AddResourceLockDetails |
Used to add a resource lock.
AddResourceLockDetails.Builder |
AmazonKinesisConnection |
Represents the metadata of a Amazon Kinesis Connection.
AmazonKinesisConnection.Builder |
AmazonKinesisConnectionSummary |
Summary of the Amazon Kinesis Connection.
AmazonKinesisConnectionSummary.Builder |
AmazonRedshiftConnection |
Represents the metadata of a Amazon Redshift Connection.
AmazonRedshiftConnection.Builder |
AmazonRedshiftConnectionSummary |
Summary of the Amazon Redshift Connection.
AmazonRedshiftConnectionSummary.Builder |
AmazonS3Connection |
Represents the metadata of a Amazon S3 Connection.
AmazonS3Connection.Builder |
AmazonS3ConnectionSummary |
Summary of the Amazon S3 Connection.
AmazonS3ConnectionSummary.Builder |
AzureDataLakeStorageConnection |
Represents the metadata of a Azure Data Lake Storage Connection.
AzureDataLakeStorageConnection.Builder |
AzureDataLakeStorageConnectionSummary |
Summary of the Azure Data Lake Storage Connection.
AzureDataLakeStorageConnectionSummary.Builder |
AzureSynapseConnection |
Represents the metadata of a Azure Synapse Analytics Connection.
AzureSynapseConnection.Builder |
AzureSynapseConnectionSummary |
Summary of the Azure Synapse Analytics Connection.
AzureSynapseConnectionSummary.Builder |
BackupSchedule |
Defines the schedule of the deployment backup.
BackupSchedule.Builder |
CancelDeploymentBackupDetails |
The information about the Cancel for a DeploymentBackup.
CancelDeploymentUpgradeDetails |
The information about canceling.
CancelSnoozeDeploymentUpgradeDetails |
The information about snooze canceling.
Certificate |
Certificate data.
Certificate.Builder |
CertificateCollection |
A list of Certificates.
CertificateCollection.Builder |
CertificateSummary |
Summary of the Certificates.
CertificateSummary.Builder |
ChangeConnectionCompartmentDetails |
The new compartment for a Connection.
ChangeConnectionCompartmentDetails.Builder |
ChangeDatabaseRegistrationCompartmentDetails |
The new compartment for a DatabaseRegistration.
ChangeDatabaseRegistrationCompartmentDetails.Builder |
ChangeDeploymentBackupCompartmentDetails |
The new compartment for a DeploymentBackup.
ChangeDeploymentBackupCompartmentDetails.Builder |
ChangeDeploymentCompartmentDetails |
The new compartment for a Deployment.
ChangeDeploymentCompartmentDetails.Builder |
ChangePipelineCompartmentDetails |
The new compartment for a Pipeline.
ChangePipelineCompartmentDetails.Builder |
CollectDeploymentDiagnosticDetails |
CollectDeploymentDiagnosticDetails.Builder |
Connection |
Represents the metadata description of a connection used by deployments in the same compartment.
ConnectionAssignment |
Represents the metadata description of a connection assignment.
ConnectionAssignment.Builder |
ConnectionAssignmentCollection |
List of connection summary objects.
ConnectionAssignmentCollection.Builder |
ConnectionAssignmentSummary |
Summary of the Connection Assignment.
ConnectionAssignmentSummary.Builder |
ConnectionCollection |
List of connection summary objects.
ConnectionCollection.Builder |
ConnectionSummary |
Summary of the Connection.
CopyDeploymentBackupDetails |
The information about the copy for a Deployment Backup.
CopyDeploymentBackupDetails.Builder |
CreateAmazonKinesisConnectionDetails |
The information about a new Amazon Kinesis Connection.
CreateAmazonKinesisConnectionDetails.Builder |
CreateAmazonRedshiftConnectionDetails |
The information about a new Amazon Redshift Connection.
CreateAmazonRedshiftConnectionDetails.Builder |
CreateAmazonS3ConnectionDetails |
The information about a new Amazon S3 Connection.
