Service Mesh Overview Tutorial

In this tutorial, deploy the Bookinfo application to a Kubernetes cluster. Then, add Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Service Mesh to your application deployment.

Key tasks include how to:

  • Install the required software to access your application from a local machine.
  • Set up OCI CLI to access your cluster.
  • Set up a Kubernetes cluster on OCI.
  • Set up Service Mesh required Services.
  • Deploy and Configure your Application for Service Mesh.
  • Test your application using Service Mesh features.
  • Configure your application for Logging and Metrics.

The following image shows the BookInfo application on Service Mesh:

A diagram of the components needed to run a Spring Boot app on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Kubernetes Engine

The gray rectangular boxes in the picture represent virtual deployments in the application. The named virtual deployments include: Product Page, Details, Reviews v1 to v3, and Ratings.

For additional information, see:

Before You Begin

To successfully perform this tutorial, you must have the following:

1. Prepare

Prepare your environment to create and deploy your application.

2. Set Up a Cluster (Optional)

Install and configure management options for your Kubernetes cluster. Later, deploy your application to this cluster.


If you already have setup a Kubernetes cluster, you can skip this section.

3. Set up Service Mesh Required Services

Set up all the OCI services that are required for Service Mesh.

4. Deploy and Configure your App with Service Mesh

In this section, perform the steps required to install and deploy OCI Service Operator for Kubernetes.

What's Next

Congratulations! You have successfully deployed the Bookinfo app to a Kubernetes cluster and added Service Mesh to your app.

To explore more information about development with Oracle products, check out these sites: