AbsoluteWaitCriteria |
Specifies the absolute wait criteria.
AbsoluteWaitCriteria.Builder |
AbsoluteWaitCriteriaSummary |
Specifies the absolute wait criteria, user can specify fixed length of wait duration.
AbsoluteWaitCriteriaSummary.Builder |
ActualBuildRunnerShapeConfig |
Build Runner Shape configuration.
ActualBuildRunnerShapeConfig.Builder |
ApprovalAction |
Information about the approval action of DevOps deployment stages.
ApprovalAction.Builder |
ApprovalActivitySummary |
ApprovalActivitySummary.Builder |
ApprovalPolicy |
Specifies the approval policy.
ApprovalRule |
A rule which must be satisfied for matching pull requests before the pull request can be merged
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the ApprovalRule.Builder .
ApprovalRule.Builder |
ApprovalRuleCollection |
List of approval rules which must be statisfied before pull requests which match the rules can be
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the ApprovalRuleCollection.Builder .
ApprovalRuleCollection.Builder |
ApprovalRuleMergeCheck |
The status of the approval rules.
ApprovalRuleMergeCheck.Builder |
ApproveDeploymentDetails |
The stage information for submitting for approval.
ApproveDeploymentDetails.Builder |
AutomatedDeployStageRollbackPolicy |
Specifies the automated rollback policy for a stage on failure.
AutomatedDeployStageRollbackPolicy.Builder |
BackendSetIpCollection |
Collection of backend environment IP addresses.
BackendSetIpCollection.Builder |
BitbucketCloudAppPasswordConnection |
The properties that define a connection of the type BITBUCKET_CLOUD_APP_PASSWORD .
BitbucketCloudAppPasswordConnection.Builder |
BitbucketCloudAppPasswordConnectionSummary |
Summary information for a connection of the type BITBUCKET_CLOUD_APP_PASSWORD .
BitbucketCloudAppPasswordConnectionSummary.Builder |
BitbucketCloudBuildRunSource |
Specifies details of build run through Bitbucket Cloud.
BitbucketCloudBuildRunSource.Builder |
BitbucketCloudBuildSource |
BitbucketCloudBuildSource.Builder |
BitbucketCloudFilter |
The filter for Bitbucket Cloud events.
BitbucketCloudFilter.Builder |
BitbucketCloudFilterAttributes |
Attributes to filter Bitbucket Cloud events.
BitbucketCloudFilterAttributes.Builder |
BitbucketCloudFilterExclusionAttributes |
Attributes to filter Bitbucket Cloud events.
BitbucketCloudFilterExclusionAttributes.Builder |
BitbucketCloudTrigger |
BitbucketCloudTrigger.Builder |
BitbucketCloudTriggerCreateResult |
Trigger create response specific to Bitbucket Cloud.
BitbucketCloudTriggerCreateResult.Builder |
BitbucketCloudTriggerSummary |
Summary of the Bitbucket Cloud trigger.
BitbucketCloudTriggerSummary.Builder |
BitbucketServerAccessTokenConnection |
The properties that define a connection of the type BITBUCKET_SERVER_ACCESS_TOKEN .
BitbucketServerAccessTokenConnection.Builder |
BitbucketServerBuildRunSource |
Specifies details of build run through Bitbucket Server.
BitbucketServerBuildRunSource.Builder |
BitbucketServerBuildSource |
BitbucketServerBuildSource.Builder |
BitbucketServerFilter |
The filter for Bitbucket Server events.
BitbucketServerFilter.Builder |
BitbucketServerFilterAttributes |
Attributes to filter Bitbucket Server events.
BitbucketServerFilterAttributes.Builder |
BitbucketServerTokenConnectionSummary |
Summary information for a connection of the type BITBUCKET_SERVER_ACCESS_TOKEN .
BitbucketServerTokenConnectionSummary.Builder |
BitbucketServerTrigger |
BitbucketServerTrigger.Builder |
BitbucketServerTriggerCreateResult |
Trigger create response specific to Bitbucket Server.
BitbucketServerTriggerCreateResult.Builder |
BitbucketServerTriggerSummary |
Summary of the Bitbucket Server trigger.
BitbucketServerTriggerSummary.Builder |
BuildMergeCheck |
The status of the build pipelines.
BuildMergeCheck.Builder |
BuildOutputs |
Outputs from the build.
BuildOutputs.Builder |
BuildPipeline |
A set of stages forming a directed acyclic graph that defines the build process.
BuildPipeline.Builder |
BuildPipelineCollection |
Results of a pipeline search.
BuildPipelineCollection.Builder |
BuildPipelineParameter |
Parameter name for which the values will be supplied at the time of running the build.
BuildPipelineParameter.Builder |
BuildPipelineParameterCollection |
Specifies list of parameters present in a build pipeline.
BuildPipelineParameterCollection.Builder |
BuildPipelineStage |
A single node in a build pipeline.
BuildPipelineStageCollection |
Result of a stage search.
BuildPipelineStageCollection.Builder |
BuildPipelineStagePredecessor |
Metadata for defining a stage’s predecessor.
BuildPipelineStagePredecessor.Builder |
BuildPipelineStagePredecessorCollection |
The collection containing the predecessors of a stage.
BuildPipelineStagePredecessorCollection.Builder |
BuildPipelineStageRunProgress |
The details about the run progress of a stage in a build run.
BuildPipelineStageSummary |
Summary of the Stage.
BuildPipelineSummary |
Summary of the build pipeline.
BuildPipelineSummary.Builder |
BuildRun |
Each time you attempt to run a build pipeline you create one build run.
BuildRun.Builder |
BuildRunArgument |
Values for pipeline parameters to be supplied at the time of running the build.
BuildRunArgument.Builder |
BuildRunArgumentCollection |
Specifies list of arguments passed along with the build run.
BuildRunArgumentCollection.Builder |
BuildRunnerShapeConfig |
The information about build runner.
BuildRunProgress |
The run progress details of a build run.
BuildRunProgress.Builder |
BuildRunProgressSummary |
The summary run progress details of a build run.
BuildRunProgressSummary.Builder |
BuildRunSnapshot |
Snapshot of a build run.
BuildRunSnapshot.Builder |
BuildRunSnapshotCollection |
Results of a build run search.
BuildRunSnapshotCollection.Builder |
BuildRunSnapshotSummary |
Summary of a single build run snapshot.
BuildRunSnapshotSummary.Builder |
BuildRunSource |
The source from which the build run is triggered.
BuildRunSummary |
Summary of the build run.
BuildRunSummary.Builder |
BuildRunSummaryCollection |
List of build run summary.
BuildRunSummaryCollection.Builder |
BuildSource |
Build source required for the Build stage.
BuildSourceCollection |
Collection of build sources.
BuildSourceCollection.Builder |
BuildStage |
Specifies the build stage.
BuildStage.Builder |
BuildStageRunProgress |
Specifies the run details for Build stage.
BuildStageRunProgress.Builder |
BuildStageRunStep |
The details about each step in a build stage.
BuildStageRunStep.Builder |
BuildStageSummary |
Specifies the build stage.
BuildStageSummary.Builder |
CaCertVerify |
Enable TLS verification with CA certificate.
CaCertVerify.Builder |
CancelBuildRunDetails |
Information about canceling the build run.
CancelBuildRunDetails.Builder |
CancelDeploymentDetails |
The information regarding the deployment to be canceled.
CancelDeploymentDetails.Builder |
ChangeProjectCompartmentDetails |
The OCID of the compartment to which the project must be moved to.
ChangeProjectCompartmentDetails.Builder |
CommentActivitySummary |
activity describing comment addition to a pull request
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the CommentActivitySummary.Builder .
CommentActivitySummary.Builder |
CommitActivitySummary |
activity describing commit updates to a pull request
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the CommitActivitySummary.Builder .
CommitActivitySummary.Builder |
CommitAnalyticsAuthorCollection |
Result of listing Commit Analytics authors.
CommitAnalyticsAuthorCollection.Builder |
CommitAnalyticsAuthorSummary |
Object containing summary of Commit Analytics author.
CommitAnalyticsAuthorSummary.Builder |
CommitInfo |
Commit details that need to be used for the build run.
CommitInfo.Builder |
ComputeInstanceGroupBlueGreenDeployStage |
Specifies the Instance Group Blue-Green deployment stage.
ComputeInstanceGroupBlueGreenDeployStage.Builder |
ComputeInstanceGroupBlueGreenDeployStageExecutionProgress |
Specifies the Instance Group Blue-Green deployment stage.
