Use Resource Principal to Access
Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure Resources
You can
use an Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure resource principal with Autonomous Database. You or your tenancy administrator define the Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure policies and a dynamic group that allows you to access Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure resources with a resource principal. You do not need to create a credential
object and Autonomous Database creates and
secures the resource principal credentials you use to access the specified Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure resources.
Perform Prerequisites to Use Resource Principal with Autonomous Database Prior to making a call to an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resource using a resource principal, an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tenancy administrator must create Oracle Cloud Infrastructure policies, dynamic groups, and rules that define the resource principal privileges.
Use Resource Principal with DBMS_CLOUD When you specify resource principal credentials with DBMS_CLOUD calls, the database authenticates the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure requests for you and the database provides the credentials to access Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resources.
About Using Resource Principal to
Access Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure Resources
You can
use a resource principal to authenticate and access Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure resources.
A resource principal consists of a temporary session token and secure credentials that
enable the database to authenticate itself to other Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure services. Using a resource principal to access services, the token stored with the
credentials on Autonomous Database is only
valid for the resources to which the dynamic group has been granted access.
To use Resource Principal, you or your tenancy administrator define the Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure policies and a dynamic group that allows you to access Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure resources with a resource principal. You do not need to create a credential object
and Autonomous Database creates and secures
the resource principal credentials you use to access the specified Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure resources.
For example, while using Autonomous Database you might want to use Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure resources to do the following:
Access data from an Object Storage bucket, perform some operation on the data, and
then write the modified data back to the Object Storage bucket.
Access your vaults, keys, or secrets.
List work requests or list work request errors.
When you are working with the database, you authenticate and access the
database as a database user. An Autonomous Database user does not have an Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure Identity and Access Management (IAM) identity, so as an Autonomous Database user you cannot use your
database credentials to access Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure services. Without a resource principal you must obtain credentials to access Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure resources and create a credential object to access a resource from Autonomous Database.
A resource principal enables resources to be authorized to perform actions
on Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure services. Each resource has its own identity, and the resource authenticates using
the certificates that are added to it. These certificates are automatically created,
assigned to resources, and rotated, avoiding the need for you to create and manage your
own credentials to access the resource.
Autonomous Database lets you use a
resource principal to authenticate to Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure APIs using the following interfaces:
procedures and functions that take a credential argument
Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure PL/SQL SDK APIs
When you authenticate using a resource principal, Autonomous Database provides a secure method
to access Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure resources.
There are several steps required to set up a resource principal on Autonomous Database:
When you authenticate using a resource principal, you do not need to create
and manage credentials to access Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure resources. Autonomous Database makes the
resource principal available to you and secures the resource principal for you.
Perform Prerequisites to Use
Resource Principal with Autonomous Database 🔗
Prior to
making a call to an Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure resource using a resource principal, an Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure tenancy administrator must create Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure policies, dynamic groups, and rules that define the resource principal
Perform the following steps before you use a resource principal with Autonomous Database:
Create an Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure dynamic group.
In the Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure console click Identity and Security and click
Dynamic Groups
Click Create Dynamic Group and enter a
Name, a Description,
and a rule or use the Rule Builder to add a
Click Create.
Resources that meet the rule criteria are members of the dynamic
group. When you define a rule for a dynamic group, consider what resource is
going to be given access to other resources.
For example, consider the following examples:
Allow a specific Autonomous Database instance to access a resource.
The Autonomous Database is
specified in the parameter with an
The Autonomous Databases are specified in the
resource.type parameter and the compartment is
identified by a specified OCID in the parameter:
ALL {resource.type = 'autonomousdatabase', = 'your_Compartment_OCID'}
Allow all resources in the compartment
The resource type identified by the OCID, specified in the parameter:
See Managing Dynamic
Groups for more information on creating a dynamic group and
creating rules to add resources to the group.
Write policy statements for the dynamic group to enable access to Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure resources.
In the Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure console click Identity and Security and click
To write policies for a dynamic group, click Create
Policy, and enter a Name and a
Use the Policy Builder to create a policy.
For example to create a policy to allow access to Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure Object Store to manage buckets and objects in the Object Store in
a tenancy:
Allow dynamic-group Example5 to manage buckets in tenancy
Allow dynamic-group Example5 to manage objects in tenancy
You need to add a Domain Name when the tenancy uses an Identity
Domain. For example:
Allow dynamic-group identity_domain_name/Example5 to manage buckets in tenancy
Allow dynamic-group identity_domain_name/Example5 to manage objects in tenancy
Click Create.
The resource principal token is
cached for two hours. Therefore, if you change the policy or the dynamic group, you
have to wait for two hours to see the effect of your changes.
This creates the credential
(Optional) This step is only required if you want to grant access to the
resource principal credential to a database user other than the ADMIN user. As the ADMIN user, enable resource principal for a
specified database user.
This grants the user adb_user access to the credential
If you want the specified user to have privileges to enable resource
principal for other users, set the grant_option parameter
to TRUE.
For example:
username => 'adb_user',
grant_option => TRUE);
After you run this command, adb_user can enable
resource principal for another user. For example, if you connect as
adb_user, you
can run the following command:
Verify that the resource principal credential is enabled.
For example, as the ADMIN user query the view
SELECT owner, credential_name FROM dba_credentials
WHERE credential_name = 'OCI$RESOURCE_PRINCIPAL' AND owner = 'ADMIN';
----- ----------------------
For example, as a non-ADMIN user query the view
SELECT grantee, table_name, grantor FROM ALL_TAB_PRIVS
WHERE grantee = 'ADB_USER'
AND table_schema = 'ADMIN';
--------- ----------------------- -------------
Enabling the resource principal on an Autonomous Database instance is one-time operation. You do not need to enable the
resource principal again, unless you run DBMS_CLOUD_ADMIN.DISABLE_RESOURCE_PRINCIPAL to
disable the resource principal.
This removes the credential
Verify that the resource principal credential is disabled.
For example:
SELECT owner, credential_name FROM dba_credentials
WHERE credential_name = 'OCI$RESOURCE_PRINCIPAL' AND owner = 'ADMIN';
No rows selected
To remove access to the resource principal credential for a specified
database user, include the username parameter. This denies the
specified user access to the OCI$RESOURCE_PRINCIPAL credential.
When you
specify resource principal credentials with DBMS_CLOUD calls, the database authenticates the Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure requests for you and the database provides the credentials to access Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure resources.
If you have not already done so, perform the required prerequisite
To use a DBMS_CLOUD procedure with resource principal credentials:
procedure or function and specify OCI$RESOURCE_PRINCIPAL as the
credential name.
For example, you can access Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure Object Storage using a resource principal:
(channel_id CHAR(1),
channel_desc VARCHAR2(20),
channel_class VARCHAR2(20)
table_name =>'CHANNELS',
credential_name =>'OCI$RESOURCE_PRINCIPAL',
file_uri_list =>'',
format => json_object('delimiter' value ',')
If you compare the steps required to access Object Storage as shown in
Create Credentials and Copy Data into an Existing Table, notice that Step 1, creating credentials is not required when
you use resource principal because you are using the system defined