
class oci.database_migration.models.CreateDataPumpParameters(**kwargs)

Bases: object

Optional parameters for Data Pump Export and Import.


ESTIMATE_BLOCKS A constant which can be used with the estimate property of a CreateDataPumpParameters.
ESTIMATE_STATISTICS A constant which can be used with the estimate property of a CreateDataPumpParameters.
TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION_APPEND A constant which can be used with the table_exists_action property of a CreateDataPumpParameters.
TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION_REPLACE A constant which can be used with the table_exists_action property of a CreateDataPumpParameters.
TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION_SKIP A constant which can be used with the table_exists_action property of a CreateDataPumpParameters.
TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION_TRUNCATE A constant which can be used with the table_exists_action property of a CreateDataPumpParameters.
estimate Gets the estimate of this CreateDataPumpParameters.
exclude_parameters Gets the exclude_parameters of this CreateDataPumpParameters.
export_parallelism_degree Gets the export_parallelism_degree of this CreateDataPumpParameters.
import_parallelism_degree Gets the import_parallelism_degree of this CreateDataPumpParameters.
is_cluster Gets the is_cluster of this CreateDataPumpParameters.
table_exists_action Gets the table_exists_action of this CreateDataPumpParameters.


__init__(**kwargs) Initializes a new CreateDataPumpParameters object with values from keyword arguments.

A constant which can be used with the estimate property of a CreateDataPumpParameters. This constant has a value of “BLOCKS”


A constant which can be used with the estimate property of a CreateDataPumpParameters. This constant has a value of “STATISTICS”


A constant which can be used with the table_exists_action property of a CreateDataPumpParameters. This constant has a value of “APPEND”


A constant which can be used with the table_exists_action property of a CreateDataPumpParameters. This constant has a value of “REPLACE”


A constant which can be used with the table_exists_action property of a CreateDataPumpParameters. This constant has a value of “SKIP”


A constant which can be used with the table_exists_action property of a CreateDataPumpParameters. This constant has a value of “TRUNCATE”


Initializes a new CreateDataPumpParameters object with values from keyword arguments. The following keyword arguments are supported (corresponding to the getters/setters of this class):

  • is_cluster (bool) – The value to assign to the is_cluster property of this CreateDataPumpParameters.
  • estimate (str) – The value to assign to the estimate property of this CreateDataPumpParameters. Allowed values for this property are: “BLOCKS”, “STATISTICS”
  • table_exists_action (str) – The value to assign to the table_exists_action property of this CreateDataPumpParameters. Allowed values for this property are: “TRUNCATE”, “REPLACE”, “APPEND”, “SKIP”
  • exclude_parameters (list[oci.database_migration.models.DataPumpExcludeParameters]) – The value to assign to the exclude_parameters property of this CreateDataPumpParameters.
  • import_parallelism_degree (int) – The value to assign to the import_parallelism_degree property of this CreateDataPumpParameters.
  • export_parallelism_degree (int) – The value to assign to the export_parallelism_degree property of this CreateDataPumpParameters.

Gets the estimate of this CreateDataPumpParameters. Estimate size of dumps that will be generated.

Allowed values for this property are: “BLOCKS”, “STATISTICS”

Returns:The estimate of this CreateDataPumpParameters.
Return type:str

Gets the exclude_parameters of this CreateDataPumpParameters. Exclude paratemers for Export and Import.

Returns:The exclude_parameters of this CreateDataPumpParameters.
Return type:list[oci.database_migration.models.DataPumpExcludeParameters]

Gets the export_parallelism_degree of this CreateDataPumpParameters. Maximum number of worker processes that can be used for a Data Pump Export job.

Returns:The export_parallelism_degree of this CreateDataPumpParameters.
Return type:int

Gets the import_parallelism_degree of this CreateDataPumpParameters. Maximum number of worker processes that can be used for a Data Pump Import job. For an Autonomous Database, ODMS will automatically query its CPU core count and set this property.

Returns:The import_parallelism_degree of this CreateDataPumpParameters.
Return type:int

Gets the is_cluster of this CreateDataPumpParameters. Set to false to force Data Pump worker process to run on one instance.

Returns:The is_cluster of this CreateDataPumpParameters.
Return type:bool

Gets the table_exists_action of this CreateDataPumpParameters. IMPORT: Specifies the action to be performed when data is loaded into a preexisting table.

Allowed values for this property are: “TRUNCATE”, “REPLACE”, “APPEND”, “SKIP”

Returns:The table_exists_action of this CreateDataPumpParameters.
Return type:str