ComputeInstanceGroupBlueGreenDeployStageExecutionProgress.Builder |
ComputeInstanceGroupBlueGreenDeployStageSummary |
Specifies the Instance Group Blue-Green deployment stage.
ComputeInstanceGroupBlueGreenDeployStageSummary.Builder |
ComputeInstanceGroupBlueGreenTrafficShiftDeployStage |
Specifies the instance group blue-green deployment load balancer traffic shift stage.
ComputeInstanceGroupBlueGreenTrafficShiftDeployStage.Builder |
ComputeInstanceGroupBlueGreenTrafficShiftDeployStageExecutionProgress |
Specifies the Instance Group Blue-Green deployment load balancer traffic shift stage.
ComputeInstanceGroupBlueGreenTrafficShiftDeployStageExecutionProgress.Builder |
ComputeInstanceGroupBlueGreenTrafficShiftDeployStageSummary |
Specifies the instance group blue-green deployment load balancer traffic shift stage.
ComputeInstanceGroupBlueGreenTrafficShiftDeployStageSummary.Builder |
ComputeInstanceGroupByIdsSelector |
Specifies the Compute instance group environment by listing the OCIDs of the compute instances.
ComputeInstanceGroupByIdsSelector.Builder |
ComputeInstanceGroupByQuerySelector |
Specifies the Compute instance group environment filtered by the RQS query expression.
ComputeInstanceGroupByQuerySelector.Builder |
ComputeInstanceGroupCanaryApprovalDeployStage |
Specifies the canary approval stage.
ComputeInstanceGroupCanaryApprovalDeployStage.Builder |
ComputeInstanceGroupCanaryApprovalDeployStageExecutionProgress |
Specifies the Canary approval stage.
ComputeInstanceGroupCanaryApprovalDeployStageExecutionProgress.Builder |
ComputeInstanceGroupCanaryApprovalDeployStageSummary |
Specifies the canary approval stage.
ComputeInstanceGroupCanaryApprovalDeployStageSummary.Builder |
ComputeInstanceGroupCanaryDeployStage |
Specifies the Instance Group Canary deployment stage.
ComputeInstanceGroupCanaryDeployStage.Builder |
ComputeInstanceGroupCanaryDeployStageExecutionProgress |
Specifies the Instance Group Canary deployment stage.
ComputeInstanceGroupCanaryDeployStageExecutionProgress.Builder |
ComputeInstanceGroupCanaryDeployStageSummary |
Specifies the Instance Group Canary deployment stage.
ComputeInstanceGroupCanaryDeployStageSummary.Builder |
ComputeInstanceGroupCanaryTrafficShiftDeployStage |
Specifies the instance group canary deployment load balancer traffic shift stage.
ComputeInstanceGroupCanaryTrafficShiftDeployStage.Builder |
ComputeInstanceGroupCanaryTrafficShiftDeployStageExecutionProgress |
Specifies the Instance Group Canary deployment load balancer traffic shift stage.
ComputeInstanceGroupCanaryTrafficShiftDeployStageExecutionProgress.Builder |
ComputeInstanceGroupCanaryTrafficShiftDeployStageSummary |
Specifies the instance group canary deployment load balancer traffic shift stage.
ComputeInstanceGroupCanaryTrafficShiftDeployStageSummary.Builder |
ComputeInstanceGroupDeployEnvironment |
Specifies the Compute instance group environment.
ComputeInstanceGroupDeployEnvironment.Builder |
ComputeInstanceGroupDeployEnvironmentSummary |
Specifies the Compute instance group environment.
ComputeInstanceGroupDeployEnvironmentSummary.Builder |
ComputeInstanceGroupDeployStage |
Specifies the Instance Group Rolling deployment stage.
ComputeInstanceGroupDeployStage.Builder |
ComputeInstanceGroupDeployStageExecutionProgress |
Specifies the execution details for the Instance Group Rolling deployment stage.
ComputeInstanceGroupDeployStageExecutionProgress.Builder |
ComputeInstanceGroupDeployStageSummary |
Specifies the Instance Group Rolling deployment stage.
ComputeInstanceGroupDeployStageSummary.Builder |
ComputeInstanceGroupFailurePolicy |
Specifies a failure policy for a compute instance group rolling deployment stage.
ComputeInstanceGroupFailurePolicyByCount |
Specifies a failure policy by count for a compute instance group rolling deployment stage.
ComputeInstanceGroupFailurePolicyByCount.Builder |
ComputeInstanceGroupFailurePolicyByPercentage |
Specifies a failure policy by percentage for a compute instance group rolling deployment stage.
ComputeInstanceGroupFailurePolicyByPercentage.Builder |
ComputeInstanceGroupLinearRolloutPolicyByCount |
Specifies a linear rollout strategy for a compute instance group rolling deployment stage.
ComputeInstanceGroupLinearRolloutPolicyByCount.Builder |
ComputeInstanceGroupLinearRolloutPolicyByPercentage |
Specifies a linear rollout strategy for a compute instance group rolling deployment stage.
ComputeInstanceGroupLinearRolloutPolicyByPercentage.Builder |
ComputeInstanceGroupRolloutPolicy |
Specifies the rollout policy for compute instance group stages.
ComputeInstanceGroupSelector |
Defines how the instances in a instance group environment is selected.
ComputeInstanceGroupSelectorCollection |
A collection of selectors.
ComputeInstanceGroupSelectorCollection.Builder |
ConflictMergeCheck |
The status of the merge conflict.
ConflictMergeCheck.Builder |
Connection |
The properties that define a connection to external repositories.
ConnectionCollection |
Collection of connections.
ConnectionCollection.Builder |
ConnectionSummary |
Summary information for a connection.
ConnectionValidationResult |
The result of validating the credentials of a connection.
ConnectionValidationResult.Builder |
ContainerConfig |
Specifies the container configuration.
ContainerInstanceConfig |
Specifies ContainerInstance configuration.
ContainerInstanceConfig.Builder |
ContainerRegistryDeliveredArtifact |
Details of the container registry artifacts delivered through the Deliver Artifacts stage.
ContainerRegistryDeliveredArtifact.Builder |
CountBasedApprovalPolicy |
Count based stage approval policy.
CountBasedApprovalPolicy.Builder |
CreateAbsoluteWaitCriteriaDetails |
Specifies the absolute wait criteria.
CreateAbsoluteWaitCriteriaDetails.Builder |
CreateBitbucketCloudAppPasswordConnectionDetails |
The details for creating a connection of the type BITBUCKET_CLOUD_APP_PASSWORD .
CreateBitbucketCloudAppPasswordConnectionDetails.Builder |
CreateBitbucketCloudTriggerDetails |
The trigger for Bitbucket Cloud as the caller.
CreateBitbucketCloudTriggerDetails.Builder |
CreateBitbucketServerAccessTokenConnectionDetails |
The details for creating a connection of the type BITBUCKET_SERVER_ACCESS_TOKEN .
CreateBitbucketServerAccessTokenConnectionDetails.Builder |
CreateBitbucketServerTriggerDetails |
The trigger for Bitbucket Server as the caller.
CreateBitbucketServerTriggerDetails.Builder |
CreateBuildPipelineDetails |
Information about the new build pipeline to be created.
CreateBuildPipelineDetails.Builder |
CreateBuildPipelineStageDetails |
The information about a new stage.
CreateBuildRunDetails |
Information about the new build run.
CreateBuildRunDetails.Builder |
CreateBuildStageDetails |
Specifies the build stage.
CreateBuildStageDetails.Builder |
CreateComputeInstanceGroupBlueGreenDeployStageDetails |
Specifies the Instance Group Blue-Green deployment stage.
CreateComputeInstanceGroupBlueGreenDeployStageDetails.Builder |
CreateComputeInstanceGroupBlueGreenTrafficShiftDeployStageDetails |
Specifies the instance group blue-green deployment load balancer traffic shift stage.
CreateComputeInstanceGroupBlueGreenTrafficShiftDeployStageDetails.Builder |
CreateComputeInstanceGroupCanaryApprovalDeployStageDetails |
Specifies the canary approval stage.
CreateComputeInstanceGroupCanaryApprovalDeployStageDetails.Builder |
CreateComputeInstanceGroupCanaryDeployStageDetails |
Specifies the Instance Group Canary deployment stage.
CreateComputeInstanceGroupCanaryDeployStageDetails.Builder |
CreateComputeInstanceGroupCanaryTrafficShiftDeployStageDetails |
Specifies the instance group canary deployment load balancer traffic shift stage.
CreateComputeInstanceGroupCanaryTrafficShiftDeployStageDetails.Builder |
CreateComputeInstanceGroupDeployEnvironmentDetails |
Specifies the Compute instance group environment.
