Configure Mutiple Identity Stripes for Process Automation

For Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Process Automation, the primary (primordial) stripe is automatically federated using preconfigured groups. However, you can create separate environments for a single cloud service or application (for example, create one environment for development and one for production), where each environment has a different identity and security requirements.


This topic applies only to tenancies that do not use identity domains. See Differences Between Tenancies With and Without Identity Domains.

Implementing one or more secondary stripes enables you to create and manage multiple instances of Oracle Identity Cloud Service to protect your applications and Oracle Cloud services.

You can manually federate one or more secondary stripes with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure using SAML IDP federation in which multiple Oracle Identity Cloud Service stripes are associated with the same cloud account. Note that the account owner administers both primary and secondary stripes, but identities within the stripes are isolated from each other.

First, define a naming convention for the striping, as described in Define a Stripe Naming Convention. Then follow the steps below to manually federate a secondary stripe for your cloud account. You must be the account owner.

  1. Create an IDCS Group for Secondary Stripe Users
  2. Create an OAuth Client in the Secondary Stripe
  3. Create an IAM Group for Secondary Stripe Users
  4. Create the Federation and its Group Mapping
  5. Create an IAM Policy for Federated Users to Create Instances
  6. Provide Access to a Federated Stripe in the IAM Group for Secondary Stripe Users
  7. Create Process Automation Instances in the Secondary Stripe Compartments

Define a Stripe Naming Convention

As a best practice, define a <stripename> for all the entities you'll create specific to the stripe. Uniquely identifying configurations associated with a stripe is important, especially when multiple stripes are configured.

In the sections that follow, you'll use stripename in these entities:

Entity Naming convention
IDCS group stripename_administrators
OCI group oci_stripename_administrators
Compartment stripename_compartment
Identity Provider stripename_service
Policy stripename_adminpolicy
Policy Statement allow group oci_stripename_administrators to manage process-automation-instance in compartment stripename_compartment

Create an IDCS Group for Secondary Stripe Users

In IDCS, create a group in the secondary stripe and add users from the secondary stripe to the group.

  1. Add a group in the secondary stripe, and name it stripename_administrators. For example, name it as stripe2_administrators. Click Finish.
    These administrators will be granted permission to create Process Automation instances. This IDCS group will be mapped with an IAM group. See Map the IDCS and IAM Groups.
  2. Add users from the secondary stripe to the group.

Create an OAuth Client in the Secondary Stripe

Create an IDCS confidential application that uses OAuth client credentials and is assigned the IDCS domain administrator role. You must create a confidential application per secondary stripe.

  1. As an IDCS administrator, sign in to the secondary IDCS admin console.
  2. Add a confidential application.
    1. Navigate to the Applications tab.
    2. Click Add.
    3. Choose Confidential Application.
    4. Name the application Client_Credentials_For_SAML_Federation.
    5. Click Next.
  3. Configure client settings.
    1. Click Configure this application as a client now.
    2. Under Authorization, select Client Credentials.
    3. Under Grant the client access to Identity Cloud Service Admin APIs, click Add and select the app role Identity Domain Administrator.
    4. Click Next twice.
  4. Click Finish. Once the application is created, note its client ID and client secret. You’ll need this information in upcoming steps for federation
  5. Click Activate and confirm activating the application.

Create an IAM Group for Secondary Stripe Users

This group is needed because the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure SAML IDP federation requires group mapping for federating users from the federated IDP (IDCS), and OCI native group membership is required for defining and granting Oracle Cloud Infrastructure permissions (policies) for federated users.

  1. In the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console, open the navigation menu and click Identity & Security. Under Identity, click Groups.
    This IAM group will be mapped with the IDCS group you created.
  2. Create a group and name it oci_stripename_administrators. For example, name it oci_stripe2_administrators.

Create the Federation and its Group Mapping

Now that you have the IDCS and IAM groups created and the client information needed, create the IDCS identity provider and map the groups.

