Example Network Resource Configurations

Find out about examples of how you might configure network resources for highly available cluster creation and deployment in a region with three availability domains when using Kubernetes Engine (OKE).

When creating a new cluster, you can use the 'Quick Create' workflow to create new network resources automatically. Alternatively, you can use the 'Custom Create' workflow to explicitly specify existing network resources. For more information about the required network resources, see Network Resource Configuration for Cluster Creation and Deployment.

This topic gives examples of how you might configure network resources when using the 'Custom Create' workflow to create highly available clusters in a region with three availability domains:

A number of related Developer Tutorials are available.


The examples in this section show the use of security rules in security lists to control access to clusters. If you prefer to use network security groups (which are recommended) over security lists, you can specify identical security rules for network security groups.

Example 1: Cluster with Flannel CNI Plugin, Public Kubernetes API Endpoint, Private Worker Nodes, and Public Load Balancers

This example assumes you want the Kubernetes API endpoint and load balancers accessible directly from the internet. The worker nodes are accessible within the VCN.

Note that the Kubernetes API endpoint is assigned a private IP address by default. To expose the Kubernetes API endpoint to the internet, do both of the following:

  • Select a public subnet to host the Kubernetes API endpoint.
  • Specify that you want a public IP address assigned to the Kubernetes API endpoint (as well as the private IP address).

This image shows an example cluster configuration with a public Kubernetes API endpoint subnet, a private worker node subnet, public load balancer subnets, and a private bastion subnet. Access to the subnets is controlled by the seclist-KubernetesAPIendpoint, seclist-workernodes, seclist-loadbalancers, and seclist-Bastion security lists respectively. This cluster uses the flannel CNI plugin for pod networking. The Kubernetes API endpoint subnet is connected to the cluster control plane by a VNIC. Other features of this example configuration are described in the surrounding text.


Resource Example
  • Name: acme-dev-vcn
  • CIDR Block:
  • DNS Resolution: Selected
Internet Gateway
  • Name: internet-gateway-0
NAT Gateway
  • Name:nat-gateway-0
Service Gateway
  • Name: service-gateway-0
  • Services: All <region> Services in Oracle Services Network
DHCP Options
  • DNS Type set to Internet and VCN Resolver


Resource Example
Public Subnet for Kubernetes API Endpoint

Name: KubernetesAPIendpoint with the following properties:

  • Type: Regional
  • CIDR Block:
  • Route Table: routetable-KubernetesAPIendpoint
  • Subnet access: Public
  • DNS Resolution: Selected
  • DHCP Options: Default
  • Security List: seclist-KubernetesAPIendpoint
Private Subnet for Worker Nodes

Name: workernodes with the following properties:

  • Type: Regional
  • CIDR Block:
  • Route Table: routetable-workernodes
  • Subnet access: Private
  • DNS Resolution: Selected
  • DHCP Options: Default
  • Security List: seclist-workernodes
Public Subnet for Service Load Balancers

Name: loadbalancers with the following properties:

  • Type: Regional
  • CIDR Block:
  • Route Table: routetable-serviceloadbalancers
  • Subnet access: Public
  • DNS Resolution: Selected
  • DHCP Options: Default
  • Security List: seclist-loadbalancers
Private Subnet for Bastion

Name: bastion with the following properties:

  • Type: Regional
  • CIDR Block:
  • Subnet access: Private
  • DNS Resolution: Selected
  • DHCP Options: Default
  • Security List: seclist-Bastion

Route Tables

Resource Example
Route Table for Public Kubernetes API Endpoint Subnet

Name: routetable-KubernetesAPIendpoint, with one route rule defined as follows:

  • Destination CIDR block:
  • Target Type: Internet Gateway
  • Target: internet-gateway-0
Route Table for Private Worker Nodes Subnet

Name: routetable-workernodes, with two route rules defined as follows:

  • Rule for traffic to internet:
    • Destination CIDR block:
    • Target Type: NAT Gateway
    • Target: nat-gateway-0
  • Rule for traffic to OCI services:
    • Destination: All <region> Services in Oracle Services Network
    • Target Type: Service Gateway
    • Target: service-gateway-0
Route Table for Public Load Balancers Subnet

Name: routetable-serviceloadbalancers, with one route rule defined as follows:

  • Destination CIDR block:
  • Target Type: Internet Gateway
  • Target: internet-gateway-0

Security List Rules for Public Kubernetes API Endpoint Subnet

The seclist-KubernetesAPIendpoint security list has the ingress and egress rules shown here.

