oci.fleet_software_update.models.ActiveCycleDetails |
Active Exadata Fleet Update Cycle resource for this Collection. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.AddFsuCollectionTargetsDetails |
Add Targets to a Exadata Fleet Update Collection. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.ApplyAction |
Apply Exadata Fleet Update Action details. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.ApplyActionSummary |
Apply Exadata Fleet Update Action summary. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.ApplyFsuJob |
Apply Exadata Fleet Update Job resource. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.ApplyFsuJobSummary |
Summary of Apply Exadata Fleet Update Job resource. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.BatchingStrategyDetails |
Batching strategy details to use during PRECHECK and APPLY Cycle Actions. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.ChangeFsuActionCompartmentDetails |
Compartment to move the Exadata Fleet Update Action to. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.ChangeFsuCollectionCompartmentDetails |
Compartment to move the Exadata Fleet Update Collection to. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.ChangeFsuCycleCompartmentDetails |
Compartment to move the Exadata Fleet Update Cycle to. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.ChangeFsuDiscoveryCompartmentDetails |
Compartment to move the Exadata Fleet Update Discovery to. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.CleanupAction |
Cleanup Exadata Fleet Update Action details. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.CleanupActionSummary |
Cleanup Exadata Fleet Update Action summary. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.CleanupFsuJob |
Cleanup Exadata Fleet Update Job resource. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.CleanupFsuJobSummary |
Summary of Cleanup Exadata Fleet Update Job resource. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.CloneFsuCycleDetails |
Details for cloning an existing Exadata Fleet Update Cycle resource. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.CloudVmClusterTargetSummary |
Details of a CloudVmCluster target member of a Exadata Fleet Update Collection. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.CreateApplyActionDetails |
Apply Exadata Fleet Update Action creation details. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.CreateBatchingStrategyDetails |
Batching strategy details to use during PRECHECK and APPLY Cycle Actions. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.CreateCleanupActionDetails |
Cleanup Exadata Fleet Update Action creation details. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.CreateDbFsuCollectionDetails |
Details to create a ‘DB’ type Exadata Fleet Update Collection. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.CreateFiftyFiftyBatchingStrategyDetails |
Fifty-Fifty batching strategy details to use during PRECHECK and APPLY Cycle Actions. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.CreateFsuActionDetails |
Exadata Fleet Update Action resource details. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.CreateFsuCollectionDetails |
The information about new Exadata Fleet Update Collection. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.CreateFsuCycleDetails |
Exadata Fleet Update Cycle resource creation details. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.CreateFsuDiscoveryDetails |
The information about new Exadata Fleet Update Discovery resource. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.CreateGiFsuCollectionDetails |
Details to create a ‘GI’ type Exadata Fleet Update Collection. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.CreateNonRollingBatchingStrategyDetails |
Non-rolling batching strategy details to use during PRECHECK and APPLY Cycle Actions. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.CreatePatchFsuCycle |
Patch Exadata Fleet Update Cycle resource creation details. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.CreatePrecheckActionDetails |
Precheck Exadata Fleet Update Action creation details. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.CreateRollbackActionDetails |
Rollback Exadata Fleet Update Action creation details. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.CreateRollbackCycleApplyActionDetails |
Exadata Fleet Update Rollback Action creation details. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.CreateScheduleDetails |
Scheduling related details for the Exadata Fleet Update Action during create operations. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.CreateSequentialBatchingStrategyDetails |
Sequential batching strategy details to use during PRECHECK and APPLY Cycle Actions. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.CreateServiceAvailabilityFactorBatchingStrategyDetails |
Service Availability Factor batching strategy details to use during PRECHECK and APPLY Cycle Actions. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.CreateStageActionDetails |
Stage Exadata Fleet Update Action creation details. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.CreateStartTimeScheduleDetails |
Start time details for the Exadata Fleet Update Action. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.DatabaseTargetSummary |
Details of a Database target member of a Exadata Fleet Update Collection. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.DbCollection |
‘DB’ type Exadata Fleet Update Collection details. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.DbCompartmentIdFilter |
List of Compartments to include in the discovery. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.DbDefinedTagsFilter |
Defined tags to include in the discovery. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.DbDiscoveryDetails |
‘DB’ type Exadata Fleet Update Discovery details. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.DbDiscoveryResults |
Collection built from the results of a Succeeded Fleet Software Update Discovery resource. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.DbFiltersDiscovery |
Collection discovery done from the results of the specified filters. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.DbFleetDiscoveryDetails |
Supported fleet discovery strategies for DB Collections. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.DbFleetDiscoveryFilter |
Possible Discovery filters for Database targets. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.DbFreeformTagsFilter |
Freeform tags to include in the discovery. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.DbFsuCollectionSummary |
‘DB’ type Exadata Fleet Update Collection summary. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.DbHomeNameFilter |
Database home name to include in the discovery. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.DbNameFilter |
Database name to include in the discovery. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.DbResourceIdFilter |
Related resource Ids to include in the discovery. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.DbSearchQueryDiscovery |
Collection discovery done from the results of the specified Search Service query string. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.DbTargetListDiscovery |
