oci.ai_language.models.AssertionDetails |
The assertion details for health ner. |
oci.ai_language.models.BatchDetectDominantLanguageDetails |
The documents details for language detect call. |
oci.ai_language.models.BatchDetectDominantLanguageResult |
Result of language detect call. |
oci.ai_language.models.BatchDetectHealthEntityDetails |
The documents details for health entities detect call. |
oci.ai_language.models.BatchDetectHealthEntityResult |
Result of health entity detect call. |
oci.ai_language.models.BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesDetails |
The documents details for entities detect call. |
oci.ai_language.models.BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesResult |
Result of entities detect call. |
oci.ai_language.models.BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesDetails |
The documents details for keyPhrases call. |
oci.ai_language.models.BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResult |
Result of keyPhrases detect call. |
oci.ai_language.models.BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesDetails |
The documents details to detect personal identification information. |
oci.ai_language.models.BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesResult |
Result of batch detect personal identification. |
oci.ai_language.models.BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsDetails |
The documents details for sentiment call. |
oci.ai_language.models.BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsResult |
Result of sentiments detect call. |
oci.ai_language.models.BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationDetails |
The documents details for text classification call. |
oci.ai_language.models.BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationResult |
Result of text classification detect call. |
oci.ai_language.models.BatchLanguageTranslationDetails |
The documents details for translation call. |
oci.ai_language.models.BatchLanguageTranslationResult |
Result of translation call. |
oci.ai_language.models.Capabilities |
Capabilities supported |
oci.ai_language.models.Capability |
Capability supported |
oci.ai_language.models.ChangeEndpointCompartmentDetails |
Details for changing the compartment of an Endpoint. |
oci.ai_language.models.ChangeJobCompartmentDetails |
Details for changing the compartment of a language job. |
oci.ai_language.models.ChangeModelCompartmentDetails |
Details for changing the compartment of an Model. |
oci.ai_language.models.ChangeProjectCompartmentDetails |
Details for changing the compartment of a Project. |
oci.ai_language.models.ClassMetrics |
class level Text Classification model metrics |
oci.ai_language.models.ClassificationMultiClassModeDetails |
Possible text classification multi class mode details |
oci.ai_language.models.ClassificationMultiLabelModeDetails |
Possible text classification multi label mode details |
oci.ai_language.models.ClassificationType |
possible text classification modes |
oci.ai_language.models.ConfigurationDetails |
training model details |
oci.ai_language.models.ConfusionMatrixDetails |
confusion matrix details |
oci.ai_language.models.CreateEndpointDetails |
The information needed to create a new endpoint and expose to end users. |
oci.ai_language.models.CreateJobDetails |
Job creation detail which will have documents on which language services need to run prediction along with output folder |
oci.ai_language.models.CreateModelDetails |
The information needed to train a new model |
oci.ai_language.models.CreateProjectDetails |
Parameters needed to create a new project. |
oci.ai_language.models.DataScienceLabelingDataset |
Dataset that uses data science labelling service as underlying data source. |
oci.ai_language.models.DatasetDetails |
Possible data set type |
oci.ai_language.models.DetectDominantLanguageDetails |
The document details for language detect call. |
oci.ai_language.models.DetectDominantLanguageResult |
Result of language detect call. |
oci.ai_language.models.DetectLanguageEntitiesDetails |
The document details for entities detect call. |
oci.ai_language.models.DetectLanguageEntitiesResult |
Result of entities detect call. |
oci.ai_language.models.DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesDetails |
The document details for a keyPhrases detect call. |
oci.ai_language.models.DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResult |
Result of a language keyPhrases detect call. |
oci.ai_language.models.DetectLanguageSentimentsDetails |
The document details for sentiments detect call. |
oci.ai_language.models.DetectLanguageSentimentsResult |
Result of sentiments detect call. |