CreateAmazonS3ConnectionDetails.Builder |
CreateAzureDataLakeStorageConnectionDetails |
The information about a new Azure Data Lake Storage Connection.
CreateAzureDataLakeStorageConnectionDetails.Builder |
CreateAzureSynapseConnectionDetails |
The information about a new Azure Synapse Analytics Connection.
CreateAzureSynapseConnectionDetails.Builder |
CreateBackupScheduleDetails |
Defines the backup schedule details for create operation.
CreateBackupScheduleDetails.Builder |
CreateCertificateDetails |
The information about a new Certificates.
CreateCertificateDetails.Builder |
CreateConnectionAssignmentDetails |
The information about a new Connection Assignment.
CreateConnectionAssignmentDetails.Builder |
CreateConnectionDetails |
The information about a new Connection.
CreateDatabaseRegistrationDetails |
The information about a new DatabaseRegistration.
CreateDatabaseRegistrationDetails.Builder |
CreateDatabricksConnectionDetails |
The information about a new Databricks Connection.
CreateDatabricksConnectionDetails.Builder |
CreateDb2ConnectionDetails |
The information about a new DB2 Connection.
CreateDb2ConnectionDetails.Builder |
CreateDeploymentBackupDetails |
The information about a new DeploymentBackup.
CreateDeploymentBackupDetails.Builder |
CreateDeploymentDetails |
The information about a new Deployment.
CreateDeploymentDetails.Builder |
CreateElasticsearchConnectionDetails |
The information about a new Elasticsearch Connection.
CreateElasticsearchConnectionDetails.Builder |
CreateGenericConnectionDetails |
The information about a new Generic Connection.
CreateGenericConnectionDetails.Builder |
CreateGoldenGateConnectionDetails |
The information about a new GoldenGate Connection.
CreateGoldenGateConnectionDetails.Builder |
CreateGoogleBigQueryConnectionDetails |
The information about a new Google BigQuery Connection.
CreateGoogleBigQueryConnectionDetails.Builder |
CreateGoogleCloudStorageConnectionDetails |
The information about a new Google Cloud Storage Connection.
CreateGoogleCloudStorageConnectionDetails.Builder |
CreateGooglePubSubConnectionDetails |
The information about a new Google PubSub Connection.
CreateGooglePubSubConnectionDetails.Builder |
CreateHdfsConnectionDetails |
The information about a new Hadoop Distributed File System Connection.
CreateHdfsConnectionDetails.Builder |
CreateJavaMessageServiceConnectionDetails |
The information about a new Java Message Service Connection.
CreateJavaMessageServiceConnectionDetails.Builder |
CreateKafkaConnectionDetails |
The information about a new Kafka Connection.
CreateKafkaConnectionDetails.Builder |
CreateKafkaSchemaRegistryConnectionDetails |
The information about a new Kafka (e.g.
CreateKafkaSchemaRegistryConnectionDetails.Builder |
CreateMaintenanceConfigurationDetails |
Defines the maintenance configuration for create operation.
CreateMaintenanceConfigurationDetails.Builder |
CreateMaintenanceWindowDetails |
Defines the maintenance window for create operation, when automatic actions can be performed.
CreateMaintenanceWindowDetails.Builder |
CreateMicrosoftFabricConnectionDetails |
The information about a new Microsoft Fabric Connection.
CreateMicrosoftFabricConnectionDetails.Builder |
CreateMicrosoftSqlserverConnectionDetails |
The information about a new Microsoft SQL Server Connection.
CreateMicrosoftSqlserverConnectionDetails.Builder |
CreateMongoDbConnectionDetails |
The information about a new MongoDB Connection.
CreateMongoDbConnectionDetails.Builder |
CreateMysqlConnectionDetails |
The information about a new MySQL Connection.
CreateMysqlConnectionDetails.Builder |
CreateOciObjectStorageConnectionDetails |
The information about a new OCI Object Storage Connection.
CreateOciObjectStorageConnectionDetails.Builder |
CreateOggDeploymentDetails |
CreateOggDeploymentDetails.Builder |
CreateOracleConnectionDetails |
The information about a new Oracle Database Connection.
