostname].[domain-name].[top-level-domain]. For example, "myserver.oracle.com"
G 🔗
glossary (Data Catalog) 🔗
A collection of business concepts in your company. A glossary contains categories
and business terms.
group 🔗
A collection of users who all need a particular type of access to a set of resources or compartment.
guest operating system 🔗
An operating system installed on a cloud instance.
guest OS 🔗
An operating system installed on a cloud instance.
H 🔗
harvest 🔗
A process that extracts technical metadata from your connected data sources into your Data Catalog repository.
health check 🔗
A test that confirms the availability of backend servers.
host scan 🔗
Metrics about a specific cloud host that was scanned, including the
vulnerabilities that were found and their risk levels.
hostname (DNS) 🔗
A name that identifies a computer in a network or domain. For example, in the FQDN "myserver.example.com", "myserver" is the hostname, "example" is the domain name, and "com" is the top-level domain name.
hydration (File Storage) 🔗
The process of copying metadata from a parent file system to a
I 🔗
IaaS (infrastructure as a service) 🔗
A service that allows customers to rapidly scale up or down their computer infrastructure (computing, storage, or network).
IAM (Identity and Access Management) 🔗
The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure service that controls the authentication and authorization of users who need to use your cloud resources.
Identity and Access Management (IAM) 🔗
The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure service that controls the authentication and authorization of users who need to use your cloud resources
identity domain 🔗
In IAM, manages users and groups, integration standards, external identities, and secure application integration.
identity domain type 🔗
The license type an identity domain is associated with.
identity provider (IdP) 🔗
A service that provides identifying credentials and authentication for federated users.
IdP (identity provider) 🔗
A service that provides identifying credentials and authentication for federated
image 🔗
A template of a virtual hard drive that determines the operating system and other software for an instance.
incarnation 🔗
A separate version of a database. The incarnation of the database
changes when you open it with the RESETLOGS option, but you can recover backups from a
prior incarnation so long as the necessary redo is available.
Incremental Zone Transfer (IXFR) (DNS) 🔗
A mechanism used by DNS to transfer a zone incrementally. It transfers the changes to the zone data between the version of the zone the client has and the version of the zone that is current at the server.
infrastructure (Compute Cloud@Customer) 🔗
Resource representing the Compute Cloud@Customer hardware and software installed in a customer's data center that delivers Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services.
infrastructure as a service (IaaS) 🔗
A service that allows customers to rapidly scale up or down their computer infrastructure (computing, storage, or network).
instance (Compute) 🔗
A bare metal or virtual machine compute host. The image used to create an
instance determines its operating system and other software. The shape specified during
the creation process determines the number of CPUs and memory allocated to the
instance wallet (Autonomous Database) 🔗
A file that contains credentials and keys for only a single database
installed client (Secure Desktops) 🔗
An application installed on your local system used to access an assigned
desktop. The installed client provides full access to the remote desktop.
internet gateway 🔗
An optional virtual router that you can add to a Virtual Cloud Network (VCN). It provides a path for network traffic between the VCN and the internet.
interval (Monitoring) 🔗
The time window used to convert a given set of raw data points—for example, 5
IPSec connection 🔗
The secure connection between a Dynamic Routing Gateway (DRG) and customer-premises equipment (CPE), consisting of multiple IPSec tunnels. The IPSec connection is one of the components that form a site-to-site VPN between a virtual cloud network (VCN) and your on-premises network.
IPv6 🔗
An object that contains an IPv6 address and related properties. IPv6 addressing
is supported for all commercial and government regions. Only
instances in IPv6-enabled virtual cloud networks (VCNs) and
IPv6-enabled subnets can have IPv6 addresses.
IQN (iSCSI qualified name) 🔗
A unique ID assigned to an iSCSI device. You use an IQN when you connect a
volume to an instance.
A TCP/IP-based standard used for communication between a volume and attached
iSCSI qualified name (IQN) 🔗
A unique ID assigned to an iSCSI device. You use an IQN when you connect a
volume to an instance.
