Provision an Autonomous Database Instance

Follow these steps to provision a new Autonomous Database instance using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.

Perform the following prerequisite steps as necessary:

  • Open the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console by clicking the navigation icon next to Oracle Cloud.

  • From the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure left navigation menu click Oracle Database and then, depending on your workload click one of: Autonomous Data Warehouse, Autonomous JSON Database, or Autonomous Transaction Processing.
  • Choose your region. See Switching Regions for information on switching regions and working in multiple regions.

  • Choose your Compartment. See Compartments for information on using and managing compartments.

On the Autonomous Databases page, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Create Autonomous Database.
  2. Provide basic information for the Autonomous Database.
    • Compartment. See Compartments for information on using and managing compartments.

    • Display name Specify a user-friendly description or other information that helps you easily identify the resource. The display name does not have to be unique.

      The default display name is a generated 16-character string that matches the default database name.

    • Database name Specify the database name; it must consist of letters and numbers only. The maximum length is 30 characters. The same database name cannot be used for multiple Autonomous Databases in the same tenancy in the same region.

      The default database name is a generated 16-character string that matches the default display name.

  3. Choose a workload type. Select the workload type for your database from the choices:
    • Data Warehouse

    • Transaction Processing

    • JSON

    • APEX

  4. Configure the database (ECPU compute model)
    • Always Free: Select to show Always Free options.

      You can only create a free instance in the tenancy's Home region.

    • Developer: Select to show Autonomous Database for Developers options.

      An Autonomous Database for Developers instance is a fixed shape database that is suited for development and testing use cases.

      Selecting this option sets the Compute resources to a fixed value of 4 ECPUs and the Storage to 20 GB.

    • Choose database version: Select the database version. The available database versions are Oracle Database 23ai and Oracle Database 19c.


      • In regions where Oracle Database 23ai is not available, Oracle Database 19c is the only choice.

      • Autonomous Database with Oracle Database 23ai in the Paid tier is available in all commercial public cloud regions except the following region: Singapore West: Singapore (XSP)

      • Always Free Autonomous Database with Oracle Database 23ai is available in all commercial public cloud regions except the following regions: Colombia Central: Bogota (BOG), Saudi Arabia Central (RUH), Singapore West: Singapore (XSP), Spain Central: Madrid (MAD)
    • ECPU count: Specify the number of CPUs for your database. The minimum value is 2.

    • Compute auto scaling: By default compute auto scaling is enabled to allow the system to automatically use up to three times more CPU and IO resources to meet workload demand. If you do not want to use compute auto scaling then deselect this option.

      See Use Auto Scaling for more information.

    • Storage: Specify the storage you wish to make available to your database. Depending on your workload type you have these options:

      • Data Warehouse: Specify your storage in Terabytes (TB).

      • Transaction Processing or JSON: Specify your storage in Gigabytes (GB) or Terabytes (TB). Enter the size in the Storage field. Select GB or TB for the Storage unit size.

    • By default, the IO capacity of your database depends on the number of ECPUs you provision. When you provision 384 TB of storage, your database is entitled to the full IO capacity of the Exadata infrastructure, independent of the number of ECPUs you provision.

      Autonomous Database uses Exadata Smart Flash Cache to automatically cache frequently accessed data, delivering the high I/O rates and fast response times of flash. The amount of flash cache for your database depends on the amount of storage you provision, or the amount of allocated storage if you enable storage auto scaling.

      If you want to provision more than 384 TB of storage, file a Service Request at Oracle Cloud Support.

    • Storage auto scaling: By default storage auto scaling is disabled. Select if you want to enable storage auto scaling to allow the system to automatically expand to use up to three times more storage.

      With storage auto scaling disabled, the guaranteed minimum flash cache size is 10% of your database's provisioned storage size.

      With storage auto scaling enabled, the guaranteed minimum flash cache size is 10% of your database's provisioned base storage size or its allocated storage size, whichever is higher.

      See Use Auto Scaling for more information.

    • Show advanced options: Click to show additional options

      • Enable elastic pool:

        See Create or Join a Resource Pool While Provisioning or Cloning an Instance for more information.

      • Compute model: Shows the selected compute model.

        Click Change compute model to change the compute model. After you select a different compute model, click Save.

        • ECPU

          Use the ECPU compute model for Autonomous Database. ECPUs are based on the number of cores elastically allocated from a pool of compute and storage servers.

        • OCPU

          Use the legacy OCPU compute model if your tenancy is using the OCPU model and you want to continue using OCPUs. The OCPU compute model is based on physical core of a processor with hyper threading enabled.


          OCPU is a legacy billing metric and has been retired for Autonomous Data Warehouse (Data Warehouse workload type) and Autonomous Transaction Processing (Transaction Processing workload type). Oracle recommends using ECPUs for all new and existing Autonomous Database deployments. See Oracle Support Document 2998742.1 for more information.