Collection discovery conformed by the specified list of targets. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.DbUniqueNameFilter |
Database unique name to include in the discovery. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.DbVersionFilter |
Versions to include in the discovery. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.DefinedTagFilterEntry |
Defined Tag filter entry. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.DiagnosticsCollectionDetails |
Details to configure diagnostics collection for targets affected by this Exadata Fleet Update Maintenance Cycle. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.DiscoveryDetails |
Discovery filter details for search. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.DiscoveryDetailsSummary |
Summarized Discovery details. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.FailedJobsRollbackDetails |
FAILED_JOBS strategy rollback details. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.FiftyFiftyBatchingStrategyDetails |
Fifty-Fifty batching strategy details to use during PRECHECK and APPLY Cycle Actions. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.FreeformTagFilterEntry |
Freeform Tag filter entry. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.FsuAction |
Exadata Fleet Update Action resource details. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.FsuActionProgressDetails |
Progress of the Action in execution. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.FsuActionSummary |
Exadata Fleet Update Action summary. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.FsuActionSummaryCollection |
List of FsuActionSummary objects. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.FsuCollection |
Exadata Fleet Update Collection Resource. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.FsuCollectionSummary |
Exadata Fleet Update Collection Resource. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.FsuCollectionSummaryCollection |
List of FsuCollectionSummary objects. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.FsuCollectionTarget |
Details of a target member of a Exadata Fleet Update Collection. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.FsuCycle |
Exadata Fleet Update Cycle resource details. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.FsuCycleSummary |
Exadata Fleet Update Cycle Summary. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.FsuCycleSummaryCollection |
List of FsuCycleSummary objects. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.FsuDiscovery |
Exadata Fleet Update Discovery resource details. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.FsuDiscoverySummary |
Exadata Fleet Update Discovery Resource. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.FsuDiscoverySummaryCollection |
List of FleetSoftwareUpdateDiscoverySummary objects. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.FsuGoalVersionDetails |
Goal version or image details for the Exadata Fleet Update Cycle. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.FsuJob |
Exadata Fleet Update Job resource. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.FsuJobCollection |
Results of a Exadata Fleet Update Job Summary listing. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.FsuJobOutputSummary |
Job output summary line. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.FsuJobOutputSummaryCollection |
Results of a Exadata Fleet Update Job output listing. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.FsuJobSummary |
Exadata Fleet Update Job resource. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.GiCollection |
Details to create a ‘GI’ type Exadata Fleet Update Collection. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.GiCompartmentIdFilter |
List of Compartments to include in the discovery. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.GiDefinedTagsFilter |
Defined tags to include in the discovery. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.GiDiscoveryDetails |
Details to create a ‘GI’ type Exadata Fleet Update Discovery. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.GiDiscoveryResults |
Collection built from the results of a Succeeded Fleet Software Update Discovery resource. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.GiFiltersDiscovery |
Collection discovery done from the results of the specified filters. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.GiFleetDiscoveryDetails |
Supported fleet discovery strategies for GI Collections. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.GiFleetDiscoveryFilter |
Possible Discovery filters. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.GiFreeformTagsFilter |
Freeform tags to include in the discovery. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.GiFsuCollectionSummary |
‘GI’ type Exadata Fleet Update Collection summary. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.GiResourceIdFilter |
Related resource Ids to include in the discovery. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.GiSearchQueryDiscovery |
Collection discovery done from the results of the specified Search Service query string. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.GiTargetListDiscovery |
Collection discovery conformed by the specified list of targets. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.GiVersionFilter |
Versions to include in the discovery. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.ImageIdFsuTargetDetails |
The Database service Database Software Image resource is required as goal version for the Exadata Fleet Update Maintenance Cycle when IMAGE_ID type is selected. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.JobProgress |
Summary of progress for the Exadata Fleet Update Job. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.JobProgressDetails |
Details about the Exadata Fleet Update Job progress. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.ListOfTargetsRollbackDetails |
LIST_OF_TARGETS strategy rollback details. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.NextActionToExecuteDetails |
Details of the next Exadata Fleet Update Action to execute in a Maintenance Cycle. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.NonRollingBatchingStrategyDetails |
Non-rolling batching strategy details to use during PRECHECK and APPLY Cycle Actions. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.NoneBatchingStrategyDetails |
No batching strategy details. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.NoneScheduleDetails |
Type used to remove previously stored scheduled details. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.PatchFsuCycle |
Patch Exadata Fleet Update Cycle resource details. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.PrecheckAction |
Precheck Exadata Fleet Update Action details. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.PrecheckActionSummary |
Precheck Exadata Fleet Update Action summary. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.PrecheckFsuJob |
Precheck Exadata Fleet Update Job resource. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.PrecheckFsuJobSummary |