CreateOracleConnectionDetails.Builder |
CreateOracleNosqlConnectionDetails |
The information about a new Oracle NoSQL Connection.
CreateOracleNosqlConnectionDetails.Builder |
CreatePipelineDetails |
Details with which to create a pipeline.
CreatePostgresqlConnectionDetails |
The information about a new PostgreSQL Connection.
CreatePostgresqlConnectionDetails.Builder |
CreateRedisConnectionDetails |
The information about a new Redis Connection.
CreateRedisConnectionDetails.Builder |
CreateSnowflakeConnectionDetails |
The information about a new Snowflake Connection.
CreateSnowflakeConnectionDetails.Builder |
CreateZeroEtlPipelineDetails |
Creation details for a new ZeroETL pipeline.
CreateZeroEtlPipelineDetails.Builder |
DatabaseRegistration |
Represents the metadata description of a database used by deployments in the same compartment.
DatabaseRegistration.Builder |
DatabaseRegistrationCollection |
A list of DatabaseRegistrations.
DatabaseRegistrationCollection.Builder |
DatabaseRegistrationSummary |
Summary of the DatabaseRegistration.
DatabaseRegistrationSummary.Builder |
DatabricksConnection |
Represents the metadata of a Databricks Connection.
DatabricksConnection.Builder |
DatabricksConnectionSummary |
Summary of the Databricks Connection.
DatabricksConnectionSummary.Builder |
Db2Connection |
Represents the metadata of a DB2 Connection.
Db2Connection.Builder |
Db2ConnectionSummary |
Summary of the DB2 Connection.
Db2ConnectionSummary.Builder |
DefaultCancelDeploymentBackupDetails |
Definition of the additional attributes for default deployment backup cancel.
DefaultCancelDeploymentBackupDetails.Builder |
DefaultCancelDeploymentUpgradeDetails |
Definition of the additional attributes for default deployment upgrade cancel.
DefaultCancelDeploymentUpgradeDetails.Builder |
DefaultCancelSnoozeDeploymentUpgradeDetails |
Definition of the additional attributes for default deployment upgrade cancel snooze.
DefaultCancelSnoozeDeploymentUpgradeDetails.Builder |
DefaultDeploymentWalletExistsDetails |
Definition of the additional attributes for default check of a wallet in deployment .
DefaultDeploymentWalletExistsDetails.Builder |
DefaultRefreshConnectionDetails |
Definition of the additional attributes for default Connection external attributes.
DefaultRefreshConnectionDetails.Builder |
DefaultRestoreDeploymentDetails |
Definition of the additional attributes for default deployment restore.
DefaultRestoreDeploymentDetails.Builder |
DefaultRollbackDeploymentUpgradeDetails |
Definition of the additional attributes for default upgrade rollback.
DefaultRollbackDeploymentUpgradeDetails.Builder |
DefaultSnoozeDeploymentUpgradeDetails |
Definition of the additional attributes for default deployment upgrade snooze.
DefaultSnoozeDeploymentUpgradeDetails.Builder |
DefaultStartDeploymentDetails |
Definition of the additional attributes for default deployment start.
DefaultStartDeploymentDetails.Builder |
DefaultStartPipelineDetails |
Attribute details for a default pipeline start.
DefaultStartPipelineDetails.Builder |
DefaultStopDeploymentDetails |
Definition of the additional attributes for default deployment stop.
DefaultStopDeploymentDetails.Builder |
DefaultStopPipelineDetails |
Attribute details for a default pipeline stop.
DefaultStopPipelineDetails.Builder |
DefaultTestConnectionAssignmentDetails |
Definition of the additional attributes for default test of assigned connection.
DefaultTestConnectionAssignmentDetails.Builder |
DefaultTestPipelineConnectionDetails |
Additional attribute with which to test the pipeline’s connection.
DefaultTestPipelineConnectionDetails.Builder |
DefaultUpgradeDeploymentUpgradeDetails |
Definition of the additional attributes for default deployment upgrade.