CreateComputeInstanceGroupDeployEnvironmentDetails.Builder |
CreateComputeInstanceGroupDeployStageDetails |
Specifies the Instance Group Rolling deployment stage.
CreateComputeInstanceGroupDeployStageDetails.Builder |
CreateConnectionDetails |
The details for creating a connection.
CreateDeliverArtifactStageDetails |
Specifies the Deliver Artifacts stage.
CreateDeliverArtifactStageDetails.Builder |
CreateDeployArtifactDetails |
Information about a new deployment artifact.
CreateDeployArtifactDetails.Builder |
CreateDeployEnvironmentDetails |
The information about new deployment environment.
CreateDeploymentDetails |
The information about new deployment.
CreateDeployPipelineDeploymentDetails |
Details of the new deployment to be created that will run all the stages in the pipeline.
CreateDeployPipelineDeploymentDetails.Builder |
CreateDeployPipelineDetails |
The information about new deployment pipeline to be created.
CreateDeployPipelineDetails.Builder |
CreateDeployPipelineRedeploymentDetails |
Details of the new deployment to be created based on a previously executed deployment.
CreateDeployPipelineRedeploymentDetails.Builder |
CreateDeployStageDetails |
The information about new deployment stage.
CreateDevopsCodeRepositoryTriggerDetails |
The trigger for DevOps code repository as the caller.
CreateDevopsCodeRepositoryTriggerDetails.Builder |
CreateFunctionDeployEnvironmentDetails |
Specifies the Function environment.
CreateFunctionDeployEnvironmentDetails.Builder |
CreateFunctionDeployStageDetails |
Specifies the Function stage.
CreateFunctionDeployStageDetails.Builder |
CreateGithubAccessTokenConnectionDetails |
The details for creating a connection of the type GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN .
CreateGithubAccessTokenConnectionDetails.Builder |
CreateGithubTriggerDetails |
The trigger for GitHub as the caller.
CreateGithubTriggerDetails.Builder |
CreateGitlabAccessTokenConnectionDetails |
The details for creating a connection of the type GITLAB_ACCESS_TOKEN .
CreateGitlabAccessTokenConnectionDetails.Builder |
CreateGitlabServerAccessTokenConnectionDetails |
The details for creating a connection of the type GITLAB_SERVER_ACCESS_TOKEN .
CreateGitlabServerAccessTokenConnectionDetails.Builder |
CreateGitlabServerTriggerDetails |
The trigger for GitLab as the caller.
CreateGitlabServerTriggerDetails.Builder |
CreateGitlabTriggerDetails |
The trigger for GitLab as the caller.
CreateGitlabTriggerDetails.Builder |
CreateInvokeFunctionDeployStageDetails |
Specifies Invoke Function stage.
CreateInvokeFunctionDeployStageDetails.Builder |
CreateLoadBalancerTrafficShiftDeployStageDetails |
Specifies load balancer traffic shift stage.
CreateLoadBalancerTrafficShiftDeployStageDetails.Builder |
CreateManualApprovalDeployStageDetails |
Specifies the manual approval stage.
CreateManualApprovalDeployStageDetails.Builder |
CreateOkeBlueGreenDeployStageDetails |
Specifies the Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) cluster Blue-Green deployment stage.
CreateOkeBlueGreenDeployStageDetails.Builder |
CreateOkeBlueGreenTrafficShiftDeployStageDetails |
Specifies the Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) cluster blue-green deployment traffic shift
CreateOkeBlueGreenTrafficShiftDeployStageDetails.Builder |
CreateOkeCanaryApprovalDeployStageDetails |
Specifies the Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) cluster canary deployment approval stage.
CreateOkeCanaryApprovalDeployStageDetails.Builder |
CreateOkeCanaryDeployStageDetails |
Specifies the Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) cluster Canary deployment stage.
CreateOkeCanaryDeployStageDetails.Builder |
CreateOkeCanaryTrafficShiftDeployStageDetails |
Specifies the Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) cluster canary deployment traffic shift
CreateOkeCanaryTrafficShiftDeployStageDetails.Builder |
CreateOkeClusterDeployEnvironmentDetails |
Specifies the Kubernetes cluster environment.
CreateOkeClusterDeployEnvironmentDetails.Builder |
CreateOkeDeployStageDetails |
Specifies the Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) cluster deployment stage.
CreateOkeDeployStageDetails.Builder |
CreateOkeHelmChartDeployStageDetails |
Specifies the Helm chart deployment to a Kubernetes cluster stage.
CreateOkeHelmChartDeployStageDetails.Builder |
CreateOrUpdateGitBranchDetails |
The information needed to create a branch.
CreateOrUpdateGitBranchDetails.Builder |
CreateOrUpdateGitRefDetails |
The information needed to create a reference.
CreateOrUpdateGitTagDetails |
The information needed to create a lightweight tag.
CreateOrUpdateGitTagDetails.Builder |
CreateOrUpdateProtectedBranchDetails |
CreateOrUpdateProtectedBranchDetails.Builder |
CreateProjectDetails |
The information about new project to be created.
CreateProjectDetails.Builder |
CreatePullRequestCommentDetails |
The information about new Comment.
CreatePullRequestCommentDetails.Builder |
CreatePullRequestDetails |
The information about new Pull Request.
CreatePullRequestDetails.Builder |
CreateRepositoryDetails |
Information about the new repository.
CreateRepositoryDetails.Builder |
CreateReviewerDetails |
The reviewer to be created.
CreateReviewerDetails.Builder |
CreateShellDeployStageDetails |
Specifies the shell stage.
CreateShellDeployStageDetails.Builder |
CreateSingleDeployStageDeploymentDetails |
Details of a new deployment to be created that will run a single stage of the pipeline.
CreateSingleDeployStageDeploymentDetails.Builder |
CreateSingleDeployStageRedeploymentDetails |
Details of a new deployment to be created that will rerun a single stage from a previously
executed deployment.
CreateSingleDeployStageRedeploymentDetails.Builder |
CreateTriggerDeploymentStageDetails |
Specifies the Trigger Deployment stage, which runs another pipeline of the application.
CreateTriggerDeploymentStageDetails.Builder |
CreateTriggerDetails |
Information about the new trigger.
CreateVbsAccessTokenConnectionDetails |
The details for creating a connection of the type VBS_ACCESS_TOKEN .
CreateVbsAccessTokenConnectionDetails.Builder |
CreateVbsTriggerDetails |
The trigger for VBS as the caller.
CreateVbsTriggerDetails.Builder |
CreateWaitCriteriaDetails |
Specifies wait criteria for the Wait stage.
CreateWaitDeployStageDetails |
Specifies the Wait stage.
CreateWaitDeployStageDetails.Builder |
CreateWaitStageDetails |
Specifies the Wait stage.
CreateWaitStageDetails.Builder |
CustomBuildRunnerShapeConfig |
Specifies the custom build runner shape config.
CustomBuildRunnerShapeConfig.Builder |
DefaultBuildRunnerShapeConfig |
Specifies the default build runner shape config.
DefaultBuildRunnerShapeConfig.Builder |
DeleteGitRefDetails |
The information needed to delete a reference.
DeleteGitRefDetails.Builder |
DeleteProtectedBranchDetails |
DeleteProtectedBranchDetails.Builder |
DeliverArtifact |
Artifact information that need to be pushed to the artifactory stores.
DeliverArtifact.Builder |
DeliverArtifactCollection |
Specifies an array of artifacts that need to be pushed to the artifactory stores.
DeliverArtifactCollection.Builder |
DeliverArtifactStage |
Specifies the Deliver Artifacts stage.
DeliverArtifactStage.Builder |
DeliverArtifactStageRunProgress |
Specifies Deliver Artifacts stage specific run details.
DeliverArtifactStageRunProgress.Builder |
DeliverArtifactStageSummary |
Specifies the Deliver Artifacts stage.
DeliverArtifactStageSummary.Builder |
DeliveredArtifact |
Details of the artifacts delivered through the Deliver Artifacts stage.
DeliveredArtifactCollection |
Specifies the list of artifacts delivered through the Deliver Artifacts stage.
DeliveredArtifactCollection.Builder |
DeployArtifact |
Artifacts are deployment manifests that are referenced in a pipeline stage for automated
deployment to the target environment.
DeployArtifact.Builder |
DeployArtifactCollection |
Results of a deployment artifact search.
DeployArtifactCollection.Builder |
DeployArtifactOverrideArgument |
Values for artifact parameters to be supplied at the time of deployment.
DeployArtifactOverrideArgument.Builder |
DeployArtifactOverrideArgumentCollection |
Specifies the list of artifact override arguments at the time of deployment.