  1. Sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console. Select the identity domain of the primordial stripe (identitycloudservice) and enter its user credentials.
    Keep in mind that group mapping for a secondary stripe uses the primordial stripe user sign in. This is important, since adding multiple stripes adds multiple options to this dropdown.
  2. Open the navigation menu and click Identity & Security, then Federation.
  3. Click Add Identity Provider.
  4. In the resulting window, complete the fields as shown below.
    Field Information to Enter
    Name <stripename>_service
    Description Federation with IDCS secondary stripe
    Type Oracle Identity Cloud Service
    Oracle Identity Cloud Service Base URL

    Enter the following URL using the format:

    Replace the <idcs-xxxx> domain part with your secondary IDCS stripe.

    Client ID/Client Secret

    Enter the client ID and secret that you obtained while creating an OAuth client in the secondary stripe. See Create an OAuth Client in the Secondary Stripe.

    Force Authentication Select this option.
  5. Click Continue.
  6. Map the IDCS secondary stripe and OCI groups you previously created.
    Map the IDCS secondary stripe group (created in Create an IDCS Group for Secondary Stripe Users) and the OCI group (created in Create an IAM Group for Secondary Stripe Users).
  7. Click Add Provider.
    The secondary stripe federation is complete. Notice that the group mapping is displayed.
  8. Verify the secondary stripe, and configure visibility for secondary stripe administrators and users.

Create an IAM Policy for Federated Users to Create Instances

With the federation done, set up IAM policies that allow federated users from the secondary IDCS stripe to create Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Process Automation instances. As a common pattern, the policy is scoped to a compartment.

  1. Create a compartment where Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Process Automation instances for the secondary IDCS stripe can be created. Name the compartment stripename_compartment.
    For example, create a compartment named stripe2_compartment.
  2. Create a policy that will allow federated users to create Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Process Automation instances in the compartment. Name the policy stripename_adminpolicy (for example, stripe2_adminpolicy).

    Under Policy Builder, select Show manual editor.

    • Syntax: allow group stripename_administrators to verb resource-type in compartment stripename_compartment
    • Policy: allow group oci_stripe2_administrators to manage process-automation-instance in compartment stripe2_compartment
This policy allows a user who is a member of the group in the policy to create an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Process Automation instance (process-automation-instance) in the compartment named stripe2_compartment.

Provide Access to a Federated Stripe in the IAM Group for Secondary Stripe Users

Perform additional steps to enable the secondary stripe administrator and all other secondary stripe users to see stripes under federation.

  1. In Oracle Identity Cloud Service, create a group called stripe2_federation_administrators.
  2. Add users to the group that you want to be able to see the federation and to create users and groups in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console in that stripe.
  3. In the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console, using the primary stripe user with the correct permission, create an IAM group called oci_stripe2_federation_administrators.
  4. Map the stripe2_federation_administrators and oci_stripe2_federation_administrators groups.
  5. Using the following statement examples, define a policy that grants access to federated stripes.

    Several of the examples show how to grant access to a specific federated stripe, by using a where clause that identifies the secondary stripe.

    You can get the federation's OCID from the federation view in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console.

    Allows secondary stripe administrators to... Policy statement
    Create groups (use) allow group oci_stripe2_federation_administrators to use groups in tenancy
    List the identity providers in the federation (inspect) allow group oci_stripe2_federation_administrators to inspect identity-providers in tenancy

    Note that if the secondary stripe admins are required to create groups, this policy is required when a where clause is included.

    Access a specific federated stripe (use) allow group oci_stripe2_federation_administrators to use identity-providers in tenancy where“ocid1.saml2idp.oc1..aaaaaaaaa…”

    When you sign in as a user in the above IDCS group, you can create users and groups in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console and assign permissions as you would in a primary stripe.

Create Process Automation Instances in the Secondary Stripe Compartments

With federation and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure policies defined, federated users can sign into the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console and create Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Process Automation instances.

  1. Sign in as a federated user from the secondary stripe.
    Users will need to select the secondary stripe in the Identity Provider field. For example, stripe2_administrators.
  2. Authorized administrators can ceate Process Automation instances in the specified compartment (for example, stripe2_compartment).