DefaultUpgradeDeploymentUpgradeDetails.Builder |
Deployment |
A container for your OCI GoldenGate resources, such as the OCI GoldenGate deployment console.
Deployment.Builder |
DeploymentBackup |
A backup of the current state of the GoldenGate deployment.
DeploymentBackup.Builder |
DeploymentBackupCollection |
A list of DeploymentBackups.
DeploymentBackupCollection.Builder |
DeploymentBackupSummary |
The summary of the Backup.
DeploymentBackupSummary.Builder |
DeploymentCollection |
A list of Deployments.
DeploymentCollection.Builder |
DeploymentDiagnosticData |
DeploymentDiagnosticData.Builder |
DeploymentEnvironmentCollection |
The list of DeploymentEnvironmentDescriptor objects.
DeploymentEnvironmentCollection.Builder |
DeploymentEnvironmentSummary |
The metadata specific to a production or development/testing environment.
DeploymentEnvironmentSummary.Builder |
DeploymentMessageCollection |
A list of DeploymentMessages.
DeploymentMessageCollection.Builder |
DeploymentSummary |
Summary of the Deployment.
DeploymentSummary.Builder |
DeploymentTypeCollection |
The list of DeploymentTypeDescriptor objects.
DeploymentTypeCollection.Builder |
DeploymentTypeSummary |
The meta-data specific on particular deployment type represented by deploymentType field.
DeploymentTypeSummary.Builder |
DeploymentUpgrade |
A container for your OCI GoldenGate Upgrade information.
DeploymentUpgrade.Builder |
DeploymentUpgradeCollection |
A list of Deployment Upgrades.
DeploymentUpgradeCollection.Builder |
DeploymentUpgradeSummary |
Summary of the Deployment Upgrade.
DeploymentUpgradeSummary.Builder |
DeploymentVersionCollection |
The list of DeploymentVersionSummary objects.
DeploymentVersionCollection.Builder |
DeploymentVersionSummary |
The summary data of a specific deployment version.
DeploymentVersionSummary.Builder |
DeploymentWalletExistsDetails |
The information to check if a wallet is present in the Deployment.
DeploymentWalletExistsResponseDetails |
DeploymentWalletExistsResponseDetails.Builder |
DeploymentWalletsOperationCollection |
A list of deployment wallets operations.
DeploymentWalletsOperationCollection.Builder |
DeploymentWalletsOperationSummary |
Summary of the deployment wallets operations.
DeploymentWalletsOperationSummary.Builder |
ElasticsearchConnection |
Represents the metadata of a Elasticsearch Connection.
ElasticsearchConnection.Builder |
ElasticsearchConnectionSummary |
Summary of the Elasticsearch Connection.
ElasticsearchConnectionSummary.Builder |
ExportDeploymentWalletDetails |
ExportDeploymentWalletDetails.Builder |
GenerateLibraryUrlDetails |
The information about generating the library URL.
GenerateLogReaderComponentLibraryUrlDetails |
Definition of the additional attributes for default library URL generation.
GenerateLogReaderComponentLibraryUrlDetails.Builder |
GenericConnection |
Represents the metadata of a Generic Connection.
GenericConnection.Builder |
GenericConnectionSummary |
Summary of the Generic Connection.
GenericConnectionSummary.Builder |
GoldenGateConnection |
Represents the metadata of a GoldenGate Connection.
GoldenGateConnection.Builder |
GoldenGateConnectionSummary |
Summary of the GoldenGate Connection.
GoldenGateConnectionSummary.Builder |
GoogleBigQueryConnection |
Represents the metadata of a Google BigQuery Connection.
GoogleBigQueryConnection.Builder |
GoogleBigQueryConnectionSummary |
Summary of the Google BigQuery Connection.
GoogleBigQueryConnectionSummary.Builder |
GoogleCloudStorageConnection |
Represents the metadata of a Google Cloud Storage Connection.
GoogleCloudStorageConnection.Builder |
GoogleCloudStorageConnectionSummary |
Summary of the Google Cloud Storage Connection.