DeployArtifactOverrideArgumentCollection.Builder |
DeployArtifactSource |
Specifies source of an artifact.
DeployArtifactSummary |
Summary of the deployment artifact.
DeployArtifactSummary.Builder |
DeployEnvironment |
The target OCI resources, such as Compute instances, Container Engine for Kubernetes(OKE)
clusters, or Function, where artifacts are deployed.
DeployEnvironmentCollection |
Results of a deployment environment search.
DeployEnvironmentCollection.Builder |
DeployEnvironmentSummary |
Summary of the deployment environment.
Deployment |
A single execution or run of a pipeline.
DeploymentArgument |
Values for pipeline parameters to be supplied at the time of deployment.
DeploymentArgument.Builder |
DeploymentArgumentCollection |
Specifies list of arguments passed along with the deployment.
DeploymentArgumentCollection.Builder |
DeploymentCollection |
Results of a deployment search.
DeploymentCollection.Builder |
DeploymentExecutionProgress |
The execution progress details of a deployment.
DeploymentExecutionProgress.Builder |
DeploymentSummary |
Summary of the deployment.
DeployPipeline |
A set of stages whose predecessor relation forms a directed acyclic graph.
DeployPipeline.Builder |
DeployPipelineArtifact |
Artifact used in the pipeline.
DeployPipelineArtifact.Builder |
DeployPipelineArtifactCollection |
List of all artifacts used in the pipeline.
DeployPipelineArtifactCollection.Builder |
DeployPipelineCollection |
Results of an pipeline search.
DeployPipelineCollection.Builder |
DeployPipelineDeployment |
Deployment of all the stages in the pipeline.
DeployPipelineDeployment.Builder |
DeployPipelineDeploymentSummary |
Summary of a full pipeline deployment.
DeployPipelineDeploymentSummary.Builder |
DeployPipelineEnvironment |
Environment used in the pipeline.
DeployPipelineEnvironment.Builder |
DeployPipelineEnvironmentCollection |
List of all environments used in the pipeline.
DeployPipelineEnvironmentCollection.Builder |
DeployPipelineParameter |
Parameter name for which the values will be supplied at the time of deployment.
DeployPipelineParameter.Builder |
DeployPipelineParameterCollection |
Specifies list of parameters present in the deployment pipeline.
DeployPipelineParameterCollection.Builder |
DeployPipelineRedeployment |
Redeployment of the full pipeline of a previous deployment.
DeployPipelineRedeployment.Builder |
DeployPipelineRedeploymentSummary |
Summary of a full pipeline redeployment.
DeployPipelineRedeploymentSummary.Builder |
DeployPipelineStage |
Stage used in the pipeline for an artifact or environment.
DeployPipelineStage.Builder |
DeployPipelineStageCollection |
List of stages.
DeployPipelineStageCollection.Builder |
DeployPipelineSummary |
Summary of the deployment pipeline.
DeployPipelineSummary.Builder |
DeployStage |
A single node in a pipeline.
DeployStageCollection |
Result of a stage search.
DeployStageCollection.Builder |
DeployStageExecutionProgress |
Details about the execution progress of a stage in a deployment.
DeployStageExecutionProgressDetails |
Details about stage execution for each target environment.
DeployStageExecutionProgressDetails.Builder |
DeployStageExecutionStep |
Details about each steps in stage execution for a target environment.
DeployStageExecutionStep.Builder |
DeployStageOverrideArgument |
Values for stage override of the pipeline parameters to be supplied at the time of deployment.
DeployStageOverrideArgument.Builder |
DeployStageOverrideArgumentCollection |
Specifies the list of arguments to be overriden per Stage at the time of deployment.
DeployStageOverrideArgumentCollection.Builder |
DeployStagePredecessor |
Metadata for defining a stage’s predecessor.
DeployStagePredecessor.Builder |
DeployStagePredecessorCollection |
Collection containing the predecessors of a stage.
DeployStagePredecessorCollection.Builder |
DeployStageRollbackPolicy |
Specifies the rollback policy.
DeployStageSummary |
Summary of the deployment stage.
DevopsCodeRepositoryBuildRunSource |
Specifies details of build run through DevOps code repository.
DevopsCodeRepositoryBuildRunSource.Builder |
DevopsCodeRepositoryBuildSource |
DevOps code repository build source for Build stage.
DevopsCodeRepositoryBuildSource.Builder |
DevopsCodeRepositoryFilter |
The filter for GitLab events.
DevopsCodeRepositoryFilter.Builder |
DevopsCodeRepositoryFilterAttributes |
Attributes to filter DevOps code repository events.
DevopsCodeRepositoryFilterAttributes.Builder |
DevopsCodeRepositoryFilterExclusionAttributes |
Attributes to filter DevopsCodeRepository events.
DevopsCodeRepositoryFilterExclusionAttributes.Builder |
DevopsCodeRepositoryTrigger |
Trigger specific to OCI DevOps Code Repository service.
DevopsCodeRepositoryTrigger.Builder |
DevopsCodeRepositoryTriggerCreateResult |
Trigger create response specific to GitLab.
DevopsCodeRepositoryTriggerCreateResult.Builder |
DevopsCodeRepositoryTriggerSummary |
Summary of the DevOps code repository trigger.
DevopsCodeRepositoryTriggerSummary.Builder |
DiffChunk |
Details about a group of changes.
DiffChunk.Builder |
DiffCollection |
Result of a compare difference.
DiffCollection.Builder |
DiffLineDetails |
Details about a line within the difference.
DiffLineDetails.Builder |
DiffResponse |
Response object for obtaining list of changed files.
DiffResponse.Builder |
DiffResponseEntry |
Entry for description of change on a file.
DiffResponseEntry.Builder |
DiffSection |
Details about a section of changes within a difference chunk.
DiffSection.Builder |
DiffSummary |
Response object for showing differences for a file between two revisions.
DiffSummary.Builder |
ExecuteMergePullRequestDetails |
The information about the merge.
ExecuteMergePullRequestDetails.Builder |
ExportedVariable |
Values for exported variables.
ExportedVariable.Builder |
ExportedVariableCollection |
Specifies list of exported variables.
ExportedVariableCollection.Builder |
FileDiffResponse |
Response object for showing differences for a file between two commits.
FileDiffResponse.Builder |
FileFilter |
Attributes to support include/exclude files for triggering build runs.
FileFilter.Builder |
FileLineDetails |
Object containing the details of a line in a file.
FileLineDetails.Builder |
Filter |
The filters for the trigger.
ForkSyncStatusCollection |
A collection of Fork Sync Status summaries.
ForkSyncStatusCollection.Builder |
ForkSyncStatusSummary |
Object that contains the sync status for a specific branch name.
ForkSyncStatusSummary.Builder |
FunctionDeployEnvironment |
Specifies the Function environment.
FunctionDeployEnvironment.Builder |
FunctionDeployEnvironmentSummary |
Specifies the Function environment.
FunctionDeployEnvironmentSummary.Builder |
FunctionDeployStage |
Specifies the Function stage.
FunctionDeployStage.Builder |
FunctionDeployStageExecutionProgress |
Specifies the execution details for Function deployment stage.
FunctionDeployStageExecutionProgress.Builder |
FunctionDeployStageSummary |
Specifies the Function stage.
FunctionDeployStageSummary.Builder |
GenericArtifactLocationDetails |
Location where artifact is uploaded for user access.
GenericArtifacts |
Details of artifact generated via pipeline run
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the GenericArtifacts.Builder .
GenericArtifacts.Builder |
GenericDeliveredArtifact |
Details of the generic artifacts delivered through the Deliver Artifacts stage.
GenericDeliveredArtifact.Builder |
GenericDeployArtifactSource |
Specifies the Artifact Registry source details.
GenericDeployArtifactSource.Builder |
GithubAccessTokenConnection |
The properties that define a connection of the type GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN .
GithubAccessTokenConnection.Builder |
GithubAccessTokenConnectionSummary |
Summary information for a connection of the type GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN .
GithubAccessTokenConnectionSummary.Builder |
GithubBuildRunSource |
Specifies details of build run through GitHub.
GithubBuildRunSource.Builder |
GithubBuildSource |
GitHub build source for Build stage.
GithubBuildSource.Builder |
GithubFilter |
The filter for GitHub events.
GithubFilter.Builder |
GithubFilterAttributes |
Attributes to filter GitHub events.
GithubFilterAttributes.Builder |
GithubFilterExclusionAttributes |
Attributes to filter GitHub events.
GithubFilterExclusionAttributes.Builder |
GithubTrigger |
Trigger specific to GitHub.