oci.ai_language.models.DetectLanguageTextClassificationDetails |
The document details for text classification detect call. |
oci.ai_language.models.DetectLanguageTextClassificationResult |
Result of text classification detect call. |
oci.ai_language.models.DetectedLanguage |
Attributes to the detected language. |
oci.ai_language.models.DocumentError |
Error response for document. |
oci.ai_language.models.DocumentsConfiguration |
Input documents configuration |
oci.ai_language.models.DominantLanguageDocument |
The document details for language detect call. |
oci.ai_language.models.DominantLanguageDocumentResult |
The document response for language detect call. |
oci.ai_language.models.Endpoint |
Description of the endpoint. |
oci.ai_language.models.EndpointCollection |
Results of an endpoint list. |
oci.ai_language.models.EndpointSummary |
Summary of the language endpoint. |
oci.ai_language.models.Entity |
entity object |
oci.ai_language.models.EntityDocumentResult |
The document response for entities detect call. |
oci.ai_language.models.EntityLabelErrorAnalysis |
Possible entity error label error details |
oci.ai_language.models.EntityMetrics |
Entity level named entity recognition model metrics |
oci.ai_language.models.ErrorDetails |
Error Information. |
oci.ai_language.models.EvaluationResultCollection |
Results of a model evaluation analysis search. |
oci.ai_language.models.EvaluationResultSummary |
model evaluation analysis of different models |
oci.ai_language.models.EvaluationResults |
model training results of different models |
oci.ai_language.models.HealthEntity |
Health entity object |
oci.ai_language.models.HealthEntityDocumentResult |
The document response for health entity detect call. |
oci.ai_language.models.HealthNluModelDetails |
Possible health NLU model information. |
oci.ai_language.models.HierarchicalEntity |
Hierarchical entity object |
oci.ai_language.models.InputConfiguration |
input documents configuration by default TXT files will be processed and this behaviour will not change in future after adding new types |
oci.ai_language.models.InputLocation |
document location and other meta data about documents For TXT only ObjectStoragePrefixLocation supported For CSV only ObjectStorageFileNameLocation is supported For this release only one file is supported for ObjectStorageFileNameLocation i.e CSV file type |
oci.ai_language.models.Job |
Job details which contain input document details on which prediction need to run, features (which and all language services ) need to run and where to store results |
oci.ai_language.models.JobCollection |
list of Jobs created in the compartment and/or after applying filters based on filters provided by user |
oci.ai_language.models.JobSummary |
sub set of Job details data which need returns in list API |
oci.ai_language.models.KeyPhrase |
Key phrase for the given text. |
oci.ai_language.models.KeyPhraseDocumentResult |
The document response for keyPhrases detect call. |
oci.ai_language.models.LocationDetails |
Possible object storage location types |
oci.ai_language.models.MelConcept |
The MEL concepts details for health ner. |
oci.ai_language.models.MelConceptDetails |
The MEL concepts details for health ner. |
oci.ai_language.models.MetaInfo |
MetaInfo of entity detected. |
oci.ai_language.models.Model |
Description of the a Model. |
oci.ai_language.models.ModelCollection |
Results of a model search. |
oci.ai_language.models.ModelDetails |
Possible model types |
oci.ai_language.models.ModelMetadataDetails |
training model details For this release only one model is allowed to be input here. |
oci.ai_language.models.ModelSummary |
Summary of the language Model. |
oci.ai_language.models.ModelTypeInfo |
Model information like versions and capabilities |
oci.ai_language.models.NamedEntityRecognitionEvaluationResult |
Possible NER model error analysis |
oci.ai_language.models.NamedEntityRecognitionEvaluationResults |
Named entity recognition model testing and evaluation results |
oci.ai_language.models.NamedEntityRecognitionModelDetails |
Possible NER model information |
oci.ai_language.models.NamedEntityRecognitionModelMetrics |
Model level named entity recognition metrics |
oci.ai_language.models.ObjectListDataset |
Data source details for object storage |
oci.ai_language.models.ObjectPrefixOutputLocation |
Object storage output location to write inference results |
oci.ai_language.models.ObjectStorageDataset |
Different type of location types supported for object storage |
oci.ai_language.models.ObjectStorageFileNameLocation |
list of text files need to be used for prediction |
oci.ai_language.models.ObjectStoragePrefixLocation |