GoogleCloudStorageConnectionSummary.Builder |
GooglePubSubConnection |
Represents the metadata of a Google PubSub Connection.
GooglePubSubConnection.Builder |
GooglePubSubConnectionSummary |
Summary of the Google PubSub Connection.
GooglePubSubConnectionSummary.Builder |
GroupToRolesMappingDetails |
Defines the IDP Groups to GoldenGate roles mapping.
GroupToRolesMappingDetails.Builder |
HdfsConnection |
Represents the metadata of a Hadoop Distributed File System Connection.
HdfsConnection.Builder |
HdfsConnectionSummary |
Summary of the Hadoop Distributed File System Connection.
HdfsConnectionSummary.Builder |
ImportDeploymentWalletDetails |
ImportDeploymentWalletDetails.Builder |
IngressIpDetails |
Private Endpoint IP Addresses created in the customer’s subnet.
IngressIpDetails.Builder |
InitialDataLoad |
Options required for the pipeline Initial Data Load.
InitialDataLoad.Builder |
JavaMessageServiceConnection |
Represents the metadata of a Java Message Service Connection.
JavaMessageServiceConnection.Builder |
JavaMessageServiceConnectionSummary |
Summary of the Java Message Service Connection.
JavaMessageServiceConnectionSummary.Builder |
KafkaBootstrapServer |
Represents a Kafka bootstrap server with host name, optional port defaults to 9092, and an
optional private ip.
KafkaBootstrapServer.Builder |
KafkaConnection |
Represents the metadata of a Kafka Connection.
KafkaConnection.Builder |
KafkaConnectionSummary |
Summary of the Kafka Connection.
KafkaConnectionSummary.Builder |
KafkaSchemaRegistryConnection |
Represents the metadata of a Kafka (e.g.
KafkaSchemaRegistryConnection.Builder |
KafkaSchemaRegistryConnectionSummary |
Summary of the Kafka (e.g.
KafkaSchemaRegistryConnectionSummary.Builder |
LibraryUrl |
A Pre-Authenticated Request Object URL to a DB2 for z/OS library that needs to be uploaded to
your DB2 for z/OS server in order to establish GoldenGate connections to it.
LibraryUrl.Builder |
MaintenanceConfiguration |
Attributes for configuring automatic deployment maintenance.
MaintenanceConfiguration.Builder |
MaintenanceWindow |
Defines the maintenance window, when automatic actions can be performed.
MaintenanceWindow.Builder |
MappingRule |
Mapping rule for source and target schemas for the pipeline data replication.
MappingRule.Builder |
MessageSummary |
Deployment message Summary.
MessageSummary.Builder |
MicrosoftFabricConnection |
Represents the metadata of a Microsoft Fabric Connection.
MicrosoftFabricConnection.Builder |
MicrosoftFabricConnectionSummary |
Summary of the Microsoft Fabric Connection.
MicrosoftFabricConnectionSummary.Builder |
MicrosoftSqlserverConnection |
Represents the metadata of a Microsoft SQL Server Connection.
MicrosoftSqlserverConnection.Builder |
MicrosoftSqlserverConnectionSummary |
Summary of the Microsoft SQL Server Connection.
MicrosoftSqlserverConnectionSummary.Builder |
MongoDbConnection |
Represents the metadata of a MongoDB Connection.
MongoDbConnection.Builder |
MongoDbConnectionSummary |
Summary of the MongoDB Connection.
MongoDbConnectionSummary.Builder |
MysqlConnection |
Represents the metadata of a MySQL Connection.
MysqlConnection.Builder |
MysqlConnectionSummary |
Summary of the MySQL Connection.
MysqlConnectionSummary.Builder |
NameValuePair |
A name-value pair representing an attribute entry usable in a list of attributes.
NameValuePair.Builder |
OciObjectStorageConnection |
Represents the metadata of an OCI Object Storage Connection.
OciObjectStorageConnection.Builder |
OciObjectStorageConnectionSummary |
Summary of the OCI Object Storage Connection.