Ingress Rules:

State Source Protocol/Dest. Port Description
Stateful (Worker Nodes CIDR) TCP/6443 Kubernetes worker to Kubernetes API endpoint communication.
Stateful (Worker Nodes CIDR) TCP/12250 Kubernetes worker to control plane communication.
Stateful (Worker Nodes CIDR) ICMP 3,4 Path Discovery.
Stateful, bastion subnet CIDR, or specific CIDR TCP/6443

(optional) External access to Kubernetes API endpoint.

  • when the source is Internet, subnet is public, and a public IP is assigned to the API endpoint
  • Bastion subnet CIDR when access is made through OCI Bastion
  • Specific CIDR when access is made from other specific CIDR

Egress Rules:

State: Destination Protocol / Dest. Port Description:
Stateful All <region> Services in Oracle Services Network TCP/ALL Allow Kubernetes control plane to communicate with OKE.
Stateful All <region> Services in Oracle Services Network ICMP 3,4 Path Discovery.
Stateful (Worker Nodes CIDR) TCP/ALL Allow Kubernetes control plane to communicate with worker nodes.
Stateful (Worker Nodes CIDR) ICMP 3,4 Path Discovery.

Security List Rules for Private Worker Nodes Subnet

The seclist-workernodes security list has the ingress and egress rules shown here.

Ingress Rules:

State: Source Protocol / Dest. Port Description:
Stateful (Worker Nodes CIDR) ALL/ALL Allow pods on one worker node to communicate with pods on other worker nodes.
Stateful (Kubernetes API Endpoint CIDR) TCP/ALL Allow Kubernetes control plane to communicate with worker nodes.
Stateful ICMP 3,4 Path Discovery.
Stateful Bastion subnet CIDR, or specific CIDR TCP/22 (optional) Allow inbound SSH traffic to managed nodes.
Stateful Load balancer subnet CIDR ALL/30000-32767 Load balancer to worker nodes node ports.
Stateful Load balancer subnet CIDR ALL/10256 Allow load balancer to communicate with kube-proxy on worker nodes.

Egress Rules:

State: Destination Protocol / Dest. Port Description:
Stateful (Worker Nodes CIDR) ALL/ALL Allow pods on one worker node to communicate with pods on other worker nodes.
Stateful ICMP 3,4 Path Discovery.
Stateful All <region> Services in Oracle Services Network TCP/ALL Allow worker nodes to communicate with OKE.
Stateful (Kubernetes API Endpoint CIDR) TCP/6443 Kubernetes worker to Kubernetes API endpoint communication.
Stateful (Kubernetes API Endpoint CIDR) TCP/12250 Kubernetes worker to control plane communication.
Stateful TCP/ALL (optional) Allow worker nodes to communicate with internet.

Security List Rules for Public Load Balancer Subnet

The seclist-loadbalancers security list has the ingress and egress rules shown here.

Ingress Rules:

State: Source Protocol / Dest. Port Description:

Application specific (Internet or specific CIDR)

Application specific (for example, TCP, UDP - 443, 8080)

(optional) Load balancer listener protocol and port. Customize as required.

Egress Rules:

State: Destination Protocol / Dest. Port Description:
Stateful (Worker Nodes CIDR) ALL/30000-32767 Load balancer to worker nodes node ports.
Stateful (Worker Nodes CIDR) ALL/10256 Allow load balancer to communicate with kube-proxy on worker nodes.

Security List Rules for Private Bastion Subnet

The seclist-Bastion security list has the ingress and egress rules shown here.

Ingress Rules: None

Egress Rules:

State: Destination Protocol / Dest. Port Description:
Stateful (Kubernetes API Endpoint CIDR) TCP/6443

(optional) Allow bastion to access the Kubernetes API endpoint.

Stateful (Worker Nodes CIDR) TCP/22 (optional) Allow SSH traffic to worker nodes.

Example 2: Cluster with Flannel CNI Plugin, Private Kubernetes API Endpoint, Private Worker Nodes, and Public Load Balancers

This example assumes you want only load balancers accessible directly from the internet. The Kubernetes API endpoint and the worker nodes are accessible within the VCN.

