Deleting a Schedule

Delete a schedule in Data Integration when you no longer need it. After you confirm deletion, the schedule is permanently removed from the application.


If enabled task schedules are associated with a schedule that you delete, those task schedules are disabled. Any active runs continue to run, but new runs are not initiated.

    1. On the workspace home page, click Applications.
    2. On the Applications page, select the compartment that contains the application.
    3. In the applications list, click the name of the application that contains the schedule that you want to delete.
    4. On the application details page, click Schedules and then click the name of the schedule.
    5. On the schedule details page, click Delete.
    6. In the Delete schedule dialog box, type delete to confirm that you want to delete this schedule, and then click Delete.
  • Use the oci data-integration schedule delete command and required parameters to delete a schedule:

    oci data-integration schedule delete [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.

  • Run the DeleteSchedule operation to delete a schedule.