OciObjectStorageConnectionSummary.Builder |
OggDeployment |
Deployment Data for an OggDeployment
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the OggDeployment.Builder .
OggDeployment.Builder |
OracleConnection |
Represents the metadata of an Oracle Database Connection.
OracleConnection.Builder |
OracleConnectionSummary |
Summary of the Oracle Connection.
OracleConnectionSummary.Builder |
OracleNosqlConnection |
Represents the metadata of an Oracle NoSQL Connection.
OracleNosqlConnection.Builder |
OracleNosqlConnectionSummary |
Summary of the Oracle NoSQL Connection.
OracleNosqlConnectionSummary.Builder |
Pipeline |
Represents the metadata details of a pipeline in the same compartment.
PipelineCollection |
List of pipeline summary objects.
PipelineCollection.Builder |
PipelineInitializationStep |
The step and its progress based on the recipe type.
PipelineInitializationStep.Builder |
PipelineInitializationSteps |
The steps and their progress, based on the recipe type.
PipelineInitializationSteps.Builder |
PipelineRunningProcessCollection |
The complete replication process and its details.
PipelineRunningProcessCollection.Builder |
PipelineRunningProcessSummary |
Each replication process and their summary details.
PipelineRunningProcessSummary.Builder |
PipelineSchemaCollection |
The list of schemas present in the source/target connection database of a pipeline.
PipelineSchemaCollection.Builder |
PipelineSchemaSummary |
List of source and target schemas of a pipeline’s assigned connection.
PipelineSchemaSummary.Builder |
PipelineSchemaTableCollection |
List of source or target schema tables of a pipeline’s assigned connection.
PipelineSchemaTableCollection.Builder |
PipelineSchemaTableSummary |
Summary of source or target schema tables of a pipeline’s assigned connection.
PipelineSchemaTableSummary.Builder |
PipelineSummary |
Summary details of the pipeline.
PostgresqlConnection |
Represents the metadata of a PostgreSQL Database Connection.
PostgresqlConnection.Builder |
PostgresqlConnectionSummary |
Summary of the PostgreSQL Database Connection.
PostgresqlConnectionSummary.Builder |
ProcessOptions |
Required pipeline options to configure the replication process (Extract or Replicat).
ProcessOptions.Builder |
RecipeSummary |
The list of recipe details to create pipelines.
RecipeSummary.Builder |
RecipeSummaryCollection |
The list of Recipe objects.
RecipeSummaryCollection.Builder |
RedisConnection |
Represents the metadata of a Redis Database Connection.
RedisConnection.Builder |
RedisConnectionSummary |
Summary of the Redis Database Connection.
RedisConnectionSummary.Builder |
RefreshConnectionDetails |
The information about the Refresh Connection external attributes.
RemoveResourceLockDetails |
Used to remove a resource lock.
RemoveResourceLockDetails.Builder |
ReplicateSchemaChange |
Options required for pipeline Initial Data Load.
ReplicateSchemaChange.Builder |
RescheduleDeploymentUpgradeDetails |
The information about canceling.
RescheduleDeploymentUpgradeToDateDetails |
Definition of the additional attributes for default deployment upgrade cancel.
RescheduleDeploymentUpgradeToDateDetails.Builder |
ResourceLock |
Resource locks are used to prevent certain APIs from being called for the resource.
ResourceLock.Builder |
RestoreDeploymentDetails |
The information about the Restore for a Deployment.
RollbackDeploymentUpgradeDetails |
The information about the rollback of an upgrade.
SnoozeDeploymentUpgradeDetails |
The information about the snooze for a deployment.
SnowflakeConnection |
Represents the metadata of a Snowflake Connection.
SnowflakeConnection.Builder |
SnowflakeConnectionSummary |
Summary of the Snowflake Connection.
SnowflakeConnectionSummary.Builder |
SourcePipelineConnectionDetails |
The source connection details for creating a pipeline.
SourcePipelineConnectionDetails.Builder |
StartDeploymentDetails |
The information about the Start for a Deployment.
StartPipelineDetails |
Details with which to start a pipeline.