This image shows an example cluster configuration with a private Kubernetes API endpoint subnet, a private worker node subnet, public load balancer subnets, and a private bastion subnet. Access to the subnets is controlled by the seclist-KubernetesAPIendpoint, seclist-workernodes, seclist-loadbalancers, and seclist-Bastion security lists respectively. This cluster uses the flannel CNI plugin for pod networking. The Kubernetes API endpoint subnet is connected to the cluster control plane by a VNIC. Other features of this example configuration are described in the surrounding text.


Resource Example
  • Name: acme-dev-vcn
  • CIDR Block:
  • DNS Resolution: Selected
Internet Gateway
  • Name: internet-gateway-0
NAT Gateway
  • Name:nat-gateway-0
Service Gateway
  • Name: service-gateway-0
  • Services: All <region> Services in Oracle Services Network
DHCP Options
  • DNS Type set to Internet and VCN Resolver


Resource Example
Private Subnet for Kubernetes API Endpoint

Name: KubernetesAPIendpoint with the following properties:

  • Type: Regional
  • CIDR Block:
  • Route Table: routetable-KubernetesAPIendpoint
  • Subnet access: Private
  • DNS Resolution: Selected
  • DHCP Options: Default
  • Security List: seclist-KubernetesAPIendpoint
Private Subnet for Worker Nodes

Name: workernodes with the following properties:

  • Type: Regional
  • CIDR Block:
  • Route Table: routetable-workernodes
  • Subnet access: Private
  • DNS Resolution: Selected
  • DHCP Options: Default
  • Security List: seclist-workernodes
Public Subnet for Service Load Balancers

Name: loadbalancers with the following properties:

  • Type: Regional
  • CIDR Block:
  • Route Table: routetable-serviceloadbalancers
  • Subnet access: Public
  • DNS Resolution: Selected
  • DHCP Options: Default
  • Security List: seclist-loadbalancers
Private Subnet for Bastion

Name: bastion with the following properties:

  • Type: Regional
  • CIDR Block:
  • Subnet access: Private
  • DNS Resolution: Selected
  • DHCP Options: Default
  • Security List: seclist-Bastion

Route Tables

Resource Example
Route Table for Private Kubernetes API Endpoint Subnet

Name: routetable-KubernetesAPIendpoint, with one route rule defined as follows:

  • Rule for traffic to internet:
    • Destination CIDR block:
    • Target Type: NAT Gateway
    • Target: nat-gateway-0
  • Rule for traffic to OCI services:
    • Destination: All <region> Services in Oracle Services Network
    • Target Type: Service Gateway
    • Target: service-gateway-0
Route Table for Private Worker Nodes Subnet

Name: routetable-workernodes, with two route rules defined as follows:

  • Rule for traffic to internet:
    • Destination CIDR block:
    • Target Type: NAT Gateway
    • Target: nat-gateway-0
  • Rule for traffic to OCI services:
    • Destination: All <region> Services in Oracle Services Network
    • Target Type: Service Gateway
    • Target: service-gateway-0
Route Table for Public Load Balancers Subnet

Name: routetable-serviceloadbalancers, with one route rule defined as follows:

  • Destination CIDR block:
  • Target Type: Internet Gateway
  • Target: internet-gateway-0

Security List Rules for Private Kubernetes API Endpoint Subnet

The seclist-KubernetesAPIendpoint security list has the ingress and egress rules shown here.

Ingress Rules:

State Source Protocol/Dest. Port Description
Stateful (Worker Nodes CIDR) TCP/6443 Kubernetes worker to Kubernetes API endpoint communication.
Stateful (Worker Nodes CIDR) TCP/12250 Kubernetes worker to control plane communication.
Stateful (Worker Nodes CIDR) ICMP 3,4 Path Discovery.
Stateful, bastion subnet CIDR, or specific CIDR TCP/6443

(optional) External access to Kubernetes API endpoint.

  • when the source is Internet, subnet is public, and a public IP is assigned to the API endpoint
  • Bastion subnet CIDR when access is made through OCI Bastion
  • Specific CIDR when access is made from other specific CIDR

Egress Rules:

State: Destination Protocol / Dest. Port Description:

All <region> Services in Oracle Services Network

TCP/ALL Allow Kubernetes control plane to communicate with OKE.
Stateful All <region> Services in Oracle Services Network ICMP 3,4 Path Discovery.
Stateful (Worker Nodes CIDR) TCP/ALL Allow Kubernetes control plane to communicate with worker nodes.
Stateful (Worker Nodes CIDR) ICMP 3,4 Path Discovery.