K 🔗
key pair 🔗
A security mechanism that consists of a public key and a private key. A key pair
is required, for example, for Secure Shell (SSH) access to an instance.
L 🔗
labels (Data Labeling) 🔗
Different categories or labels that can be assigned to records.
library (Data Flow) 🔗
The central repository of Data Flow Applications.
Anyone with correct permissions can browse, search, and execute applications published to
the Library.
Level 0 Incremental Backup 🔗
A level 0 incremental backup performs the same function as a full backup in that they both back up all blocks that have ever been used. The difference is that a full backup does not affect blocks backed up by subsequent incremental backups, whereas an incremental backup affects blocks backed up by subsequent incremental backups.
Level 1 Backup or Incremental Backup 🔗
Incremental backups at level 1 back up only blocks that have changed since previous incremental backups. Blocks that have not changed are not backed up.
listener 🔗
An entity that checks for incoming traffic on a load balancer's public floating
IP address.
load balancer 🔗
A resource that provides automated distribution of traffic from one entry point to many servers reachable on a VCN. A load balancer is a reverse proxy solution that hides the IP of the client from the backend application server and vice versa. It can perform advanced Layer 7 (HTTP/HTTPS), Layer 4 (TCP) load balancing, and SSL offloading. See network load balancer.
local peering gateway (LPG) 🔗
A component on a Virtual Cloud Network (VCN) that routes traffic to a locally peered VCN. "Local" peering means that the two VCNs are in the same region.
local VCN peering 🔗
The process of connecting two virtual cloud networks (VCNs) in the same region so
that their resources can communicate without routing the traffic over the internet or
through your on-premises network.
logical data entity 🔗
A group of Object Storage files that are derived by creating and assigning filename patterns to a data asset.
LPG (local peering gateway) 🔗
A component on a Virtual Cloud Network (VCN) that routes traffic to a locally peered VCN. "Local" peering means that the two VCNs are in the same region.
M 🔗
managed list (Cloud Guard) 🔗
A reusable list of parameters that makes it easier to
define detectors. For example, a predefined "Trusted Oracle IP
address space" list contains all the Oracle IP addresses that
you want to regard as trusted when you define rules for
detectors and responders.
message (Notifications and Monitoring) 🔗
An alert published to all subscriptions in the specified topic. Each message is
delivered at least once per subscription.
metric (Monitoring) 🔗
A measurement related to the health, capacity, or performance of a given
resource. For example, CPU Utilization (CpuUtilization) measures the activity level
from CPU, expressed as a percentage of total time.
metric definition (Monitoring) 🔗
A set of references, qualifiers, and other information provided by a metric
namespace for a given metric.
metric namespace (Monitoring) 🔗
Indicates the resource, service, or application that emits a metric. The namespace is provided in the metric definition. For example, the CpuUtilization metric definition emitted by the Oracle Cloud Agent software on Compute instances lists the oci_computeagent metric namespace as the source of the metric.
metric stream (Monitoring) 🔗
An individual set of aggregated data for a metric, typically specific to a
model (Data Science) 🔗
A mathematical representation of your data and business process. The model
catalog is a place to store, track, share, and manage models.
Monitoring Query Language (MQL) (Monitoring) 🔗
The syntax used for metric and alarm queries. In the Console, the MQL syntax of queries is displayed in Advanced Mode.
mount point (File Storage) 🔗
A directory from which a client may access a remote file system.
mount target (File Storage) 🔗
A network file system (NFS) endpoint that allows a file system to be accessed by
MQL (Monitoring Query Language) (Monitoring) 🔗
The syntax used for metric and alarm queries. In the Console, the MQL syntax of queries is displayed in Advanced Mode.
N 🔗
nameserver (DNS) 🔗
A server that answers queries about domain names and responds with an IP address or other requested record data.