StepMessage |
Contents of a step message.
StepMessage.Builder |
StopDeploymentDetails |
The information about the Stop for a Deployment.
StopPipelineDetails |
Details for a pipeline stop.
TargetPipelineConnectionDetails |
The target connection details for creating a pipeline.
TargetPipelineConnectionDetails.Builder |
TestConnectionAssignmentDetails |
The information about testing the assigned connection.
TestConnectionAssignmentError |
Error Information.
TestConnectionAssignmentError.Builder |
TestConnectionAssignmentResult |
The result of the connectivity test performed between the GoldenGate deployment and the
associated database / service.
TestConnectionAssignmentResult.Builder |
TestPipelineConnectionDetails |
Details about testing the pipeline’s assigned connection.
TestPipelineConnectionError |
The error returned when a pipeline connection fails to connect.
TestPipelineConnectionError.Builder |
TestPipelineConnectionResult |
Result of the connectivity test performed on a pipeline’s assigned connection.
TestPipelineConnectionResult.Builder |
TrailFileCollection |
A list of TrailFiles.
TrailFileCollection.Builder |
TrailFileSummary |
Summary of the TrailFiles.
TrailFileSummary.Builder |
TrailSequenceCollection |
A list of TrailSequences.
TrailSequenceCollection.Builder |
TrailSequenceSummary |
Summary of the TrailSequences.
TrailSequenceSummary.Builder |
UpdateAmazonKinesisConnectionDetails |
The information to update a the Amazon Kinesis Connection.
UpdateAmazonKinesisConnectionDetails.Builder |
UpdateAmazonRedshiftConnectionDetails |
The information to update a the Amazon Redshift Connection.
UpdateAmazonRedshiftConnectionDetails.Builder |
UpdateAmazonS3ConnectionDetails |
The information to update a the Amazon S3 Connection.
UpdateAmazonS3ConnectionDetails.Builder |
UpdateAzureDataLakeStorageConnectionDetails |
The information to update a Azure Data Lake Storage Connection.
UpdateAzureDataLakeStorageConnectionDetails.Builder |
UpdateAzureSynapseConnectionDetails |
The information to update a Azure Synapse Analytics Connection.
UpdateAzureSynapseConnectionDetails.Builder |
UpdateBackupScheduleDetails |
Defines the backup schedule details for update operation.
UpdateBackupScheduleDetails.Builder |
UpdateConnectionDetails |
The information to update a Connection.
UpdateDatabaseRegistrationDetails |
The information to update a DatabaseRegistration.
UpdateDatabaseRegistrationDetails.Builder |
UpdateDatabricksConnectionDetails |
The information to update a Databricks Connection.
UpdateDatabricksConnectionDetails.Builder |
UpdateDb2ConnectionDetails |
The information to update a DB2 Connection.
UpdateDb2ConnectionDetails.Builder |
UpdateDeploymentBackupDetails |
The information to use to update a Deployment Backup.
UpdateDeploymentBackupDetails.Builder |
UpdateDeploymentDetails |
The information to use to update a Deployment.
UpdateDeploymentDetails.Builder |
UpdateElasticsearchConnectionDetails |
The information to update a Elasticsearch Connection.
UpdateElasticsearchConnectionDetails.Builder |
UpdateGenericConnectionDetails |
The information to update a Generic Connection.
UpdateGenericConnectionDetails.Builder |
UpdateGoldenGateConnectionDetails |
The information to update a GoldenGate Connection.
UpdateGoldenGateConnectionDetails.Builder |
UpdateGoogleBigQueryConnectionDetails |
The information to update a the Google BigQuery Connection.
UpdateGoogleBigQueryConnectionDetails.Builder |
UpdateGoogleCloudStorageConnectionDetails |
The information to update a the Google Cloud Storage Connection.
UpdateGoogleCloudStorageConnectionDetails.Builder |
UpdateGooglePubSubConnectionDetails |
The information to update a the Google PubSub Connection.