Security List Rules for Private Worker Nodes Subnet

The seclist-workernodes security list has the ingress and egress rules shown here.

Ingress Rules:

State: Source Protocol / Dest. Port Description:
Stateful (Worker Nodes CIDR) ALL/ALL Allow pods on one worker node to communicate with pods on other worker nodes.
Stateful (Kubernetes API Endpoint CIDR) TCP/ALL Allow Kubernetes control plane to communicate with worker nodes.
Stateful ICMP 3,4 Path Discovery.
Stateful Bastion subnet CIDR, or specific CIDR TCP/22 (optional) Allow inbound SSH traffic to managed nodes.
Stateful Load balancer subnet CIDR ALL/30000-32767 Load balancer to worker nodes node ports.
Stateful Load balancer subnet CIDR ALL/10256 Allow load balancer to communicate with kube-proxy on worker nodes.

Egress Rules:

State: Destination Protocol / Dest. Port Description:
Stateful (Worker Nodes CIDR) ALL/ALL Allow pods on one worker node to communicate with pods on other worker nodes.
Stateful All <region> Services in Oracle Services Network TCP/ALL Allow worker nodes to communicate with OKE.
Stateful (Kubernetes API Endpoint CIDR) TCP/6443 Kubernetes worker to Kubernetes API endpoint communication.
Stateful (Kubernetes API Endpoint CIDR) TCP/12250 Kubernetes worker to control plane communication.
Stateful TCP/ALL (optional) Allow worker nodes to communicate with internet.

Security List Rules for Public Load Balancer Subnet

The seclist-loadbalancers security list has the ingress and egress rules shown here.

Ingress Rules:

State: Source Protocol / Dest. Port Description:

Application specific (Internet or specific CIDR)

Application specific (for example, TCP, UDP - 443, 8080)

(optional) Load balancer listener protocol and port. Customize as required.

Egress Rules:

State: Destination Protocol / Dest. Port Description:
Stateful (Worker Nodes CIDR) ALL/30000-32767 Load balancer to worker nodes node ports.
Stateful (Worker Nodes CIDR) ALL/10256 Allow load balancer to communicate with kube-proxy on worker nodes.

Security List Rules for Private Bastion Subnet

The seclist-Bastion security list has the ingress and egress rules shown here.

Ingress Rules: None

Egress Rules:

State: Destination Protocol / Dest. Port Description:
Stateful (Kubernetes API Endpoint CIDR) TCP/6443

(optional) Allow bastion to access the Kubernetes API endpoint.

Stateful (Worker Nodes CIDR) TCP/22 (optional) Allow SSH traffic to worker nodes.

Example 3: Cluster with OCI CNI Plugin, Public Kubernetes API Endpoint, Private Worker Nodes, and Public Load Balancers

This example assumes you want the Kubernetes API endpoint and load balancers accessible directly from the internet. The worker nodes are accessible within the VCN.

Note that the Kubernetes API endpoint is assigned a private IP address by default. To expose the Kubernetes API endpoint to the internet, do both of the following:

  • Select a public subnet to host the Kubernetes API endpoint.
  • Specify that you want a public IP address assigned to the Kubernetes API endpoint (as well as the private IP address).

This image shows an example cluster configuration with a public Kubernetes API endpoint subnet, a private worker node subnet, public load balancer subnets, a private pods subnet, and a private bastion subnet. Access to the subnets is controlled by the seclist-KubernetesAPIendpoint, seclist-workernodes, seclist-loadbalancers, seclist-pods, and seclist-Bastion security lists respectively. This cluster uses the OCI CNI plugin for pod networking. The Kubernetes API endpoint subnet is connected to the cluster control plane by a VNIC. Other features of this example configuration are described in the surrounding text.