NAT gateway 🔗
An optional virtual router that you can add to your Virtual Cloud Network (VCN) to perform Network Address Translation (NAT). A NAT gateway gives cloud resources without public IP addresses access to the internet without exposing those resources to incoming internet connections.
navigation menu 🔗
Main menu located in the upper-left corner of the Oracle Cloud Console. Use the menu to navigate to OCI services, dashboards, and marketplace.
network firewall 🔗
A highly available instance that provides visibility into network traffic entering cloud environments and applies intrusion detection and prevention depending on a configured policy.
network load balancer 🔗
A resource that provides automated distribution of traffic from one entry point to many servers reachable on a VCN. A network load balancer provides a pass-through (non-proxy) solution that can preserve the client header (source and destination IP). See load balancer.
network security group (NSG) 🔗
One method for implementing security rules in a Virtual Cloud Network (VCN). A network security group consists of a set of resources (VNICs or resources with VNICs) and security rules that apply to those resources.
network source 🔗
A group of IP addresses that can be used in policies to restrict access.
notebook session (Data Science) 🔗
An interactive coding environment for building and training models. Notebook sessions
come with many preinstalled open source and Oracle-developed machine learning and data
science packages.
notification destination (Monitoring) 🔗
Protocol and other details for sending messages when the alarm transitions to
another state, such as from OK to FIRING.
NSG (network security group) 🔗
One method for implementing security rules in a Virtual Cloud Network (VCN). A network security group consists of a set of resources (VNICs or resources with VNICs) and security rules that apply to those resources.
A DNS message type received by the DNS resolver when a request to resolve a domain is
sent to the DNS and can't be resolved to an IP address.
O 🔗
object 🔗
Data stored in Object Storage. Any type of data, regardless of content type, is stored as an object. The object is composed of the object itself and metadata about the object. Each object is stored in a bucket.
OCID (Oracle Cloud Identifier) 🔗
An Oracle-assigned unique ID for a cloud resource. This ID is included as part of
the resource's information in both the Console and API.
OCPU (Compute) 🔗
An OCPU represents physical CPU cores. For Intel and AMD processors, the CPU capacity equivalent of one physical core with simultaneous multithreading (hyper-threading) enabled, where each OCPU corresponds to two hardware execution threads (also known as virtual CPUs or vCPUs). For Arm A1 (Compute), one OCPU corresponds to a single physical core. For Arm A2 (Compute), one OCPU corresponds to two physical cores.
one-time password (OTP) 🔗
A single-use Console password that Oracle assigns to a new user, or to an existing user who requested a password reset.
Oracle Cloud Identifier (OCID) 🔗
An Oracle-assigned unique ID for a cloud resource. This ID is included as part of the resource's information in both the Console and API.
OTP (one-time password) 🔗
A single-use Console password that Oracle assigns to a new user, or to an existing user who requested a password reset.
P 🔗
policy (IAM) 🔗
An Identity and Access Management (IAM) document that specifies who has what type of access to your resources. Policy can refer to several types of documents: an individual statement written in the policy language, a collection of statements in a single named "policy" document, and the overall body of policies that your organization uses to control access to resources.
policy (Security Zones) 🔗
A security requirement in a security zone recipe. If a resource operation
in a security zone violates this requirement, then the operation is denied.
policy statement (IAM) 🔗
An individual statement written in the policy language. Policies can contain one
or more statements. Each statement gives a group a certain type of access to certain
resources in a particular compartment.
port scan 🔗
Open ports that were detected on a specific cloud resource that was
primary IP address 🔗
The private IP address that is automatically created and assigned to a VNIC when
an instance is created.
primary VNIC 🔗
The VNIC that is automatically created and attached to an instance when it is
private endpoint (Resource Manager) 🔗
Network information for connecting to a nonpublic resource. Allows Resource Manager to remotely access cloud resources that are not available through the Internet.
private IP address 🔗
An object that contains a private IPv4 address and related properties, such as a
hostname for DNS. Each instance automatically has a primary
private IP address, and you can add secondary ones.
private peering 🔗
One of the ways to use FastConnect. Private peering lets you extend your existing infrastructure into a Virtual Cloud Network (VCN) in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (for example, to implement a hybrid cloud). Communication across the connection is with IPv4 private addresses (typically those specified in RFC 1918).
private subnet 🔗
A subnet in which instances are not allowed to have public IP addresses
private virtual circuit 🔗
A FastConnect virtual circuit that supports private peering.
problem (Cloud Guard) 🔗
Any action or setting on a resource that could potentially cause a security problem. Problems are created when Cloud Guard discovers a deviation from a detector rule. Problems are defined by the type of detector that creates them (activity or configuration). Each problem contains data about the specific type of issue that was found.
