Choose Bring Your Own License Option While Provisioning or Cloning

Describes how to select the option to Bring Your Own License (BYOL) while provisioning or cloning an Autonomous Database instance.


The Bring Your Own License (BYOL) option is only available for Autonomous Database instances with the Transaction Processing or Data Warehouse workload types.

During provisioning or cloning you can select Enable Bring Your Own License (BYOL) to bring existing database software licenses to the database cloud service when your organization already owns Oracle Database software licenses:

  1. During provisioning, in the Configure the database area select Show advanced options.
  2. In the Configure the database area, in the Bring your own license field, click Enable.

    This shows the Update license and Oracle Database Edition pane.

  3. On the Update license and Oracle Database Edition pane, select Enable Bring Your Own License (BYOL).

    Selecting Enable Bring Your Own License (BYOL) displays the Update license and Oracle Database Edition pane.

  4. On the Update license and Oracle Database Edition pane, choose an Oracle Database Edition, one of: Oracle Database Enterprise Edition (EE) or Oracle Database Standard Edition (SE).
    When you select Bring your own license (BYOL) you also specify the Oracle Database Edition. The Oracle Database Edition you specify is based on the licenses you bring to Autonomous Database and determines the values that you can select for the ECPU count.
    Oracle Database Edition Description
    Oracle Database Enterprise Edition (EE)

    With this option you can select the Enable the BYOL ECPU limit and set the number of ECPUs to be covered by BYOL (we call this the BYOL ECPU limit option).

    • BYOL ECPU limit selected:

      When you select this option you set a BYOL ECPU limit for your BYOL licenses.When you select this option you set a BYOL ECPU limit for your BYOL licenses.

    • BYOL ECPU limit deselected:

      For this license type the maximum allowed value for ECPU count is 512, however you may contact your Oracle account team to request more ECPUs. With compute auto scaling enabled you can use up to ECPU count x 3 ECPUs. For example, if you set the ECPU count to 512, you can use up to 1,536 ECPUs.

    Oracle Database Standard Edition (SE)

    For this license type the maximum allowed value for ECPU count is 32. With compute auto scaling enabled you can use up to ECPU count x 3 ECPUs. This license restricts the number of ECPUs you can use to a maximum of 32 ECPUs, with or without compute auto scaling enabled.

  5. Click Save.
  6. Continue with any remaining provisioning or cloning steps.

Notes for when you Bring Your Own License (BYOL):

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