Resource Example
  • Name: acme-dev-vcn
  • CIDR Block:
  • DNS Resolution: Selected
Internet Gateway
  • Name: internet-gateway-0
NAT Gateway
  • Name:nat-gateway-0
Service Gateway
  • Name: service-gateway-0
  • Services: All <region> Services in Oracle Services Network
DHCP Options
  • DNS Type set to Internet and VCN Resolver


Resource Example
Public Subnet for Kubernetes API Endpoint

Name: KubernetesAPIendpoint with the following properties:

  • Type: Regional
  • CIDR Block:
  • Route Table: routetable-KubernetesAPIendpoint
  • Subnet access: Public
  • DNS Resolution: Selected
  • DHCP Options: Default
  • Security List: seclist-KubernetesAPIendpoint
Private Subnet for Worker Nodes

Name: workernodes with the following properties:

  • Type: Regional
  • CIDR Block:
  • Route Table: routetable-workernodes
  • Subnet access: Private
  • DNS Resolution: Selected
  • DHCP Options: Default
  • Security List: seclist-workernodes
Private Subnet for Pods

Name: pods with the following properties:

  • Type: Regional
  • CIDR Block:
  • Route Table: routetable-pods
  • Subnet access: Private
  • DNS Resolution: Selected
  • DHCP Options: Default
  • Security List: seclist-pods
Public Subnet for Service Load Balancers

Name: loadbalancers with the following properties:

  • Type: Regional
  • CIDR Block:
  • Route Table: routetable-serviceloadbalancers
  • Subnet access: Public
  • DNS Resolution: Selected
  • DHCP Options: Default
  • Security List: seclist-loadbalancers
Private Subnet for Bastion

Name:bastion with the following properties:

  • Type: Regional
  • CIDR Block:
  • Subnet access: Private
  • DNS Resolution: Selected
  • DHCP Options: Default
  • Security List: seclist-Bastion

Route Tables

Resource Example
Route Table for Public Kubernetes API Endpoint Subnet

Name: routetable-KubernetesAPIendpoint, with one route rule defined as follows:

  • Destination CIDR block:
  • Target Type: Internet Gateway
  • Target: internet-gateway-0
Route Table for Private Worker Nodes Subnet

Name: routetable-workernodes, with one route rule defined as follows:

  • Destination: All <region> Services in Oracle Services Network
  • Target Type: Service Gateway
  • Target: service-gateway-0
Route Table for Private Pods Subnet

Name: routetable-pods, with two route rules defined as follows:

  • Rule for traffic to internet:
    • Destination CIDR block:
    • Target Type: NAT Gateway
    • Target: nat-gateway-0
  • Rule for traffic to OCI services:
    • Destination: All <region> Services in Oracle Services Network
    • Target Type: Service Gateway
    • Target: service-gateway-0
Route Table for Public Load Balancers Subnet

Name: routetable-serviceloadbalancers, with one route rule defined as follows:

  • Destination CIDR block:
  • Target Type: Internet Gateway
  • Target: internet-gateway-0

Security List Rules for Public Kubernetes API Endpoint Subnet

The seclist-KubernetesAPIendpoint security list has the ingress and egress rules shown here.

Ingress Rules:

State Source Protocol/Dest. Port Description
Stateful (Worker Nodes CIDR) TCP/6443 Kubernetes worker to Kubernetes API endpoint communication.
Stateful (Worker Nodes CIDR) TCP/12250 Kubernetes worker to Kubernetes API endpoint communication.
Stateful (Worker Nodes CIDR) ICMP 3,4 Path Discovery.
Stateful (Pods CIDR) TCP/6443 Pod to Kubernetes API endpoint communication (when using VCN-native pod networking).
Stateful (Pods CIDR) TCP/12250 Pod to Kubernetes API endpoint communication (when using VCN-native pod networking).
Stateful, bastion subnet CIDR, or specific CIDR TCP/6443

(optional) External access to Kubernetes API endpoint.

  • when the source is Internet, subnet is public, and a public IP is assigned to the API endpoint
  • Bastion subnet CIDR when access is made through OCI Bastion
  • Specific CIDR when access is made from other specific CIDR

Egress Rules:

State: Destination Protocol / Dest. Port Description:
Stateful All <region> Services in Oracle Services Network TCP/ALL Allow Kubernetes API endpoint to communicate with OKE.
Stateful All <region> Services in Oracle Services Network ICMP 3,4 Path Discovery.
Stateful (Worker Nodes CIDR) TCP/10250 Allow Kubernetes API endpoint to communicate with worker nodes.
Stateful (Worker Nodes CIDR) ICMP 3,4 Path Discovery.
Stateful (Pods CIDR) ALL/ALL Allow Kubernetes API endpoint to communicate with pods (when using VCN-native pod networking).