        See Compute Models in Autonomous Database for more information.

      • Bring your own license: If you want to Bring Your Own License to the database, click Enable to show the Update license and Oracle Database Edition page.

        See Choose Bring Your Own License Option While Provisioning or Cloning for more information.

  5. Backup retention

    Automatic backup retention period in days You have the option to select the automatic backup retention period, in a range from 1 to 60 days. You can restore and recover your database to any point-in-time in this retention period.

    Select Immutable backup retention to lock the backup retention period.

    After setting the immutable backup retention option, you cannot disable this option or change the retention period. To disable immutable backup retention or to change the backup retention period, file a Service Request at Oracle Cloud Support.

    See About Backup and Recovery on Autonomous Database for more information.

  6. Create administrator credentials. Set the password for the Autonomous Database Admin user.
    • Username This is a read only field.

    • Password Set the password for the Autonomous Database Admin user.

    • Confirm password Enter the same password again to confirm your new password.

    The password must meet the strong password complexity criteria based on Oracle Cloud security standards. For more information on the password complexity rules, see About User Passwords on Autonomous Database.

  7. Choose network access

    After you provision your Autonomous Database you can change the network access option you select for the instance.
    • Secure access from everywhere

      By default, secure connections are allowed from everywhere.

    • Secure access from allowed IPs and VCNs only

      This option restricts connections to the database according to the access control lists (ACLs) you specify. To add multiple ACLs for the Autonomous Database, click Add access control rule.

      See Configure Access Control Lists When You Provision or Clone an Instance for more information.

    • Private endpoint access only

      This option assigns a private endpoint, private IP, and hostname to your database. Specifying this option allows traffic only from the VCN you specify; access to the database from all public IPs or VCNs is blocked. This allows you to define security rules, ingress/egress, at the Network Security Group (NSG) level and to control traffic to your Autonomous Database.

      See Configure Private Endpoints When You Provision or Clone an Instance for more information.

  8. (Optional) Provide contacts for operational notifications and announcements

    Click Add contact and in the Contact email field, enter a valid email address. To enter multiple Contact email addresses, repeat the process to add up to 10 customer contact emails.

    See View and Manage Customer Contacts for Operational Issues and Announcements for more information.

  9. (Optional) Click Show advanced options to select advanced options.
    • Encryption key

      Encrypt using an Oracle-managed key: By default Autonomous Database uses Oracle-managed encryption keys. Using Oracle-managed keys, Autonomous Database creates and manages the encryption keys that protect your data and Oracle handles rotation of the TDE master key.

      Encrypt using a customer-managed key in this tenancy: If you select this option, a master encryption key from a Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Vault in the same tenancy is used to generate the TDE master key on Autonomous Database.

      Encrypt using a customer-managed key located in a remote tenancy: If you select this option, a master encryption key in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Vault located in a remote tenancy is used to generate the TDE master key on Autonomous Database.

      See Use Customer-Managed Encryption Keys on Autonomous Database for more information.

    • Maintenance

      Patch level By default the patch level is Regular. Select Early to configure the instance with the early patch level.

      See Set the Patch Level for more information.

    • Management

      Choose a character set and a national character set for your database.

      See Choose a Character Set for Autonomous Database for more information.

    • Tools

      If you want to view or customize the tools configuration, select the tools tab.

      See Configure Autonomous Database Built-in Tools when you Provision or Clone an Instance for more information.

    • Security attributes

      Add a security attribute to control access for your resources using Zero Trust Packet Routing (ZPR) policies. To enter security attributes during provisioning you must already have set up security attributes with Zero Trust Packet Routing. You also can add security attributes after provisioning.


      You can apply Oracle Zero Trust Packet Routing (ZPR) policies to a private endpoint.

      Specify a Namespace, Key, and Value security attribute.

      Click Add security attribute to add additional security attributes.

      See Overview of Zero Trust Packet Routing for more information.

    • Tags

      If you want to use Tags, enter the Tag key and Tag value. Tagging is a metadata system that allows you to organize and track resources within your tenancy. Tags are composed of keys and values which can be attached to resources.

      See Tagging Overview for more information.

  10. Optionally, you can save the resource configuration as a stack by clicking Save as Stack. You can then use the stack to create the resource through the Resource Manager service.
    Enter the following details on the Save as Stack dialog, and click Save.
    • Name: Optionally, enter a name for the stack.
    • Description: Optionally, enter a description for this stack.
    • Save in compartment: Select a compartment where this Stack will reside.
    • Tag namespace, Tag key, and Tag value: Optionally, apply tags to the stack.

    For requirements and recommendations for Terraform configurations used with Resource Manager, see Terraform Configurations for Resource Manager. To provision the resources defined in your stack, apply the configuration.

  11. Click Create Autonomous Database.

On the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console the Lifecycle state shows Provisioning until the new database is available.