Problems may be resolved, dismissed, or remediated. Cloud Guard monitors your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tenancy's network activity to identify and resolve problems.
project (Data Science) 🔗
A collaborative workspace for organizing and documenting Data Science assets, such as notebook sessions and models.
Protected Database 🔗
An Oracle Cloud database that sends backups to Recovery Service.
Protection Policy 🔗
A mechanism used by Recovery Service to control backup retention for protected databases. A protection policy defines the length of time, expressed as a window of time extending backward from the present that backups are kept on Oracle Cloud. Recovery Service retains database backups for a minimum period of 14 days and maximum period of 95 days. Each protected database must be assigned with one protection policy. A protection policy can be a Oracle-defined policy or a custom policy defined by you as per your internal storage requirements. You can associate multiple protected databases to a single protection policy.
public IP address 🔗
An object that contains a public IP address and related properties. You control
whether each private IP address on an instance has an assigned
public IP address. The two types of public IP addresses are
reserved and ephemeral.
public peering 🔗
One of the ways to use FastConnect. Public peering lets your on-premises network access public services in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure —for example, Object Storage, the Console, and APIs, or public load balancers in your VCN— without using the internet. Communication across the connection is with IPv4 public IP addresses.
Without FastConnect, the traffic destined for public IP addresses would be routed over the internet. With FastConnect, that traffic goes over your private physical connection.
public subnet 🔗
A subnet in which instances are allowed to have public IP addresses. When you launch an instance in a public subnet, you specify whether the instance should have a public IP address.
public virtual circuit 🔗
A FastConnect virtual circuit that supports public peering.
Q 🔗
A domain name queried from a nameserver by a resolver. The format of the QNAME depends on the type of record requested.
query (Monitoring) 🔗
The expression to evaluate for returning aggregated data. A valid query includes a metric, statistic, and interval. In the Console, you can view a query in Basic Mode or Advanced Mode. The latter displays the Monitoring Query Language (MQL) syntax.
R 🔗
rate card 🔗
The per-unit rate that a customer is charged.
Real-time Data Protection 🔗
The continuous transfer of redo changes from a protected database to Recovery Service. Real-time data protection provides a subsecond recovery point objective (RPO).
Type-specific data contained in a DNS record. For example, an IP address for address records or the priority and hostname for MX records.
realm 🔗
A logical collection of regions. Realms are isolated from each other and don't
share any data. Your tenancy exists in a single realm and can access the regions in that
records (Data Labeling) 🔗
Data Labeling Dataset records are image or text files that can be labeled.
record (DNS) 🔗
Records are stored in authoritative DNS servers and contain specific domain information for a zone.
Recovery point objective (RPO) 🔗
The data-loss tolerance of a business process or an organization. The RPO is often measured in terms of time, for example, five hours or two days worth of data loss.
Recovery Service Catalog 🔗
A metadata database containing information about backups. Metadata views are stored in Oracle Cloud and managed by Recovery Service.
Recovery Service Subnet 🔗
A recovery service subnet identifies the Recovery Service private endpoint on a dedicated subnet within a Virtual Cloud Network (VCN) in your tenancy. The OCI Console provides an easy-to-use interface to configure recovery service subnets.
Recovery Window 🔗
The maximum length of time, counting backward from the current time, that a database can be recovered.
region 🔗
A collection of availability domains located in a single geographic location.
regional subnet 🔗
A subnet that spans all the availability domains in the region. Oracle recommends
using regional subnets because they are more flexible and make it easier to implement
failover across availability domains.
regional wallet (Autonomous Database) 🔗
A file that contains the credentials and keys for all Autonomous Databases in a specified region.
registered database 🔗
A resource that captures source and target
credential information and enables networking between a service tenancy virtual cloud
network (VCN) and your tenancy VCN using a private endpoint.