Security List Rules for Private Worker Nodes Subnet

The seclist-workernodes security list has the ingress and egress rules shown here.

Ingress Rules:

State: Source Protocol / Dest. Port Description:
Stateful (Kubernetes API Endpoint CIDR) TCP/10250 Allow Kubernetes API endpoint to communicate with worker nodes.
Stateful ICMP 3,4 Path Discovery.
Stateful Bastion subnet CIDR, or specific CIDR TCP/22 (optional) Allow inbound SSH traffic to managed nodes.
Stateful Load balancer subnet CIDR ALL/30000-32767 Load balancer to worker nodes node ports.
Stateful Load balancer subnet CIDR ALL/10256 Allow load balancer to communicate with kube-proxy on worker nodes.

Egress Rules:

State: Destination Protocol / Dest. Port Description:
Stateful (Pods CIDR) ALL/ALL Allow worker nodes to access pods.
Stateful ICMP 3,4 Path Discovery.
Stateful All <region> Services in Oracle Services Network TCP/ALL Allow worker nodes to communicate with OKE.
Stateful (Kubernetes API Endpoint CIDR) TCP/6443 Kubernetes worker to Kubernetes API endpoint communication.
Stateful (Kubernetes API Endpoint CIDR) TCP/12250 Kubernetes worker to Kubernetes API endpoint communication.

Security List Rules for Private Pods Subnet

The seclist-pods security list has the ingress and egress rules shown here.

Ingress Rules:

State: Source Protocol / Dest. Port Description:
Stateful (Worker Nodes CIDR) ALL/ALL Allow worker nodes to access pods.
Stateful (Kubernetes API Endpoint CIDR) ALL/ALL Allow Kubernetes API endpoint to communicate with pods.
Stateful (Pods CIDR) ALL/ALL Allow pods to communicate with other pods.

Egress Rules:

State: Destination Protocol / Dest. Port Description:
Stateful (Pods CIDR) ALL/ALL Allow pods to communicate with other pods.
Stateful All <region> Services in Oracle Services Network

ICMP 3,4

Path Discovery.
Stateful All <region> Services in Oracle Services Network


Allow pods to communicate with OCI services.


(optional) Allow pods to communicate with internet.
Stateful (Kubernetes API Endpoint CIDR) TCP/6443 Pod to Kubernetes API endpoint communication (when using VCN-native pod networking).
Stateful (Kubernetes API Endpoint CIDR) TCP/12250 Pod to Kubernetes API endpoint communication (when using VCN-native pod networking).

Security List Rules for Public Load Balancer Subnet

The seclist-loadbalancers security list has the ingress and egress rules shown here.

Ingress Rules:

State: Source Protocol / Dest. Port Description:

Application specific (Internet or specific CIDR)

Application specific (for example, TCP, UDP - 443, 8080)

(optional) Load balancer listener protocol and port. Customize as required.

Egress Rules:

State: Destination Protocol / Dest. Port Description:
Stateful (Worker Nodes CIDR) ALL/30000-32767 Load balancer to worker nodes node ports.
Stateful (Worker Nodes CIDR) ALL/10256 Allow load balancer to communicate with kube-proxy on worker nodes.

Security List Rules for Private Bastion Subnet

The seclist-Bastion security list has the ingress and egress rules shown here.

Ingress Rules: None

Egress Rules:

State: Destination Protocol / Dest. Port Description:
Stateful (Kubernetes API Endpoint CIDR) TCP/6443

(optional) Allow bastion to access the Kubernetes API endpoint.

Stateful (Worker Nodes CIDR) TCP/22 (optional) Allow SSH traffic to worker nodes.

Example 4: Cluster with OCI CNI Plugin, Private Kubernetes API Endpoint, Private Worker Nodes, and Public Load Balancers

This example assumes you want only load balancers accessible directly from the internet. The Kubernetes API endpoint and the worker nodes are accessible within the VCN.

This image shows an example cluster configuration with a private Kubernetes API endpoint subnet, a private worker node subnet, public load balancer subnets, a private pods subnet, and a private bastion subnet. Access to the subnets is controlled by the seclist-KubernetesAPIendpoint, seclist-workernodes, seclist-loadbalancers, seclist-pods, and seclist-Bastion security lists respectively. This cluster uses the OCI CNI plugin for pod networking. The Kubernetes API endpoint subnet is connected to the cluster control plane by a VNIC. Other features of this example configuration are described in the surrounding text.