UpdateGooglePubSubConnectionDetails.Builder |
UpdateGroupToRolesMappingDetails |
Defines the IDP Groups to GoldenGate roles mapping.
UpdateGroupToRolesMappingDetails.Builder |
UpdateHdfsConnectionDetails |
The information to update a Hadoop Distributed File System Connection.
UpdateHdfsConnectionDetails.Builder |
UpdateJavaMessageServiceConnectionDetails |
The information to update a Java Message Service Connection.
UpdateJavaMessageServiceConnectionDetails.Builder |
UpdateKafkaConnectionDetails |
The information to update a Kafka Connection.
UpdateKafkaConnectionDetails.Builder |
UpdateKafkaSchemaRegistryConnectionDetails |
The information to update Kafka (e.g.
UpdateKafkaSchemaRegistryConnectionDetails.Builder |
UpdateMaintenanceConfigurationDetails |
Defines the maintenance configuration for update operation.
UpdateMaintenanceConfigurationDetails.Builder |
UpdateMaintenanceWindowDetails |
Defines the maintenance window for update operation, when automatic actions can be performed.
UpdateMaintenanceWindowDetails.Builder |
UpdateMicrosoftFabricConnectionDetails |
The information to update a Microsoft Fabric Connection.
UpdateMicrosoftFabricConnectionDetails.Builder |
UpdateMicrosoftSqlserverConnectionDetails |
The information to update a Microsoft SQL Server Connection.
UpdateMicrosoftSqlserverConnectionDetails.Builder |
UpdateMongoDbConnectionDetails |
The information to update a MongoDB Connection.
UpdateMongoDbConnectionDetails.Builder |
UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails |
The information to update a MySQL Connection.
UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.Builder |
UpdateOciObjectStorageConnectionDetails |
The information to update a OCI Object Storage Connection.
UpdateOciObjectStorageConnectionDetails.Builder |
UpdateOggDeploymentDetails |
UpdateOggDeploymentDetails.Builder |
UpdateOracleConnectionDetails |
The information to update an Oracle Database Connection.
UpdateOracleConnectionDetails.Builder |
UpdateOracleNosqlConnectionDetails |
The information to update a Oracle NoSQL Connection.
UpdateOracleNosqlConnectionDetails.Builder |
UpdatePipelineDetails |
Information with which to update a pipeline.
UpdatePostgresqlConnectionDetails |
The information to update a PostgreSQL Database Connection.
UpdatePostgresqlConnectionDetails.Builder |
UpdateRedisConnectionDetails |
The information to update a Redis Database Connection.
UpdateRedisConnectionDetails.Builder |
UpdateSnowflakeConnectionDetails |
The information to update a Snowflake Connection.
UpdateSnowflakeConnectionDetails.Builder |
UpdateZeroEtlPipelineDetails |
Information to update for an existing ZeroETL pipeline.
UpdateZeroEtlPipelineDetails.Builder |
UpgradeDeploymentCurrentReleaseDetails |
Definition of the additional attributes for a Current Release upgrade.
UpgradeDeploymentCurrentReleaseDetails.Builder |
UpgradeDeploymentDetails |
The information about the Upgrade for a Deployment.
UpgradeDeploymentSpecificReleaseDetails |
Definition of the additional attributes for a Specific Release upgrade.
UpgradeDeploymentSpecificReleaseDetails.Builder |
UpgradeDeploymentUpgradeDetails |
The information about the upgrade for a deployment.
WorkRequest |
The API operations that create and configure GoldenGate resources do not take effect immediately.
WorkRequest.Builder |
WorkRequestError |
An error encountered while executing a work request.
WorkRequestError.Builder |
WorkRequestLogEntry |
A log message from the execution of a work request.
WorkRequestLogEntry.Builder |
WorkRequestResource |
A resource created or operated on by a work request.
WorkRequestResource.Builder |
ZeroEtlPipeline |
The details of a ZeroETL pipeline.
ZeroEtlPipeline.Builder |
ZeroEtlPipelineSummary |
Summary of the ZeroETL pipeline.
ZeroEtlPipelineSummary.Builder |