Recovery Manager (RMAN) is the primary utility for backup and recovery of Oracle databases. RMAN enables a protected database to send backups to Recovery Service.
remote peering connection (RPC) 🔗
A component on a dynamic routing gateway that routes traffic to a remotely peered Virtual Cloud Network (VCN). "Remote" peering means that the two VCNs are in different regions.
remote VCN peering 🔗
The process of connecting two virtual cloud networks (VCNs) in different regions
so that their resources can communicate without routing their
traffic over the internet or through your on-premises
reserved public IP address 🔗
A public IP address (and related properties) that you create in your tenancy and
assign to your instances in a given region as needed. A reserved public IP address
persists in your tenancy until you delete it. It can be assigned to any private IP on a
given VNIC, not just the primary private IP.
resolution (Monitoring) 🔗
The period between time windows, or the regularity at which time windows
shift—for example, 1 minute.
resolver (DNS) 🔗
A resolver queries nameservers to find out the IP address of a website or service. Resolvers can be public or private. Public DNS resolvers can be queried by anyone on the internet. Private resolvers handle only internal DNS queries for your VCN.
resource 🔗
The cloud objects that you create and use when interacting with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
responder (Cloud Guard) 🔗
An action that Cloud Guard can perform when a detector identifies a problem. The available actions are resource-specific.
responder recipe (Cloud Guard) 🔗
The action or set of actions to perform in response to a
problem that a detector identifies.
responder recipe, Oracle managed (Cloud Guard) 🔗
A recipe provided by Cloud Guard. You can't disable the rules in this type of recipe.
responder recipe, user managed (Cloud Guard) 🔗
A recipe that's created by cloning an Oracle managed recipe. You can disable individual rules and change a rule's risk level.
responder rule (Cloud Guard) 🔗
A rule that defines the specific actions to take when a
detector identifies a problem. If any one responder rule is
triggered, it triggers the responder. Each rule in a responder
recipe can be configured individually.
route table 🔗
A virtual route table for your Virtual Cloud Network (VCN) that maps the traffic from subnets through gateways to external destinations.
RPC (remote peering connection) 🔗
A component on a dynamic routing gateway that routes traffic to a remotely peered Virtual Cloud Network (VCN). "Remote" peering means that the two VCNs are in different regions.
RRset (DNS) 🔗
A set of DNS resource records of the same type.
Retention Period 🔗
The length of time, expressed as a window of time extending backward from the present, that backups are retained by Recovery Service. Recovery Service can retain database backups for a minimum period of 14 days and a maximum period of 95 days.
run (Data Flow) 🔗
The object that results from running a Data Flow Application. A Data Flow Run tracks information relevant to the Application's execution, such as statistics and logs. You can optionally override resource sizes and parameters at run time.
S 🔗
scan recipe 🔗
Vulnerability scanning parameters for a type of cloud resource,
including including the information to examine and the frequency of
secondary IP address 🔗
An additional private IP address that you add to a VNIC on an instance. Each VNIC
automatically comes with a primary private IP address that can't
be removed.
secondary VNIC 🔗
An additional virtual network interface card (VNIC) that you add to an instance.
Each instance automatically comes with a primary VNIC that can't
be removed.
security attribute 🔗
A data-classification label that can be referenced in Zero Trust Packet Routing (ZPR) policy to control access to resources.
security attribute namespace 🔗
A container for a set of security attributes in the Zero Trust Packet Routing service.
security list 🔗
A method for implementing security in a Virtual Cloud Network (VCN). A security list consists of security rules that apply to all resources in any subnet that uses the security list.
security rule 🔗
Virtual firewall rules for your Virtual Cloud Network (VCN). Each security rule specifies a type of ingress or egress traffic allowed in or out of a resource or VNIC.
security zone 🔗
An association between a compartment and a security zone recipe. Resource
operations in a security zone are validated against all policies in the recipe. If any
policy is violated, then the operation is denied.
security zone recipe 🔗
A collection of security zone policies that enforce security best practices.
