
class oci.database_migration.models.UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails(**kwargs)

Bases: oci.database_migration.models.update_connection_details.UpdateConnectionDetails

The information to update a MySQL Connection.


CONNECTION_TYPE_MYSQL str(object=’’) -> str
CONNECTION_TYPE_ORACLE str(object=’’) -> str
additional_attributes Gets the additional_attributes of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
connection_type Gets the connection_type of this UpdateConnectionDetails.
database_name Gets the database_name of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
db_system_id Gets the db_system_id of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
defined_tags Gets the defined_tags of this UpdateConnectionDetails.
description Gets the description of this UpdateConnectionDetails.
display_name Gets the display_name of this UpdateConnectionDetails.
freeform_tags Gets the freeform_tags of this UpdateConnectionDetails.
host Gets the host of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
key_id Gets the key_id of this UpdateConnectionDetails.
nsg_ids Gets the nsg_ids of this UpdateConnectionDetails.
password Gets the password of this UpdateConnectionDetails.
port Gets the port of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
replication_password Gets the replication_password of this UpdateConnectionDetails.
replication_username Gets the replication_username of this UpdateConnectionDetails.
security_protocol Gets the security_protocol of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
ssl_ca Gets the ssl_ca of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
ssl_cert Gets the ssl_cert of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
ssl_crl Gets the ssl_crl of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
ssl_key Gets the ssl_key of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
ssl_mode Gets the ssl_mode of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
subnet_id Gets the subnet_id of this UpdateConnectionDetails.
username Gets the username of this UpdateConnectionDetails.
vault_id Gets the vault_id of this UpdateConnectionDetails.


__init__(**kwargs) Initializes a new UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails object with values from keyword arguments.
get_subtype(object_dictionary) Given the hash representation of a subtype of this class, use the info in the hash to return the class of the subtype.

Initializes a new UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails object with values from keyword arguments. The default value of the connection_type attribute of this class is MYSQL and it should not be changed. The following keyword arguments are supported (corresponding to the getters/setters of this class):

  • connection_type (str) – The value to assign to the connection_type property of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails. Allowed values for this property are: “MYSQL”, “ORACLE”
  • display_name (str) – The value to assign to the display_name property of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
  • description (str) – The value to assign to the description property of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
  • freeform_tags (dict(str, str)) – The value to assign to the freeform_tags property of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
  • defined_tags (dict(str, dict(str, object))) – The value to assign to the defined_tags property of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
  • vault_id (str) – The value to assign to the vault_id property of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
  • key_id (str) – The value to assign to the key_id property of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
  • subnet_id (str) – The value to assign to the subnet_id property of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
  • nsg_ids (list[str]) – The value to assign to the nsg_ids property of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
  • username (str) – The value to assign to the username property of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
  • password (str) – The value to assign to the password property of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
  • replication_username (str) – The value to assign to the replication_username property of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
  • replication_password (str) – The value to assign to the replication_password property of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
  • host (str) – The value to assign to the host property of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
  • port (int) – The value to assign to the port property of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
  • database_name (str) – The value to assign to the database_name property of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
  • security_protocol (str) – The value to assign to the security_protocol property of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
  • ssl_mode (str) – The value to assign to the ssl_mode property of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
  • ssl_ca (str) – The value to assign to the ssl_ca property of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
  • ssl_crl (str) – The value to assign to the ssl_crl property of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
  • ssl_cert (str) – The value to assign to the ssl_cert property of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
  • ssl_key (str) – The value to assign to the ssl_key property of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
  • additional_attributes (list[oci.database_migration.models.NameValuePair]) – The value to assign to the additional_attributes property of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
  • db_system_id (str) – The value to assign to the db_system_id property of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.

Gets the additional_attributes of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails. An array of name-value pair attribute entries.

Returns:The additional_attributes of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
Return type:list[oci.database_migration.models.NameValuePair]

Gets the connection_type of this UpdateConnectionDetails. Defines the type of connection. For example, ORACLE.

