Creating an OKE Control Plane Subnet
On Compute Cloud@Customer, part of configuring OKE requires creating external and internal access security lists and a control plane subnet.
Create the following resources in the order listed:
Create a Control Plane Security List
To create a security list, use the instructions in Creating a Security List. For Terraform input, see Example Terraform Scripts for Network Resources.
For this example, use the following input for the control plane subnet security list.
Compute Cloud@Customer Console property |
CLI property |
Six ingress security rules: |
Six ingress security rules:
Ingress Rule 1
Ingress Rule 1
Ingress Rule 2
Ingress Rule 2
Ingress Rule 3
Ingress Rule 3
Ingress Rule 4
Ingress Rule 4
Ingress Rule 5
Ingress Rule 5
Ingress Rule 6
Ingress Rule 6
Create the Control Plane Subnet
To create a subnet, use the instructions in Creating a Subnet. For Terraform input, see Example Terraform Scripts for Network Resources.
Use the following input to create the control plane subnet. Use the OCID of the VCN that was created in Creating an OKE VCN. Create the control plane subnet in the same compartment where you created the VCN.
The name of this subnet must be exactly control-plane
Compute Cloud@Customer Console property |
CLI property |
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