service gateway 🔗
An optional virtual router that you can add to your Virtual Cloud Network (VCN). The gateway enables on-premises hosts or VCN hosts to privately access Oracle services (such as Object Storage and Autonomous Database) without exposing the resources to the public internet.
session (Bastion) 🔗
Allows authorized users to connect to a target resource that they can't otherwise reach from the internet for a
predetermined amount of time.
shape 🔗
A template that determines the number of CPUs, amount of memory, and other
resources that are allocated to a Compute instance.
snapshot (File Storage) 🔗
A consistent, point-in-time view of a file system.
source (Connector Hub) 🔗
The service that contains the data to be moved according to specified tasks—for example, Logging.
Spark application (Data Flow) 🔗
Applications that use the Spark API to perform distributed data processing tasks.
Spark Applications can be written in several languages including Java and Python. Spark
Applications are files such as JAR files that are executed within the Spark
Spark log (Data Flow) 🔗
Log files that are generated by Spark. These files are useful for debugging and diagnostics. Each Data Flow Run automatically stores log files, which you can access through the Spark UI or API, subject to the Run's authorization policies.
Spark UI (Data Flow) 🔗
User interface included with Apache Spark. The UI is an important tool for debugging and diagnosing Spark applications. You can access the Spark UI for any Data Flow Run, subject to the Run's authorization policies.
statement 🔗
The part of a policy that gives a group a certain type of access to certain
resources in a particular compartment.
statistic (Monitoring) 🔗
The aggregation function applied to the given set of raw data points—for example,
subnet 🔗
A subdivision of your Virtual Cloud Network (VCN). Subnets separate your network into multiple smaller and distinct networks.
Subnet 🔗
A subnet is a networking component and a subdivision in a VCN. You must designate a private subnet for Recovery Service to access OCI databases in a VCN.
subscription (Notifications) 🔗
An endpoint for a topic, typically a URL or email address. Published messages are
sent to each subscription for a topic.
suppression (Monitoring) 🔗
A configuration to avoid publishing messages during the specified time range.
Suppression is useful for suspending alarm notifications during
system maintenance.
Swift password 🔗
Deprecated. Use an auth token to authenticate with your Swift client in Object Storage.
T 🔗
tag (Data Catalog) 🔗
Free-form labels or keywords that you create to logically identify data objects.
Tags help in metadata classification and discovery. You create tags for data assets,
data entities, and attributes. Using tags, you can search for all data objects with a
specific tag name.
target (Cloud Guard) 🔗
Defines the scope checked by Cloud Guard. The scope is tied to the compartment where the target is defined and all the child compartments from that point until another target is encountered, which takes over from that point into any descending compartments.
target (Connector Hub) 🔗
The service that receives data from the source, according to specified tasks. A given target service processes, stores, or delivers received data—the Functions service processes the received data; the Logging Analytics, Monitoring, Object Storage, and Streaming services store the data; and the Notifications service delivers the data.
target (Vulnerability Scanning) 🔗
One or more cloud resources that you want to scan for
vulnerabilities by using a specific recipe.
task (Data Integration) 🔗
A resource that specifies a set of actions to perform on data.
task (Connector Hub) 🔗
Optional filtering to apply to the data before moving it from the source
service to the target service.
task run (Data Integration) 🔗
A runtime artifact that represents the execution of a Data Integration task.
tenancy 🔗
A secure and isolated partition within Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) where you can create, organize, and administer your cloud resources. When you sign up for OCI, a tenancy is created for your company. Tenancy also refers to the root compartment that contains all of your organization's compartments and other OCI resources.
tenant 🔗
The name assigned to a particular company's or organization's overall environment. Users provide their tenant when signing in to the Console.
term (Data Catalog) 🔗
The definition of a business concept as agreed on by different stakeholders in
your company. You use terms to organize your data entities and
threat indicator 🔗
An artifact observed on a network or host that indicates a potential security threat, such as an IP address or domain name.
threat type 🔗
Characteristics of a threat indicator based on previous observations or behavior. Can include related tactics, techniques, and procedures.
topic (Notifications) 🔗
A communication channel for sending messages to the subscriptions in a topic.
transit routing 🔗
A network setup in which your on-premises network uses a connected Virtual Cloud Network (VCN) to reach Oracle resources or services beyond that VCN. You connect the on-premises network to the VCN with a FastConnect private virtual circuit or VPN Connect. Then you configure the VCN routing so that traffic transits through the VCN to its destination beyond the VCN.