GithubTrigger.Builder |
GithubTriggerCreateResult |
Trigger create response specific to GitHub.
GithubTriggerCreateResult.Builder |
GithubTriggerSummary |
Summary of the GitHub trigger.
GithubTriggerSummary.Builder |
GitlabAccessTokenConnection |
The properties that define a connection of the type GITLAB_ACCESS_TOKEN .
GitlabAccessTokenConnection.Builder |
GitlabAccessTokenConnectionSummary |
Summary information for a connection of the type GITLAB_ACCESS_TOKEN .
GitlabAccessTokenConnectionSummary.Builder |
GitlabBuildRunSource |
Specifies details of build run through GitLab.
GitlabBuildRunSource.Builder |
GitlabBuildSource |
GitLab build source for Build stage.
GitlabBuildSource.Builder |
GitlabFilter |
The filter for GitLab events.
GitlabFilter.Builder |
GitlabFilterAttributes |
Attributes to filter GitLab events.
GitlabFilterAttributes.Builder |
GitlabFilterExclusionAttributes |
Attributes to filter GitLab events.
GitlabFilterExclusionAttributes.Builder |
GitlabServerAccessTokenConnection |
The properties that define a connection of the type GITLAB_SERVER_ACCESS_TOKEN .
GitlabServerAccessTokenConnection.Builder |
GitlabServerAccessTokenConnectionSummary |
Summary information for a connection of the type GITLAB_SERVER_ACCESS_TOKEN .
GitlabServerAccessTokenConnectionSummary.Builder |
GitlabServerBuildRunSource |
Specifies details of build run through GitLab self-hosted Server.
GitlabServerBuildRunSource.Builder |
GitlabServerBuildSource |
GitlabServerBuildSource.Builder |
GitlabServerFilter |
The filter for GitLab self-hosted events.
GitlabServerFilter.Builder |
GitlabServerFilterAttributes |
Attributes to filter GitLab self-hosted server events.
GitlabServerFilterAttributes.Builder |
GitlabServerFilterExclusionAttributes |
Attributes to filter GitLab self-hosted server events.
GitlabServerFilterExclusionAttributes.Builder |
GitlabServerTrigger |
Trigger specific to GitLab self-hosted server.
GitlabServerTrigger.Builder |
GitlabServerTriggerCreateResult |
Trigger create response specific to GitLab self-hosted server.
GitlabServerTriggerCreateResult.Builder |
GitlabServerTriggerSummary |
Summary of the GitLab self-hosted server trigger.
GitlabServerTriggerSummary.Builder |
GitlabTrigger |
Trigger specific to GitLab.
GitlabTrigger.Builder |
GitlabTriggerCreateResult |
Trigger create response specific to GitLab.
GitlabTriggerCreateResult.Builder |
GitlabTriggerSummary |
Summary of the GitLab trigger.
GitlabTriggerSummary.Builder |
HelmCommandSpecArtifactSource |
HelmCommandSpecArtifactSource.Builder |
HelmRepositoryDeployArtifactSource |
Specifies Helm chart source details.
HelmRepositoryDeployArtifactSource.Builder |
HelmSetValue |
Defines a helm set value
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the HelmSetValue.Builder .
HelmSetValue.Builder |
HelmSetValueCollection |
Specifies the name and value pairs to set helm values.
HelmSetValueCollection.Builder |
InlineDeployArtifactSource |
Specifies the inline deployment artifact source details.
InlineDeployArtifactSource.Builder |
InlinePublicKeyVerificationKeySource |
InlinePublicKeyVerificationKeySource.Builder |
InvokeFunctionDeployStage |
Specifies Invoke Function stage.
InvokeFunctionDeployStage.Builder |
InvokeFunctionDeployStageExecutionProgress |
Specifies the Invoke Function stage specific execution details.
InvokeFunctionDeployStageExecutionProgress.Builder |
InvokeFunctionDeployStageSummary |
Specifies Invoke Function stage.
InvokeFunctionDeployStageSummary.Builder |
LoadBalancerConfig |
Specifies configuration for load balancer traffic shift stages.
LoadBalancerConfig.Builder |
LoadBalancerTrafficShiftDeployStage |
Specifies load balancer traffic shift stage.
LoadBalancerTrafficShiftDeployStage.Builder |
LoadBalancerTrafficShiftDeployStageExecutionProgress |
Specifies the load balancer Traffic Shift stage execution details.
LoadBalancerTrafficShiftDeployStageExecutionProgress.Builder |
LoadBalancerTrafficShiftDeployStageSummary |
Specifies load balancer traffic shift stage.
LoadBalancerTrafficShiftDeployStageSummary.Builder |
LoadBalancerTrafficShiftRolloutPolicy |
Description of rollout policy for load balancer traffic shift stage.
LoadBalancerTrafficShiftRolloutPolicy.Builder |
ManualApprovalDeployStage |
Specifies the manual approval stage.
ManualApprovalDeployStage.Builder |
ManualApprovalDeployStageExecutionProgress |
Specifies the manual approval stage specific execution details.
ManualApprovalDeployStageExecutionProgress.Builder |
ManualApprovalDeployStageSummary |
Specifies the manual approval stage.
ManualApprovalDeployStageSummary.Builder |
ManualBuildRunSource |
Specifies details of build runs triggered manually through the API.
ManualBuildRunSource.Builder |
MergeCheck |
Merge Check summary
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the Builder .
MergeCheckCollection |
list of merge checks.
MergeCheckCollection.Builder |
MergeChecks |
Criteria which must be satisfied to merge a pull request.
MergeChecks.Builder |
MergePullRequestDetails |
determines if this is a merge or a validation.
MergeSettings |
Enabled and disabled merge strategies for a project or repository, also contains a default
MergeSettings.Builder |
MirrorRepositoryConfig |
Configuration information for mirroring the repository.
MirrorRepositoryConfig.Builder |
NetworkChannel |
Specifies the configuration needed when the target OCI resource, i.e., OKE cluster, resides in
customer’s private network.
NginxBlueGreenStrategy |
Specifies the NGINX blue green release strategy.
NginxBlueGreenStrategy.Builder |
NginxCanaryStrategy |
Specifies the NGINX canary release strategy.
NginxCanaryStrategy.Builder |
NoDeployStageRollbackPolicy |
Specifies the no rollback policy for a Stage on failure.
NoDeployStageRollbackPolicy.Builder |
NoneVerificationKeySource |
NoneVerificationKeySource.Builder |
NotificationConfig |
Notification configuration for the project.
NotificationConfig.Builder |
ObjectStorageGenericArtifactLocationDetails |
ObjectStorage bucket details where artifact is located.
ObjectStorageGenericArtifactLocationDetails.Builder |
OcirDeployArtifactSource |
Specifies the OCIR details.
OcirDeployArtifactSource.Builder |
OkeBlueGreenDeployStage |
Specifies the Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) cluster Blue-Green deployment stage.
OkeBlueGreenDeployStage.Builder |
OkeBlueGreenDeployStageExecutionProgress |
Specifies the Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) cluster Blue-Green deployment stage.
OkeBlueGreenDeployStageExecutionProgress.Builder |
OkeBlueGreenDeployStageSummary |
Specifies the Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) cluster Blue-Green deployment stage.
OkeBlueGreenDeployStageSummary.Builder |
OkeBlueGreenStrategy |
Specifies the required blue-green release strategy for OKE deployment.
OkeBlueGreenTrafficShiftDeployStage |
Specifies the Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) cluster blue-green deployment traffic shift
OkeBlueGreenTrafficShiftDeployStage.Builder |
OkeBlueGreenTrafficShiftDeployStageExecutionProgress |
Specifies the Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) cluster Blue-Green deployment traffic shift
OkeBlueGreenTrafficShiftDeployStageExecutionProgress.Builder |
OkeBlueGreenTrafficShiftDeployStageSummary |
Specifies the Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) cluster blue-green deployment traffic shift
OkeBlueGreenTrafficShiftDeployStageSummary.Builder |
OkeCanaryApprovalDeployStage |
Specifies the Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) cluster canary deployment approval stage.
OkeCanaryApprovalDeployStage.Builder |
OkeCanaryApprovalDeployStageExecutionProgress |
Specifies the Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) cluster Canary approval stage.
OkeCanaryApprovalDeployStageExecutionProgress.Builder |
OkeCanaryApprovalDeployStageSummary |
Specifies the Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) cluster canary deployment approval stage.
OkeCanaryApprovalDeployStageSummary.Builder |
OkeCanaryDeployStage |
Specifies the Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) Canary deployment stage.