Properties specific to object storage prefix location |
oci.ai_language.models.PiiEntity |
PII entity object. |
oci.ai_language.models.PiiEntityDocumentResult |
The document response for batch detect personal identification. |
oci.ai_language.models.PiiEntityMask |
Mask PII entities with the given masking character. |
oci.ai_language.models.PiiEntityMasking |
Mask recognized PII entities with different modes. |
oci.ai_language.models.PiiEntityRemove |
Remove PII entities from output. |
oci.ai_language.models.PiiEntityReplace |
Replace PII entities with a given sequence of characters. |
oci.ai_language.models.PiiModelDetails |
Possible Custom PII model information |
oci.ai_language.models.PreDeployedLanguageModels |
Description of Language Entities. |
oci.ai_language.models.PreTrainedHealthNluModelDetails |
Possible pre trained health NLU model information |
oci.ai_language.models.PreTrainedKeyPhraseExtractionModelDetails |
Possible pre trained TXT model information |
oci.ai_language.models.PreTrainedLanguageDetectionModelDetails |
Possible pre trained TXT model information |
oci.ai_language.models.PreTrainedNamedEntityRecognitionModelDetails |
Possible pre trained NER model information |
oci.ai_language.models.PreTrainedPiiModelDetails |
Possible pre trained PII model information |
oci.ai_language.models.PreTrainedSentimentAnalysisModelDetails |
Possible pre trained TXT model information |
oci.ai_language.models.PreTrainedSummarization |
Possible pre trained summarization information |
oci.ai_language.models.PreTrainedTextClassificationModelDetails |
Possible pre trained TXT model information |
oci.ai_language.models.PreTrainedTranslationModelDetails |
Possible pre trained translation model information. |
oci.ai_language.models.PreTrainedUniversalModel |
Possible pre trained universal model information |
oci.ai_language.models.Profile |
Documents profile |
oci.ai_language.models.Project |
Project enable users to organize their project resources. |
oci.ai_language.models.ProjectCollection |
Results of a Project List. |
oci.ai_language.models.ProjectSummary |
Summary of the project. |
oci.ai_language.models.RelationEntity |
The relation entities details for health ner. |
oci.ai_language.models.ResolvedEntities |
Resolved entities. |
oci.ai_language.models.ResolvedEntity |
Resolved entity. |
oci.ai_language.models.SentimentAspect |
Sentiment aspect object. |
oci.ai_language.models.SentimentDocumentResult |
The document response for sentiment detect call. |
oci.ai_language.models.SentimentSentence |
Sentiment sentence object. |
oci.ai_language.models.TestAndValidationDatasetStrategy |
This information will be used capture training, testing and validation dataset. |
oci.ai_language.models.TestStrategy |
Possible strategy as testing and validation(optional) dataset. |
oci.ai_language.models.TextClassification |
Text label and score for the given text. |
oci.ai_language.models.TextClassificationDocumentResult |
The document response for test classification detect call. |
oci.ai_language.models.TextClassificationEvaluationResults |
Text Classification model testing and evaluation results |
oci.ai_language.models.TextClassificationModelDetails |
Possible TextClassificationModelDetails |
oci.ai_language.models.TextClassificationModelEvaluationResult |
Possible TXTC model error analysis |
oci.ai_language.models.TextClassificationModelMetrics |
Model level text classification metrics |
oci.ai_language.models.TextDocument |
The document details for language service call. |
oci.ai_language.models.TranslationDocumentResult |
The document response for translation call. |
oci.ai_language.models.UpdateEndpointDetails |
The information to be updated. |
oci.ai_language.models.UpdateJobDetails |
The information to be updated. |
oci.ai_language.models.UpdateModelDetails |
The information to be updated. |
oci.ai_language.models.UpdateProjectDetails |
The information to be updated for the project. |
oci.ai_language.models.WorkRequest |
A description of workrequest status |
oci.ai_language.models.WorkRequestError |
An error encountered while executing a work request. |
oci.ai_language.models.WorkRequestErrorCollection |
Results of a workRequestError search. |
oci.ai_language.models.WorkRequestLog |
A log message from the execution of a work request. |
oci.ai_language.models.WorkRequestLogCollection |
Results of a workRequestLog search. |
oci.ai_language.models.WorkRequestResource |
A resource created or operated on by a work request. |
oci.ai_language.models.WorkRequestSummary |
A summary of the status of a work request. |
oci.ai_language.models.WorkRequestSummaryCollection |
Results of a workRequest search. |