Resource Example
  • Name: acme-dev-vcn
  • CIDR Block:
  • DNS Resolution: Selected
Internet Gateway
  • Name: internet-gateway-0
NAT Gateway
  • Name:nat-gateway-0
Service Gateway
  • Name: service-gateway-0
  • Services: All <region> Services in Oracle Services Network
DHCP Options
  • DNS Type set to Internet and VCN Resolver


Resource Example
Private Subnet for Kubernetes API Endpoint

Name: KubernetesAPIendpoint with the following properties:

  • Type: Regional
  • CIDR Block:
  • Route Table: routetable-KubernetesAPIendpoint
  • Subnet access: Private
  • DNS Resolution: Selected
  • DHCP Options: Default
  • Security List: seclist-KubernetesAPIendpoint
Private Subnet for Worker Nodes

Name: workernodes with the following properties:

  • Type: Regional
  • CIDR Block:
  • Route Table: routetable-workernodes
  • Subnet access: Private
  • DNS Resolution: Selected
  • DHCP Options: Default
  • Security List: seclist-workernodes
Private Subnet for Pods

Name: pods with the following properties:

  • Type: Regional
  • CIDR Block:
  • Route Table: routetable-pods
  • Subnet access: Private
  • DNS Resolution: Selected
  • DHCP Options: Default
  • Security List: seclist-pods
Public Subnet for Service Load Balancers

Name: loadbalancers with the following properties:

  • Type: Regional
  • CIDR Block:
  • Route Table: routetable-serviceloadbalancers
  • Subnet access: Public
  • DNS Resolution: Selected
  • DHCP Options: Default
  • Security List: seclist-loadbalancers
Private Subnet for Bastion

Name: bastion with the following properties:

  • Type: Regional
  • CIDR Block:
  • Subnet access: Private
  • DNS Resolution: Selected
  • DHCP Options: Default
  • Security List: seclist-Bastion

Route Tables

Resource Example
Route Table for Private Kubernetes API Endpoint Subnet

Name: routetable-KubernetesAPIendpoint, with one route rule defined as follows:

  • Rule for traffic to internet:
    • Destination CIDR block:
    • Target Type: NAT Gateway
    • Target: nat-gateway-0
  • Rule for traffic to OCI services:
    • Destination: All <region> Services in Oracle Services Network
    • Target Type: Service Gateway
    • Target: service-gateway-0
Route Table for Private Worker Nodes Subnet

Name: routetable-workernodes, with one route rule defined as follows:

  • Destination: All <region> Services in Oracle Services Network
  • Target Type: Service Gateway
  • Target: service-gateway-0
Route Table for Private Pods Subnet

Name: routetable-pods, with two route rules defined as follows:

  • Rule for traffic to internet:
    • Destination CIDR block:
    • Target Type: NAT Gateway
    • Target: nat-gateway-0
  • Rule for traffic to OCI services:
    • Destination: All <region> Services in Oracle Services Network
    • Target Type: Service Gateway
    • Target: service-gateway-0
Route Table for Public Load Balancers Subnet

Name: routetable-serviceloadbalancers, with one route rule defined as follows:

  • Destination CIDR block:
  • Target Type: Internet Gateway
  • Target Internet Gateway: internet-gateway-0

Security List Rules for Private Kubernetes API Endpoint Subnet

The seclist-KubernetesAPIendpoint security list has the ingress and egress rules shown here.

Ingress Rules:

State Source Protocol/Dest. Port Description
Stateful (Worker Nodes CIDR) TCP/6443 Kubernetes worker to Kubernetes API endpoint communication.
Stateful (Worker Nodes CIDR) TCP/12250 Kubernetes worker to Kubernetes API endpoint communication.
Stateful (Worker Nodes CIDR) ICMP 3,4 Path Discovery.
Stateful (Pods CIDR) TCP/6443 Pod to Kubernetes API endpoint communication (when using VCN-native pod networking).
Stateful (Pods CIDR) TCP/12250 Pod to Kubernetes API endpoint communication (when using VCN-native pod networking).
Stateful Bastion subnet CIDR, or specific CIDR TCP/6443

(optional) External access to Kubernetes API endpoint.