OkeCanaryDeployStage.Builder |
OkeCanaryDeployStageExecutionProgress |
Specifies the Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) cluster Canary deployment stage.
OkeCanaryDeployStageExecutionProgress.Builder |
OkeCanaryDeployStageSummary |
Specifies the Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) cluster Canary deployment stage.
OkeCanaryDeployStageSummary.Builder |
OkeCanaryStrategy |
Specifies the required canary release strategy for OKE deployment.
OkeCanaryTrafficShiftDeployStage |
Specifies the Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) cluster canary deployment traffic shift
OkeCanaryTrafficShiftDeployStage.Builder |
OkeCanaryTrafficShiftDeployStageExecutionProgress |
Specifies the Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) cluster Canary deployment traffic shift
OkeCanaryTrafficShiftDeployStageExecutionProgress.Builder |
OkeCanaryTrafficShiftDeployStageSummary |
Specifies the Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) cluster canary deployment traffic shift
OkeCanaryTrafficShiftDeployStageSummary.Builder |
OkeClusterDeployEnvironment |
Specifies the Kubernetes cluster environment.
OkeClusterDeployEnvironment.Builder |
OkeClusterDeployEnvironmentSummary |
Specifies the Kubernetes cluster environment.
OkeClusterDeployEnvironmentSummary.Builder |
OkeDeployStage |
Specifies the Container Engine for Kubernetes(OKE) cluster deployment stage.
OkeDeployStage.Builder |
OkeDeployStageExecutionProgress |
Specifies the execution details for a Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) cluster deployment
OkeDeployStageExecutionProgress.Builder |
OkeDeployStageSummary |
Specifies the Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) cluster deployment stage.
OkeDeployStageSummary.Builder |
OkeHelmChartDeploymentStageExecutionProgress |
Specifies the execution details for Kubernetes (OKE) helm chart deployment stage.
OkeHelmChartDeploymentStageExecutionProgress.Builder |
OkeHelmChartDeployStage |
Specifies the OKE cluster deployment stage using helm charts.
OkeHelmChartDeployStage.Builder |
OkeHelmChartDeployStageSummary |
Specifies the OKE cluster deployment stage using Helm charts.
OkeHelmChartDeployStageSummary.Builder |
PatchInsertInstruction |
An operation that inserts a value into an array, shifting array items as necessary and handling
NOT_FOUND exceptions by creating the implied containing structure.
PatchInsertInstruction.Builder |
PatchInstruction |
A single instruction to be included as part of Patch request content.
PatchMergeInstruction |
An operation that recursively updates items of the selection, or adding the value if the
selection is empty.
PatchMergeInstruction.Builder |
PatchMoveInstruction |
An operation that “puts” values from elsewhere in the target, functionally equivalent to a single
add and then a remove.
PatchMoveInstruction.Builder |
PatchProhibitInstruction |
A precondition operation that requires a selection to be empty, or optionally to be non-empty but
include no item with a specified value (useful for asserting that a value does not exist before
attempting to create it, avoiding accidental update).
PatchProhibitInstruction.Builder |
PatchPullRequestDetails |
PatchPullRequestDetails.Builder |
PatchRemoveInstruction |
An operation that deletes items, ignoring NOT_FOUND exceptions.
PatchRemoveInstruction.Builder |
PatchReplaceInstruction |
An operation that “puts” a value, replacing every item of the selection with it, or creating it
if the selection is empty.
PatchReplaceInstruction.Builder |
PatchRequireInstruction |
A precondition operation that requires a selection to be non-empty, and optionally to include an
item with a specified value (useful for asserting that a value exists before attempting to update
it, avoiding accidental creation).
PatchRequireInstruction.Builder |
PrincipalDetails |
PrincipalDetails.Builder |
PrivateEndpointChannel |
Specifies the configuration to access private endpoint.
PrivateEndpointChannel.Builder |
Project |
DevOps project groups resources needed to implement the CI/CD workload.
Project.Builder |
ProjectCollection |
Results of an project search.
ProjectCollection.Builder |
ProjectNotificationPreference |
The notification preference of the project.
ProjectNotificationPreference.Builder |
ProjectRepositorySettings |
User configured settings for project resources and their child repositories.
ProjectRepositorySettings.Builder |
ProjectSummary |
Summary of the project.
ProjectSummary.Builder |
ProtectedBranch |
Holds information used to restrict certain actions on branches
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the ProtectedBranch.Builder .
ProtectedBranch.Builder |
ProtectedBranchCollection |
ProtectedBranchCollection.Builder |
ProtectedBranchSummary |
Holds information used to restrict certain actions on branches
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the ProtectedBranchSummary.Builder .
ProtectedBranchSummary.Builder |
PullRequest |
Pull Request containing the diff between a review branch and a destination branch
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the PullRequest.Builder .
PullRequest.Builder |
PullRequestActivityCollection |
Result of list pullRequest activities.
PullRequestActivityCollection.Builder |
PullRequestActivitySummary |
Summary of an activity record in a pull request
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the Builder .
PullRequestAttachment |
Pull Request attachment created by users.
PullRequestAttachment.Builder |
PullRequestAttachmentCollection |
Result of list pullRequest attachment.
PullRequestAttachmentCollection.Builder |
PullRequestAttachmentSummary |
PullRequestAttachmentSummary.Builder |
PullRequestAuthorCollection |
Result of listing PR authors.
PullRequestAuthorCollection.Builder |
PullRequestAuthorSummary |
Object containing summary of PR author.
PullRequestAuthorSummary.Builder |
PullRequestChangeSummaryMetrics |
Response object for obtaining summary metric of Pull Request changed files.
PullRequestChangeSummaryMetrics.Builder |
PullRequestCollection |
Results of a Pull Request search.
PullRequestCollection.Builder |
PullRequestComment |
User comments created by reviewers during the pull request review.
PullRequestComment.Builder |
PullRequestCommentCollection |
Result of list pullRequest comments.
PullRequestCommentCollection.Builder |
PullRequestCommentLikeCollection |
Abstract of Pull Request Comment likes.
PullRequestCommentLikeCollection.Builder |
PullRequestCommentSummary |
PullRequestCommentSummary.Builder |
PullRequestFileChangeCollection |
Result of Pull Request difference.
PullRequestFileChangeCollection.Builder |
PullRequestFileChangeSummary |
Entry for description of change on a file.
PullRequestFileChangeSummary.Builder |
PullRequestLifecycleActivitySummary |
PullRequestLifecycleActivitySummary.Builder |
PullRequestNotificationPreference |
The notification preference of the pull request.
PullRequestNotificationPreference.Builder |
PullRequestSummary |
Summary of the Pull Request.
PullRequestSummary.Builder |
PutRepositoryBranchDetails |
The information needed to create a branch.
PutRepositoryBranchDetails.Builder |
PutRepositoryRefDetails |
The information needed to create a reference.
PutRepositoryTagDetails |
The information needed to create a lightweight tag.
PutRepositoryTagDetails.Builder |
Repository |
Repositories containing the source code to build and deploy.
Repository.Builder |
RepositoryAnalyticsDetails |
Details of the user configured settings for viewing the metrics.
RepositoryAnalyticsDetails.Builder |
RepositoryAuthorCollection |
Result of list authors.
RepositoryAuthorCollection.Builder |
RepositoryAuthorSummary |
Object containing summary of authors in a repository.
RepositoryAuthorSummary.Builder |
RepositoryBranch |
Branch related information.
RepositoryBranch.Builder |
RepositoryBranchSummary |
Branch related information.
RepositoryBranchSummary.Builder |
RepositoryCollection |
Results of a repository search.
RepositoryCollection.Builder |
RepositoryCommit |
Commit object with commit information.
RepositoryCommit.Builder |
RepositoryCommitCollection |
Result of a commit search.
RepositoryCommitCollection.Builder |
RepositoryCommitSummary |
Commit summary with commit information.
RepositoryCommitSummary.Builder |
RepositoryFileLines |
Object containing the lines of a file in a repository.
RepositoryFileLines.Builder |
RepositoryMetricAggregation |
The set of aggregated data returned for repository analytics.
RepositoryMetricAggregation.Builder |
RepositoryMetricSummary |
The metrics details of a repository resource.
RepositoryMetricSummary.Builder |
RepositoryMirrorRecord |
Object containing information about a mirror record.
RepositoryMirrorRecord.Builder |
RepositoryMirrorRecordCollection |
The collection of mirror entry.
RepositoryMirrorRecordCollection.Builder |
RepositoryMirrorRecordSummary |
Object containing information about a mirror record.
RepositoryMirrorRecordSummary.Builder |
RepositoryNotificationPreference |
The notification preference of the repository.
