Set Up Management Agents to Collect Metrics in Prometheus Format

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Management Agents service (Management Agents) supports collecting performance metric data from any resource that exposes metric data in the Prometheus format.

About Prometheus

  • It's an open-source project that provides system monitoring and alerting capabilities.
  • It has a large community developing and maintaining exporters with growing product adoption.
  • It relies on metrics that are exposed either using software that is built with Prometheus client libraries or Prometheus exporters. For more information about Prometheus and exposition text formats, see Prometheus exposition formats.

Prometheus and Management Agents

Customers who already are using Prometheus can take advantage of the OCI functionality like Logging Analytics service and visualize monitoring information from the same tool. In order to do that, the Management Agent needs to get configured with a software to collect the OS metrics data and ingest in OCI Monitoring using OCI Management Agents service.

Management Agents can be configured with Prometheus Node Exporter or any other preferred software (exporter) that exposes metrics in Prometheus format. For information about exporters, see Exporters and Integrations.

The following steps describes how to collect metric data with Management Agents and Prometheus Node Exporter: