Editing a Read Replica

You can edit the details and settings of a read replica.

Using the Console

Use the Console to edit a read replica of the DB system.

This task requires the following:
  • A running DB system.
  • A read replica.
Do the following to edit a read replica:
  1. Open the navigation menu and select Databases. Under HeatWave, click DB systems.
  2. Choose your compartment from the List scope.
  3. Click the name of the DB system to open the DB system details page.
  4. Under Resources, click Read replicas.
  5. Do one of the following:
    • Click Edit from the Actions menu on the same line as the read replica.
    • Click the name of the read replica to open the Read replica details page, and then click Edit.
  6. In the Edit read replica panel, change any of the following information:
    • Name: Change the name of the read replica if needed.
    • Description: (Optional) Change the description of the read replica if needed.
    • Select a shape: (Optional) Click Select shape to change the shape of the read replica. You can select any shape with at least 8 ECPUs or 4 OCPUs. See Supported Shapes.
    • Show advanced options: (Optional) Click the option to open a group of tabs that enable you to further configure the read replica.
      • Deletion plan: (Optional) Change the Delete protected setting if needed.

        The delete protected setting applies to individual read replica. If a read replica is delete protected, the DB system cannot be deleted.
      • Configuration:
        • Select a configuration: (Optional) Click Select configuration to change the configuration of the read replica shape.

          If you changed the shape of the read replica, you must select a configuration.
        • MySQL version: Change the MySQL version of the read replica if needed. See MySQL Server Versions.
      • Tags: Use the tab to organize and track resources in the tenancy:
        • Tag namespace: Select the tag name.
        • Tag key: Select the tag key.
        • Tag value: Specify a value for the tag.
        • Add tag: Click this option to add more tags
  7. Click Save changes.