RepositoryNotificationPreference.Builder |
RepositoryObject |
Object containing information about files and directories in a repository.
RepositoryObject.Builder |
RepositoryPathCollection |
Result of list paths in a repository.
RepositoryPathCollection.Builder |
RepositoryPathSummary |
Object containing information about files and directories in a repository.
RepositoryPathSummary.Builder |
RepositoryRef |
Reference object with name and commit ID.
RepositoryRefCollection |
Result of a reference search.
RepositoryRefCollection.Builder |
RepositoryRefSummary |
Summary of a reference.
RepositorySettings |
User configured settings for repository resources
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the RepositorySettings.Builder .
RepositorySettings.Builder |
RepositorySummary |
Summary of the repository.
RepositorySummary.Builder |
RepositoryTag |
The information needed to create a lightweight tag.
RepositoryTag.Builder |
RepositoryTagSummary |
The information needed to create a lightweight tag.
RepositoryTagSummary.Builder |
Reviewer |
Reviewer information.
Reviewer.Builder |
ReviewerActivitySummary |
ReviewerActivitySummary.Builder |
ReviewPullRequestDetails |
ReviewPullRequestDetails.Builder |
ServiceVnicChannel |
Specifies the configuration to access private resources in customer tenancy using service managed
ServiceVnicChannel.Builder |
ShapeConfig |
Determines the size and amount of resources available to the instance.
ShapeConfig.Builder |
ShellDeployStage |
Specifies the shell stage.
ShellDeployStage.Builder |
ShellDeployStageExecutionProgress |
Specifies the shell stage specific execution details.
ShellDeployStageExecutionProgress.Builder |
ShellDeployStageSummary |
Specifies the shell stage.
ShellDeployStageSummary.Builder |
SingleDeployStageDeployment |
Deployment of a single stage within the pipeline.
SingleDeployStageDeployment.Builder |
SingleDeployStageDeploymentSummary |
Summary of single stage deployment.
SingleDeployStageDeploymentSummary.Builder |
SingleDeployStageRedeployment |
Redeployment of a single stage of a previous deployment.
SingleDeployStageRedeployment.Builder |
SingleDeployStageRedeploymentSummary |
Summary of a single stage redeployment.
SingleDeployStageRedeploymentSummary.Builder |
StageOutput |
Details of the generated artifact or report.
SummarizeProjectRepositoryAnalyticsDetails |
Details of the user configured settings for viewing the metrics at project level.
SummarizeProjectRepositoryAnalyticsDetails.Builder |
SummarizeRepositoryAnalyticsDetails |
Details of the user configured settings for viewing the metrics at repository level.
SummarizeRepositoryAnalyticsDetails.Builder |
SyncRepositoryDetails |
Details required for syncing a repository with its upstream.
SyncRepositoryDetails.Builder |
TestReportOutput |
Details of test report generated via pipeline run
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the TestReportOutput.Builder .
TestReportOutput.Builder |
TlsVerifyConfig |
TLS configuration used by build service to verify TLS connection.
Trigger |
Trigger the deployment pipeline to deploy the artifact.
TriggerAction |
The trigger action to be performed.
TriggerBuildPipelineAction |
The action to trigger a build pipeline.
TriggerBuildPipelineAction.Builder |
TriggerCollection |
Results of a trigger search.
TriggerCollection.Builder |
TriggerCreateResult |
Details of the trigger create response.
TriggerDeploymentPipelineStageRunProgress |
Specifies Trigger Deployment Pipleline stage specific run details.
TriggerDeploymentPipelineStageRunProgress.Builder |
TriggerDeploymentStage |
Specifies the Trigger Deployment stage, which runs another pipeline of the application.
TriggerDeploymentStage.Builder |
TriggerDeploymentStageSummary |
Specifies the Trigger Deployment stage, which runs another pipeline of the application.
TriggerDeploymentStageSummary.Builder |
TriggerInfo |
Trigger details that need to be used for the BuildRun
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the TriggerInfo.Builder .
TriggerInfo.Builder |
TriggerSchedule |
Specifies a trigger schedule.
TriggerSchedule.Builder |
TriggerSummary |
Summary of the trigger.
UpdateAbsoluteWaitCriteriaDetails |
Specifies the absolute wait criteria.
UpdateAbsoluteWaitCriteriaDetails.Builder |
UpdateApprovalRuleDetails |
A rule which must be satisfied for matching pull requests before the pull request can be merged
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the UpdateApprovalRuleDetails.Builder .
UpdateApprovalRuleDetails.Builder |
UpdateApprovalRuleDetailsCollection |
UpdateApprovalRuleDetailsCollection.Builder |
UpdateBitbucketCloudAppPasswordConnectionDetails |
The details for updating a connection of the type BITBUCKET_CLOUD_APP_PASSWORD .
UpdateBitbucketCloudAppPasswordConnectionDetails.Builder |
UpdateBitbucketCloudTriggerDetails |
Update trigger specific to Bitbucket Cloud.
UpdateBitbucketCloudTriggerDetails.Builder |
UpdateBitbucketServerAccessTokenConnectionDetails |
The details for updating a connection of the type BITBUCKET_SERVER_ACCESS_TOKEN .
UpdateBitbucketServerAccessTokenConnectionDetails.Builder |
UpdateBitbucketServerTriggerDetails |
Update trigger specific to Bitbucket Server.
UpdateBitbucketServerTriggerDetails.Builder |
UpdateBuildPipelineDetails |
The information to be updated for the given build pipeline.
UpdateBuildPipelineDetails.Builder |
UpdateBuildPipelineStageDetails |
The information to be updated.
UpdateBuildRunDetails |
The build run information to be updated.
UpdateBuildRunDetails.Builder |
UpdateBuildStageDetails |
Specifies the build stage.
UpdateBuildStageDetails.Builder |
UpdateComputeInstanceGroupBlueGreenDeployStageDetails |
Specifies the Instance Group Blue-Green deployment stage.
UpdateComputeInstanceGroupBlueGreenDeployStageDetails.Builder |
UpdateComputeInstanceGroupBlueGreenTrafficShiftDeployStageDetails |
Specifies the instance group blue-green deployment load balancer traffic shift stage.
UpdateComputeInstanceGroupBlueGreenTrafficShiftDeployStageDetails.Builder |
UpdateComputeInstanceGroupCanaryApprovalDeployStageDetails |
Specifies the canary approval stage.
UpdateComputeInstanceGroupCanaryApprovalDeployStageDetails.Builder |
UpdateComputeInstanceGroupCanaryDeployStageDetails |
Specifies the Instance Group Canary deployment stage.
UpdateComputeInstanceGroupCanaryDeployStageDetails.Builder |
UpdateComputeInstanceGroupCanaryTrafficShiftDeployStageDetails |
Specifies load balancer traffic shift stage.
UpdateComputeInstanceGroupCanaryTrafficShiftDeployStageDetails.Builder |
UpdateComputeInstanceGroupDeployEnvironmentDetails |
Specifies the Compute instance group environment.
UpdateComputeInstanceGroupDeployEnvironmentDetails.Builder |
UpdateComputeInstanceGroupDeployStageDetails |
Specifies the Instance Group Rolling deployment stage.
UpdateComputeInstanceGroupDeployStageDetails.Builder |
UpdateConnectionDetails |
The details for updating a connection.
UpdateDeliverArtifactStageDetails |
Specifies the Deliver Artifacts stage.
UpdateDeliverArtifactStageDetails.Builder |
UpdateDeployArtifactDetails |
The information to be updated for the artifact.
UpdateDeployArtifactDetails.Builder |
UpdateDeployEnvironmentDetails |
The information to be updated.
UpdateDeploymentDetails |
The information to be updated.
UpdateDeployPipelineDeploymentDetails |
Update details for a pipeline deployment.
UpdateDeployPipelineDeploymentDetails.Builder |
UpdateDeployPipelineDetails |
The information to be updated for the given deloyment pipeline.
UpdateDeployPipelineDetails.Builder |
UpdateDeployPipelineRedeploymentDetails |
Update details for a pipeline redeployment.
UpdateDeployPipelineRedeploymentDetails.Builder |
UpdateDeployStageDetails |
The information to be updated.
UpdateDevopsCodeRepositoryTriggerDetails |
Update trigger specific to OCI DevOps code repository.
UpdateDevopsCodeRepositoryTriggerDetails.Builder |
UpdateFunctionDeployEnvironmentDetails |
Specifies the Function environment.
UpdateFunctionDeployEnvironmentDetails.Builder |
UpdateFunctionDeployStageDetails |
Specifies the Function stage.
