Cross Cluster Connections in OCI Search with OpenSearch

Learn about cross cluster connections in OCI Search with OpenSearch.

You can use cross cluster connections to search and analyze data across multiple OpenSearch clusters, enabling you to gain insights from distributed data sources. You to perform operations such as cross-cluster search, as if the data was from a single source.

Cross cluster connections are available by default with the Security plugin, but you need to configure each cluster to allow remote connections from other clusters. This involves setting up cluster connections and configuring access permissions.

When configuration a cross cluster connection in OCI Search with OpenSearch, the outbound cluster is the cluster you want to connect to other clusters. The inbound cluster is the cluster being connected to from the outbound cluster. The following table maps the OCI Search with OpenSearch terminology to the terminology used by OpenSearch for cross cluster search and cross cluster replication.

OCI Search with OpenSearch Term

OpenSearch Cross Cluster Search Term

OpenSearch Cross Cluster Replication Term

outbound cluster coordinating cluster leader cluster/index
inbound cluster remote cluster follower cluster/index


The user performing the cross cluster operation requires permissions for both the inbound and the outbound clusters. See Performing Cross Cluster Search and Performing Cross Cluster Replication for the specific cluster permissions required.

For more information about required IAM policies and permission details for Search with OpenSearch, see Search with OpenSearch IAM Policies.

Cross cluster connections are only supported in OCI Search with OpenSearch for clusters using OpenSearch 2.15 or later. This applies to both the outbound and inbound clusters.

Limits and Considerations

  • You can configure a maximum of five clusters per tenancy for cross cluster connections.
  • Clusters can connect to other clusters with the same OpenSearch version or one version less.
  • Cross cluster connections are supported for clusters within the same OC1 region, or across all regions within the OC1 realm.

Configuring Cross Cluster Connections

See the following topics for working with cross cluster connections for a cluster:

Performing Cross Cluster Search

The user performing a cross cluster search requires OpenSearch permissions to query both the outbound cluster and the inbound cluster.

The following is an example of a cross cluster search query:

curl -X GET "https://<outbound_cluster_opensearch_private_IP>:9200/<inbound_cluster_alias>:<index_name>/_search?q=title:Kubernetes&pretty"

For more information, see Cross-cluster search.

Performing Cross Cluster Replication

With cross cluster replication, you replicate indexes, mappings, and metadata from one OpenSearch cluster (outbound cluster) to another OpenSearch cluster (inbound cluster). All subsequent operations on the outbound cluster are replicated on the inbound cluster, such as creating, updating, or deleting documents. Use cross cluster replication for the following scenarios:

  • To maintain a backup cluster that you can switch to if the primary cluster fails.
  • Provide faster query performance by keeping data closer to users in geographically distributed regions.
  • Distribute query and indexing loads across more than one cluster.

The following can impact cross cluster replication performance:

  • Network latency between the outbound and inbound clusters.
  • The size and frequency of updates to the outbound index.
  • Resource availability on both the outbound cluster and the inbound clusters.


To enable cross cluster replication, you need cluster-level permissions for replication and index-level permissions for both the outbound cluster and inbound cluster. For more information, see Map the leader and follower cluster roles.

Replication Operations

The following table lists the replication operations you can perform. See Cross-cluster replication API for more information.




Start replication Begins the replication of an index from the outbound cluster to the inbound cluster.
PUT /_plugins/_replication/<inbound_cluster_index>/_start
Stop replication Ends the replication and converts the inbound index to a standard index
POST /_plugins/_replication/<inbound_cluster_index>/_stop
Pause replication Pauses replication of the outbound index.
POST /_plugins/_replication/<inbound_cluster_index>/_pause
Resume replication Resumes replication of the outbound index.
POST /_plugins/_replication/<inbound_cluster_index>/_resume
Get replication status

Gets the status of index replication. Possible statuses are SYNCING, BOOTSTRAPING, PAUSED, and REPLICATION NOT IN PROGRESS.

Use the syncing details to measure replication lag.

GET /_plugins/_replication/<inbound_cluster_index>/_status
Get leader cluster stat Gets information about replicated outbound indexes on a specified cluster.
GET /_plugins/_replication/leader_stats
Get follower cluster stats Gets information about inbound indexes on a specified cluster.
GET /_plugins/_replication/follower_stats
Get auto-follow stats Gets information about autofollow activity and any replication rules configured on the specified cluster.
GET /_plugins/_replication/autofollow_stats
Update settings Updates settings on the inbound index.
PUT /_plugins/_replication/<inbound_cluster_index>/_update
Create replication rule Automatically starts replication on indexes matching a specified pattern. If a new index on the outbound cluster matches the pattern, OpenSearch automatically creates a inbound index and begins replication. You can also use this API to update existing replication rules.
POST /_plugins/_replication/_autofollow
Delete replication rule Deletes the specified replication rule. This operation prevents any new indexes from being replicated but doesn't stop existing replication already started based on the rule. Replicated indexes remain read-only until you stop replication.
DELETE /_plugins/_replication/_autofollow