You can use transit routing to access multiple VCNs from your on-premises network over a single FastConnect or VPN Connect connection. Or, you can use it to give your on-premises network private access to Oracle services so that on-premises hosts use their private IP addresses and the traffic doesn't go over the internet.
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) 🔗
A communication protocol used in networking. It uses a connection-oriented communication model where a connection must be established between the client and server before data can be sent.
trigger (Connector Hub) 🔗
The condition that must be met for a connector to run. Currently, the
trigger is continuous; that is, connectors run
trigger rule (Monitoring) 🔗
The condition that must be met for an alarm to be in the firing state. A trigger
rule can be based on a threshold or absence of a metric.
U 🔗
upgrade schedule (Compute Cloud@Customer) 🔗
Customer-defined list of time periods when a Compute Cloud@Customer infrastructure may be upgraded by Oracle.
user 🔗
An individual employee or system that needs to manage or use your company's Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resources.
User Datagram Protocol (UDP) 🔗
A communication protocol used in networking. It uses a connectionless communication model with a minimum of protocol mechanisms.
V 🔗
VCN (virtual cloud network) 🔗
A virtual version of a traditional network—including CIDRs, subnets, route
tables, and gateways—on which your instance runs.
Virtual Cloud Network (VCN) 🔗
A virtualized private cloud network that you set up in Oracle data centers.
view 🔗
A collection of private zones.
virtual circuit 🔗
An isolated network path that runs over one or more physical network connections to provide a single, logical connection between the edge of your existing network and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Virtual circuits are used with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Virtual Cloud Network (VCN) 🔗
A virtualized version of a traditional network—including CIDRs, subnets, route tables, and gateways—on which your instance runs.
virtual machine (VM) 🔗
A software-based emulation of a full computer that runs within a physical host computer.
virtual network interface card (VNIC) 🔗
Enables an instance to connect to a Virtual Cloud Network (VCN) and determines how the instance connects with endpoints inside and outside the VCN. Each instance automatically comes with a primary VNIC, and you can add secondary ones. Other types of cloud resources, such as load balancers and DB systems, also automatically get a VNIC when they are created.
Virtual Level 0 🔗
A complete database image as of one distinct point in time, maintained efficiently through the indexing of incremental backups from a protected database. The virtual full backups contain individual blocks from multiple incremental backups.
VM (virtual machine) 🔗
A software-based emulation of a full computer that runs within a physical host computer.
VNIC (virtual network interface card) 🔗
Enables an instance to connect to a Virtual Cloud Network (VCN) and determines how the instance connects with endpoints inside and outside the VCN. Each instance automatically comes with a primary VNIC, and you can add secondary ones. Other types of cloud resources, such as load balancers and DB systems, also automatically get a VNIC when they are created.
volume 🔗
A detachable block storage device that lets you dynamically expand the storage
capacity of an instance.
A Virtual Test Access Point (VTAP) provides a way to mirror traffic from a source to a selected target to enable troubleshooting, security analysis, and data monitoring.
ZPR policy 🔗
A rule in the Zero Trust Packet Routing service that governs the communication between specific endpoints identified by their security attributes.
W 🔗
web client (Secure Desktops) 🔗
A browser interface used to access an assigned desktop. You do not need to
install anything to use the web client, but for full-feature access to the remote
desktop, you must use the installed client.
work request 🔗
An object that reports on the current state of an asynchronous service request.
workspace 🔗
The container for all Data Integration resources—such as projects, folders, data assets, tasks, data flows, and applications—associated with a data integration solution.
Z 🔗
zone 🔗
A portion of the DNS namespace. A zone holds the trusted DNS records that reside on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure's nameservers.