  • Bastion subnet CIDR when access is made through OCI Bastion
  • Specific CIDR when access is made from other specific CIDR

Egress Rules:

State: Destination Protocol / Dest. Port Description:

All <region> Services in Oracle Services Network

TCP/ALL Allow Kubernetes API endpoint to communicate with OKE.
Stateful All <region> Services in Oracle Services Network ICMP 3,4 Path Discovery.
Stateful (Worker Nodes CIDR) TCP/10250 Allow Kubernetes API endpoint to communicate with worker nodes.
Stateful (Worker Nodes CIDR) ICMP 3,4 Path Discovery.
Stateful (Pods CIDR) ALL/ALL Allow Kubernetes API endpoint to communicate with pods.

Security List Rules for Private Worker Nodes Subnet

The seclist-workernodes security list has the ingress and egress rules shown here.

Ingress Rules:

State: Source Protocol / Dest. Port Description:
Stateful (Kubernetes API Endpoint CIDR) TCP/10250 Allow Kubernetes API endpoint to communicate with worker nodes.
Stateful ICMP 3,4 Path Discovery.
Stateful Bastion subnet CIDR, or specific CIDR TCP/22 (optional) Allow inbound SSH traffic to managed nodes.
Stateful Load balancer subnet CIDR ALL/30000-32767 Load balancer to worker nodes node ports.
Stateful Load balancer subnet CIDR ALL/10256 Allow load balancer to communicate with kube-proxy on worker nodes.

Egress Rules:

State: Destination Protocol / Dest. Port Description:
Stateful (Pods CIDR) ALL/ALL Allow worker nodes to access pods.
Stateful ICMP 3,4 Path Discovery.
Stateful All <region> Services in Oracle Services Network TCP/ALL Allow worker nodes to communicate with OKE.
Stateful (Kubernetes API Endpoint CIDR) TCP/6443 Kubernetes worker to Kubernetes API endpoint communication.
Stateful (Kubernetes API Endpoint CIDR) TCP/12250 Kubernetes worker to Kubernetes API endpoint communication.

Security List Rules for Private Pods Subnet

The seclist-pods security list has the ingress and egress rules shown here.

Ingress Rules:

State: Source Protocol / Dest. Port Description:
Stateful (Worker Nodes CIDR) ALL/ALL Allow worker nodes to access pods.
Stateful (Kubernetes API Endpoint CIDR) ALL/ALL Allow Kubernetes API endpoint to communicate with pods.
Stateful (Pods CIDR) ALL/ALL Allow pods to communicate with other pods.

Egress Rules:

State: Destination Protocol / Dest. Port Description:
Stateful (Pods CIDR) ALL/ALL Allow pods to communicate with other pods.
Stateful All <region> Services in Oracle Services Network

ICMP 3,4

Path Discovery.
Stateful All <region> Services in Oracle Services Network


Allow pods to communicate with OCI services.


(optional) Allow pods to communicate with internet.
Stateful (Kubernetes API Endpoint CIDR) TCP/6443 Pod to Kubernetes API endpoint communication (when using VCN-native pod networking).
Stateful (Kubernetes API Endpoint CIDR) TCP/12250 Pod to Kubernetes API endpoint communication (when using VCN-native pod networking).

Security List Rules for Public Load Balancer Subnet

The seclist-loadbalancers security list has the ingress and egress rules shown here.

Ingress Rules:

State: Source Protocol / Dest. Port Description:

Application specific (Internet or specific CIDR)

Application specific (for example, TCP, UDP - 443, 8080)

(optional) Load balancer listener protocol and port. Customize as required.

Egress Rules:

State: Destination Protocol / Dest. Port Description:
Stateful (Worker Nodes CIDR) ALL/30000-32767 Load balancer to worker nodes node ports.
Stateful (Worker Nodes CIDR) ALL/10256 Allow load balancer to communicate with kube-proxy on worker nodes.

Security List Rules for Private Bastion Subnet

The seclist-Bastion security list has the ingress and egress rules shown here.

Ingress Rules: None

Egress Rules:

State: Destination Protocol / Dest. Port Description:
Stateful (Kubernetes API Endpoint CIDR) TCP/6443

(optional) Allow bastion to access the Kubernetes API endpoint.

Stateful (Worker Nodes CIDR) TCP/22 (optional) Allow SSH traffic to worker nodes.