
Intents allow your skill to understand what the user wants it to do. An intent categorizes typical user requests by the tasks and actions that your skill performs. The PizzaBot’s OrderPizza intent, for example, labels a direct request, I want to order a Pizza, along with another that implies a request, I feel like eating a pizza.

Intents are comprised of permutations of typical user requests and statements, which are also referred to as utterances. As described in Create an Intent, you can create the intent by naming a compilation of utterances for a particular action. Because your skill’s cognition is derived from these intents, each intent should be created from a data set that’s robust (one to two dozen utterances) and varied, so that your skill can interpret ambiguous user input. A rich set of utterances enables a skill to understand what the user wants when it receives messages like “Forget this order!” or “Cancel delivery!”—messages that mean the same thing, but are expressed differently. To find out how sample user input allows your skill to learn, see Intent Training and Testing.

Intents are a key piece of your skill's NLU system. From the following pages, you can learn various ways to assemble intents, apply guidelines for improving their accuracy and effectiveness, and how to refine them through rounds of testing.