Use Oracle Maintained Pipelines

Autonomous Database provides built-in pipelines. These pipelines are preconfigured and can be started by the ADMIN user. Oracle Maintained pipelines are owned by ADMIN user.

The Oracle Maintained pipelines are:

  • ORA$AUDIT_EXPORT: This pipeline exports the database audit logs to object store in JSON format and runs every 15 minutes after starting the pipeline (based on the interval attribute value).

  • ORA$APEX_ACTIVITY_EXPORT: This pipeline exports the Oracle APEX workspace activity log to object store in JSON format. This pipeline is preconfigured with the SQL query for retrieving APEX activity records and runs every 15 minutes after starting the pipeline (based on the interval attribute value).

To configure and start an Oracle Managed pipeline:

  1. Determine the Oracle Managed Pipeline you want to use: ORA$AUDIT_EXPORT or ORA$APEX_ACTIVITY_EXPORT.
  2. Set the credential_name and location attributes.

    For example:

        pipeline_name => 'ORA$AUDIT_EXPORT',
        attribute_name => 'credential_name',
        attribute_value => 'DEF_CRED_OBJ_STORE'
        pipeline_name => 'ORA$AUDIT_EXPORT',
        attribute_name => 'location',
        attribute_value => ''

    The log data from database is exported to the object store location you specify.

    See SET_ATTRIBUTE Procedure for more information.

    By default the Oracle Maintained Pipelines use OCI$RESOURCE_PRINCIPAL as the credential_name. See Enable Resource Principal to Access Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Resources for more information.

  3. Optionally, set the interval, format, or priority attributes.

    See SET_ATTRIBUTE Procedure for more information.

  4. Start the pipeline.

    See START_PIPELINE Procedure for more information.

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