Supported Shapes

An OCI Database with PostgreSQL database system uses a shape, or template, to configure hardware options, such as the number of OCPUs, the amount of memory, and other resources that are allocated to an instance, or database node.

When creating a database system or a configuration, you specify its shape. If you evaluate costs or peak workloads after creating the database system, and its initial shape doesn't meet your requirements, you can update the shape of the database system.

You can select flexible shapes or fixed shapes for a database system.

Flexible Shapes

A flexible shape is a shape that lets you customize the number of OCPUs and the amount of memory for a database system or configuration.

When a database system uses a flexible shape, its configuration must also support flexible shapes.

Supported Flexible Shapes
Shape Minimum OCPUs Maximum OCPUs Minimum Memory Maximum Memory
PostgreSQL.VM.Standard3.Flex 2 32 32 GB or a value matching the number of OCPUs, whichever is greater 64 GB per OCPU, up to 512 GB total
PostgreSQL.VM.Standard.E4.Flex 2 64 32 GB or a value matching the number of OCPUs, whichever is greater 64 GB per OCPU, up to 1024 GB total
PostgreSQL.VM.Standard.E5.Flex 2 64 32 GB or a value matching the number of OCPUs, whichever is greater 64 GB per OCPU, up to 1024 GB total

Fixed Shapes

Supported Fixed Shapes
Shape OCPUs RAM (GB) Maximum Network Bandwidth
PostgreSQL.VM.Standard.E4.Flex.2.32GB 2 32 2 Gbps
PostgreSQL.VM.Standard.E5.Flex.2.32GB 2 32 2 Gbps
PostgreSQL.VM.Standard3.Flex.2.32GB 2 32 2 Gbps
PostgreSQL.VM.Standard.E4.Flex.4.64GB 4 64 4 Gbps
PostgreSQL.VM.Standard.E5.Flex.4.64GB 4 64 4 Gbps
PostgreSQL.VM.Standard3.Flex.4.64GB 4 64 4 Gbps
PostgreSQL.VM.Standard.E4.Flex.8.128GB 8 128 8 Gbps
PostgreSQL.VM.Standard.E5.Flex.8.128GB 8 128 8 Gbps
PostgreSQL.VM.Standard3.Flex.8.128GB 8 128 8 Gbps
PostgreSQL.VM.Standard.E4.Flex.16.256GB 16 256 16 Gbps
PostgreSQL.VM.Standard.E5.Flex.16.256GB 16 256 16 Gbps
PostgreSQL.VM.Standard3.Flex.16.256GB 16 256 16 Gbps
PostgreSQL.VM.Standard.E4.Flex.32.512GB 32 512 32 Gbps
PostgreSQL.VM.Standard.E5.Flex.32.512GB 32 512 32 Gbps
PostgreSQL.VM.Standard3.Flex.32.512GB 32 512 32 Gbps
PostgreSQL.VM.Standard.E4.Flex.64.1024GB 64 1024 40 Gbps
PostgreSQL.VM.Standard.E5.Flex.64.1024GB 64 1024 40 Gbps


Run the ListShapes operation or oci psql shape-summary list-shapes command to list available shapes.