The image shows the Set Resource Management Rules dialog.

Shows three tabs: Run-away criteria, CPU/IO shares, and Concurrency limit. The Concurrency limit tab is selected.

The column titles are: Consumer group, Concurrency limit, and Degree of parallelism (DOP)

The values for the consumer groups are: HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW.

The values for the column Concurrency limit for HIGH service are: 9 (Concurrency limit) and 6 (DOP).

The values for the column Concurrency limit for MEDIUM service are: 9 (Concurrency limit) and 4 (DOP). In this column the concurrency limit is editable.

The values for the column Concurrency limit for LOW service are: 900 (Concurrency limit) and 1 (DOP).

Shows text: Your ECPU count is 12 and Auto Scaling is enabled for your instance.

Also shows buttons: Load Default Values, Save Changes, and Cancel.

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