Allowed values for this property are: “MYSQL”, “ORACLE”

Returns:The connection_type of this UpdateConnectionDetails.
Return type:str

Gets the database_name of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails. The name of the database being referenced.

Returns:The database_name of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
Return type:str

Gets the db_system_id of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails. The OCID of the database system being referenced.

Returns:The db_system_id of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
Return type:str

Gets the defined_tags of this UpdateConnectionDetails. Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. Example: {“foo-namespace”: {“bar-key”: “value”}}

Returns:The defined_tags of this UpdateConnectionDetails.
Return type:dict(str, dict(str, object))

Gets the description of this UpdateConnectionDetails. A user-friendly description. Does not have to be unique, and it’s changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.

Returns:The description of this UpdateConnectionDetails.
Return type:str

Gets the display_name of this UpdateConnectionDetails. A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it’s changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.

Returns:The display_name of this UpdateConnectionDetails.
Return type:str

Gets the freeform_tags of this UpdateConnectionDetails. Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example: {“Department”: “Finance”}

Returns:The freeform_tags of this UpdateConnectionDetails.
Return type:dict(str, str)
static get_subtype(object_dictionary)

Given the hash representation of a subtype of this class, use the info in the hash to return the class of the subtype.


Gets the host of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails. The IP Address of the host.

Returns:The host of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
Return type:str

Gets the key_id of this UpdateConnectionDetails. The OCID of the key used in cryptographic operations.

Returns:The key_id of this UpdateConnectionDetails.
Return type:str

Gets the nsg_ids of this UpdateConnectionDetails. An array of Network Security Group OCIDs used to define network access for Connections.

Returns:The nsg_ids of this UpdateConnectionDetails.
Return type:list[str]

Gets the password of this UpdateConnectionDetails. The password (credential) used when creating or updating this resource.

Returns:The password of this UpdateConnectionDetails.
Return type:str

Gets the port of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails. The port to be used for the connection.

Returns:The port of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
Return type:int

Gets the replication_password of this UpdateConnectionDetails. The password (credential) used when creating or updating this resource.

Returns:The replication_password of this UpdateConnectionDetails.
Return type:str

Gets the replication_username of this UpdateConnectionDetails. The username (credential) used when creating or updating this resource.

Returns:The replication_username of this UpdateConnectionDetails.
Return type:str

Gets the security_protocol of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails. Security Type for MySQL.

Returns:The security_protocol of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
Return type:str

Gets the ssl_ca of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails. Database Certificate - The base64 encoded content of mysql.pem file containing the server public key (for 1 and 2-way SSL).

Returns:The ssl_ca of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
Return type:str

Gets the ssl_cert of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails. Client Certificate - The base64 encoded content of client-cert.pem file containing the client public key (for 2-way SSL).

Returns:The ssl_cert of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
Return type:str

Gets the ssl_crl of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails. Certificates revoked by certificate authorities (CA). Server certificate must not be on this list (for 1 and 2-way SSL). Note: This is an optional and that too only applicable if TLS/MTLS option is selected.

Returns:The ssl_crl of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
Return type:str

Gets the ssl_key of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails. Client Key - The client-key.pem containing the client private key (for 2-way SSL).

Returns:The ssl_key of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
Return type:str

Gets the ssl_mode of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails. SSL modes for MySQL.

Returns:The ssl_mode of this UpdateMysqlConnectionDetails.
Return type:str

Gets the subnet_id of this UpdateConnectionDetails. OCI resource ID.

Returns:The subnet_id of this UpdateConnectionDetails.
Return type:str

Gets the username of this UpdateConnectionDetails. The username (credential) used when creating or updating this resource.

Returns:The username of this UpdateConnectionDetails.
Return type:str

Gets the vault_id of this UpdateConnectionDetails. OCI resource ID.

Returns:The vault_id of this UpdateConnectionDetails.
Return type:str