Summary of Precheck Exadata Fleet Update Job resource. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.RemoveFsuCollectionTargetsDetails |
Remove targets from a Exadata Fleet Update Collection. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.RollbackAction |
Rollback Exadata Fleet Update Action details. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.RollbackActionSummary |
Rollback Exadata Fleet Update Action summary. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.RollbackCycleAction |
Rollback Cycle Exadata Fleet Update Action details. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.RollbackCycleActionSummary |
Rollback Cycle Exadata Fleet Update Action summary. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.RollbackCycleFsuJob |
Rollback Maintenance Cycle Exadata Fleet Update Job resource. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.RollbackCycleFsuJobSummary |
Summary of Rollback Cycle Targets Exadata Fleet Update Job resource. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.RollbackDetails |
Rollback details specified for the action. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.RollbackFsuJob |
Rolback & Remove Targets Exadata Fleet Update Job resource. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.RollbackFsuJobSummary |
Summary of Rolback & Remove Targets Exadata Fleet Update Job resource. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.ScheduleDetails |
Scheduling related details for the Exadata Fleet Update Action. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.SequentialBatchingStrategyDetails |
Sequential batching strategy details to use during PRECHECK and APPLY Cycle Actions. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.ServiceAvailabilityFactorBatchingStrategyDetails |
Service Availability Factor batching strategy details to use during PRECHECK and APPLY Cycle Actions. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.StageAction |
Stage Exadata Fleet Update Action details. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.StageActionSummary |
Stage Exadata Fleet Update Action summary. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.StageFsuJob |
Stage Exadata Fleet Update Job resource. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.StageFsuJobSummary |
Summary of Stage Exadata Fleet Update Job resource. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.StartTimeScheduleDetails |
Start time details for the Exadata Fleet Update Action. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.TargetDetails |
Details of target member of a Exadata Fleet Update Collection. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.TargetEntry |
Details to specify a target to add or remove from a Exadata Fleet Update Collection. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.TargetIdsRemoveTargetsDetails |
Remove a list of targets from a Exadata Fleet Update Collection. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.TargetProgressSummary |
Progress details of the executing job for a Database target. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.TargetSummary |
Details of a target member of a Exadata Fleet Update Collection. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.TargetSummaryCollection |
List of TargetSummary objects. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.UpdateApplyActionDetails |
Apply Exadata Fleet Update Action update details. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.UpdateBatchingStrategyDetails |
Batching strategy details to use during PRECHECK and APPLY Cycle Actions. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.UpdateCleanupActionDetails |
Cleanup Exadata Fleet Update Action update details. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.UpdateFiftyFiftyBatchingStrategyDetails |
Fifty-Fifty batching strategy details to use during PRECHECK and APPLY Cycle Actions. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.UpdateFsuActionDetails |
Exadata Fleet Update Action resource details to update. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.UpdateFsuCollectionDetails |
The information to Update Exadata Fleet Update Collection. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.UpdateFsuCycleDetails |
Update Exadata Fleet Update Cycle resource details. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.UpdateFsuDiscoveryDetails |
The information to Update Exadata Fleet Update Discovery resource. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.UpdateFsuJobDetails |
Update Exadata Fleet Update Job Details. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.UpdateNonRollingBatchingStrategyDetails |
Non-rolling batching strategy details to use during PRECHECK and APPLY Cycle Actions. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.UpdatePatchFsuCycle |
Update Patch Exadata Fleet Update Cycle resource details. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.UpdatePrecheckActionDetails |
Precheck Exadata Fleet Update Action update details. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.UpdateRollbackActionDetails |
Rollback Exadata Fleet Update Action update details. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.UpdateRollbackCycleActionDetails |
Rollback Cycle Exadata Fleet Update Action update details. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.UpdateScheduleDetails |
Scheduling related details for the Exadata Fleet Update Action. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.UpdateSequentialBatchingStrategyDetails |
Sequential batching strategy details to use during PRECHECK and APPLY Cycle Actions. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.UpdateServiceAvailabilityFactorBatchingStrategyDetails |
Service Availability Factor batching strategy details to use during PRECHECK and APPLY Cycle Actions. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.UpdateStageActionDetails |
Stage Exadata Fleet Update Action update details. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.UpdateStartTimeScheduleDetails |
Start time details for the Exadata Fleet Update Action. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.VersionFsuTargetDetails |
Exadata Fleet Update Cycle Target version string details. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.VmClusterTargetSummary |
Details of a VmCluster target member of a Exadata Fleet Update Collection. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.WorkRequest |
A description of workrequest status. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.WorkRequestError |
An error encountered while executing a work request. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.WorkRequestErrorCollection |
Results of a workRequestError search. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.WorkRequestLogEntry |
A log message from the execution of a work request. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.WorkRequestLogEntryCollection |
Results of a workRequestLog search. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.WorkRequestResource |
A resource created or operated on by a work request. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.WorkRequestSummary |
A summary of the status of a work request. |
oci.fleet_software_update.models.WorkRequestSummaryCollection |
Results of a workRequest search. |