UpdateFunctionDeployStageDetails.Builder |
UpdateGithubAccessTokenConnectionDetails |
The details for updating a connection of the type GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN .
UpdateGithubAccessTokenConnectionDetails.Builder |
UpdateGithubTriggerDetails |
Update trigger specific to GitHub.
UpdateGithubTriggerDetails.Builder |
UpdateGitlabAccessTokenConnectionDetails |
The details for updating a connection of the type GITLAB_ACCESS_TOKEN .
UpdateGitlabAccessTokenConnectionDetails.Builder |
UpdateGitlabServerAccessTokenConnectionDetails |
The details for updating a connection of the type GITLAB_SERVER_ACCESS_TOKEN .
UpdateGitlabServerAccessTokenConnectionDetails.Builder |
UpdateGitlabServerTriggerDetails |
Update trigger specific to GitLab self-hosted server.
UpdateGitlabServerTriggerDetails.Builder |
UpdateGitlabTriggerDetails |
Update trigger specific to GitLab.
UpdateGitlabTriggerDetails.Builder |
UpdateInvokeFunctionDeployStageDetails |
Specifies Invoke Function stage.
UpdateInvokeFunctionDeployStageDetails.Builder |
UpdateLoadBalancerTrafficShiftDeployStageDetails |
Specifies load balancer traffic shift stage.
UpdateLoadBalancerTrafficShiftDeployStageDetails.Builder |
UpdateManualApprovalDeployStageDetails |
Specifies the manual approval stage.
UpdateManualApprovalDeployStageDetails.Builder |
UpdateOkeBlueGreenDeployStageDetails |
Specifies the Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) cluster Blue-Green deployment stage.
UpdateOkeBlueGreenDeployStageDetails.Builder |
UpdateOkeBlueGreenTrafficShiftDeployStageDetails |
Specifies the Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) cluster blue-green deployment traffic shift
UpdateOkeBlueGreenTrafficShiftDeployStageDetails.Builder |
UpdateOkeCanaryApprovalDeployStageDetails |
Specifies the Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) cluster canary deployment approval stage.
UpdateOkeCanaryApprovalDeployStageDetails.Builder |
UpdateOkeCanaryDeployStageDetails |
Specifies the Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) cluster Canary deployment stage.
UpdateOkeCanaryDeployStageDetails.Builder |
UpdateOkeCanaryTrafficShiftDeployStageDetails |
Specifies the Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) cluster canary deployment traffic shift
UpdateOkeCanaryTrafficShiftDeployStageDetails.Builder |
UpdateOkeClusterDeployEnvironmentDetails |
Specifies the Kubernetes cluster environment.
UpdateOkeClusterDeployEnvironmentDetails.Builder |
UpdateOkeDeployStageDetails |
Specifies the Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) cluster deployment stage.
UpdateOkeDeployStageDetails.Builder |
UpdateOkeHelmChartDeployStageDetails |
Specifies the Kubernetes cluster deployment stage.
UpdateOkeHelmChartDeployStageDetails.Builder |
UpdateProjectDetails |
The information to be updated for the given project.
UpdateProjectDetails.Builder |
UpdateProjectNotificationPreferenceDetails |
UpdateProjectNotificationPreferenceDetails.Builder |
UpdateProjectRepositorySettingsDetails |
Information to update custom project repository settings.
UpdateProjectRepositorySettingsDetails.Builder |
UpdatePullRequestCommentDetails |
The new comment content to be updated.
UpdatePullRequestCommentDetails.Builder |
UpdatePullRequestDetails |
The information to be updated.
UpdatePullRequestDetails.Builder |
UpdatePullRequestNotificationPreferenceDetails |
UpdatePullRequestNotificationPreferenceDetails.Builder |
UpdateRepositoryDetails |
The information to be updated.
UpdateRepositoryDetails.Builder |
UpdateRepositoryNotificationPreferenceDetails |
UpdateRepositoryNotificationPreferenceDetails.Builder |
UpdateRepositorySettingsDetails |
UpdateRepositorySettingsDetails.Builder |
UpdateReviewerDetails |
The reviewer to be updated.
UpdateReviewerDetails.Builder |
UpdateShellDeployStageDetails |
Specifies the shell stage.
UpdateShellDeployStageDetails.Builder |
UpdateSingleDeployStageDeploymentDetails |
Update details for a single stage deployment.
UpdateSingleDeployStageDeploymentDetails.Builder |
UpdateSingleDeployStageRedeploymentDetails |
Update details for a single stage redeployment.
UpdateSingleDeployStageRedeploymentDetails.Builder |
UpdateTriggerDeploymentStageDetails |
Specifies the Trigger Deployment stage, which runs another pipeline of the application.
UpdateTriggerDeploymentStageDetails.Builder |
UpdateTriggerDetails |
The information to be updated.
UpdateVbsAccessTokenConnectionDetails |
The details for updating a connection of the type VBS_ACCESS_TOKEN .
UpdateVbsAccessTokenConnectionDetails.Builder |
UpdateVbsTriggerDetails |
Update trigger specific to VBS.
UpdateVbsTriggerDetails.Builder |
UpdateWaitCriteriaDetails |
Specifies wait criteria for the Wait stage.
UpdateWaitDeployStageDetails |
Specifies the Wait stage.
UpdateWaitDeployStageDetails.Builder |
UpdateWaitStageDetails |
Specifies the Wait stage.
UpdateWaitStageDetails.Builder |
ValidateMergePullRequestDetails |
The information about the merge validation.
ValidateMergePullRequestDetails.Builder |
VaultSecretVerificationKeySource |
VaultSecretVerificationKeySource.Builder |
VbsAccessTokenConnection |
The properties that define a connection of the type VBS_ACCESS_TOKEN .
VbsAccessTokenConnection.Builder |
VbsAccessTokenConnectionSummary |
Summary information for a connection of the type VBS_ACCESS_TOKEN .
VbsAccessTokenConnectionSummary.Builder |
VbsBuildRunSource |
Specifies details of build run through VBS Server.
VbsBuildRunSource.Builder |
VbsBuildSource |
VBS Server Build Source for Build Stage
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the VbsBuildSource.Builder .
VbsBuildSource.Builder |
VbsFilter |
The filter for VBS events.
VbsFilter.Builder |
VbsFilterAttributes |
Attributes to filter VBS events.
VbsFilterAttributes.Builder |
VbsFilterExclusionAttributes |
Attributes to filter VBS events.
VbsFilterExclusionAttributes.Builder |
VbsTrigger |
Trigger specific to VBS
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the VbsTrigger.Builder .
VbsTrigger.Builder |
VbsTriggerCreateResult |
Trigger create response specific to VBS.
VbsTriggerCreateResult.Builder |
VbsTriggerSummary |
Summary of the VBS trigger.
VbsTriggerSummary.Builder |
VerificationKeySource |
The source of the verification material.
VulnerabilityAuditSummary |
Summary of vulnerability audit.
VulnerabilityAuditSummary.Builder |
VulnerabilityAuditSummaryCollection |
List of vulnerability audit summary.
VulnerabilityAuditSummaryCollection.Builder |
WaitCriteria |
Specifies wait criteria for the Wait stage.
WaitCriteriaSummary |
Specifies wait criteria for the Wait stage.
WaitDeployStage |
Specifies the Wait stage.
WaitDeployStage.Builder |
WaitDeployStageExecutionProgress |
Specifies Wait stage specific execution details.
WaitDeployStageExecutionProgress.Builder |
WaitDeployStageSummary |
Specifies the Wait stage.
WaitDeployStageSummary.Builder |
WaitStage |
Specifies the Wait stage.
WaitStage.Builder |
WaitStageRunProgress |
Specifies Wait stage specific run details.
WaitStageRunProgress.Builder |
WaitStageSummary |
Specifies the Wait stage.
WaitStageSummary.Builder |
WorkRequest |
Details of the work request status.
WorkRequest.Builder |
WorkRequestCollection |
List of work requests.
WorkRequestCollection.Builder |
WorkRequestError |
An error encountered while executing a work request.
WorkRequestError.Builder |
WorkRequestErrorCollection |
List of work request errors encountered while executing a work request.
WorkRequestErrorCollection.Builder |
WorkRequestLogEntry |
A log message from the execution of a work request.
WorkRequestLogEntry.Builder |
WorkRequestLogEntryCollection |
List of log messages from the execution of a work request.
WorkRequestLogEntryCollection.Builder |
WorkRequestResource |
A resource created or operated on by a work request.
WorkRequestResource.Builder |
WorkRequestSummary |
Details of the work request status.
WorkRequestSummary.Builder |