On April 23, 2025, OS Management reaches end of life (EOL). Effective now, the service is no longer available to you in regions where you are not already using OS Management, or to new users with new tenancies. Before the EOL date, we recommend that you migrate your managed instances to the OS Management Hub service. For more information, see the Service Change Announcement.
Migrating a Standalone Autonomous Linux Instance to the OS Management Service
The alx-migrate script is available to migrate standalone Autonomous
Linux instances to the OS Management service.
Standalone Autonomous Linux instances are instances that are based on older Oracle Autonomous Linux images. These
instances are referred to as standalone Autonomous Linux instances because they are not
integrated with the OS Management service.
After migration, the instances are managed using the OS Management service and take advantage
of the additional autonomous capabilities provided by the service in Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure, such as monitoring for critical events.
Supported Images
Autonomous Linux instances that were created using the July 2021 Oracle Autonomous Linux
platform image (Oracle-Autonomous-Linux-7.9-2021.07-0) or earlier.
Autonomous Linux instances that were created using the following Oracle Cloud Marketplace images:
Oracle Linux KVM Image (Autonomous Linux) with Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel.
The alx-migrate script is not supported with the Oracle Linux
Storage Appliance (Autonomous Linux) image.
Autonomous Linux is not supported with Red Hat Compatible Kernel.
Autonomous Linux instances integrated with the OS Management service are not supported
in the Oracle Cloud Free Tier. See Known Issues.
Autonomous Linux instances based on custom images are not
Installing alx-migrate 🔗
Install the alx-migrate package:
sudo yum install alx-migrate
Using alx-migrate 🔗
Use the alx-migrate utility to migrate standalone Autonomous Linux
instances to the OS Management service.
When running the alx-migrate utility, you are prompted to accept the terms
of use for the OS Management service. To automatically accept the terms, run the
alx-migrate script with the --accept-terms (or
-a) option.
sudo alx-migrate --accept-terms
During a successful migration, the alx-migrate utility removes the
al-config RPM package, as this package is no longer needed. After
migration, the Autonomous Linux service is used to manage autonomous settings instead of the
al-config utility. For more information, see Managing Autonomous Linux Settings.
The utility runs a series of checks during the migration process. If any check fails, the
script displays an error message, indicating what failed and how to resolve, and
automatically rolls the instance back to its previous state as a standalone Autonomous
Linux instance. For more information, see Migration Errors and Recommendation Actions.
The OS Management service does not manage or monitor private yum repositories and the
Autonomous Linux service does not apply updates from private yum repositories as part of
the daily autonomous updates.
If you have private yum repositories, the alx-migrate utility displays a
note indicating that Private Yum repositories are not monitored or managed by the OS
Management service. When running the utility, private yum repositories are
automatically added to the
/etc/oracle-cloud-agent/plugins/osms/ignored_repos.conf file, which
prevents the OS Management Service Agent plugin from overwriting the settings for those
repositories. For more information about the ignore_repos.conf file, see
Ignoring Private Repositories.
The following example shows how to run the alx-migrate utility with the
--accept-terms (-a) option.
$ sudo alx-migrate --accept-terms
Your use of the OS Management service is governed by the terms of Your agreement
with Oracle applicable to the services (the "Terms"). As part of the OS
Management service, Oracle may collect data including, but not limited to,
kernel configurations, log files and security settings. You may access more
information about the data that Oracle may collect at
Collection of such data will be handled in accordance with the Terms and the
Oracle General Privacy Policy.
By answering "yes", you acknowledge the Terms and Your agreement, as an
authorized representative of Your company or organization (if being acquired for
use by an entity) or as an individual, to comply with the Terms. If You are not
willing to be bound by the Terms with respect to the OS Management service,
answer "no" and do not access the OS Management service.
You accepted the Terms of Use for the OS Management service with '--accept-terms'.
Checking for Oracle Cloud Agent plugins.
Checking for required IAM policies.
Checking for Always Free instance.
Starting migration.
The next Daily Autonomous Updates start time: Wed, Mar 30, 2022, 20:04:22 UTC
Generating custom config file for migration.
Migration data has been added to '/etc/oracle-cloud-agent/plugins/oci-alx/custom-config.yml'.
Private Yum repository configuration files found:
- al-infra.appad1iad.osdevelopmeniad.oraclevcn.com_alx-repo_.repo
Note: Private Yum repositories are not monitored or managed by the OS Management service.
Removing al-config package.
warning: /etc/al-config/al.conf saved as /etc/al-config/al.conf.rpmsave
Installing alx-utils package.
Initializing Oracle Autonomous Linux.
Restarted abrtd systemd service.
Initialized Oracle Autonomous Linux.
Starting alx service.
Restarting the Oracle Cloud Agent.
Waiting for the OS Management Service Agent plugin to start.
OS Management Service Agent plugin is running.
Waiting for Oracle Autonomous Linux plugin to start.
Oracle Autonomous Linux plugin is running.
Waiting for the instance to be registered with the OS Management service.
The instance has been registered with the OS Management service.
Waiting for the instance to check in with the Oracle Autonomous Linux service.
The instance has checked in with the Oracle Autonomous Linux service.
Validating scheduled job.
Validated scheduled job.
Waiting for standard Yum channels to be enabled with the OS Management service.
Standard Yum channels have been enabled:
- Latest Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release 6 for Oracle Linux 7Server (x86_64)
- Oracle Linux 7Server Add ons (x86_64)
- Ksplice for Oracle Linux 7 (x86_64)
- Oracle Linux 7Server Latest (x86_64)
- Oracle Software for OCI users on Oracle Linux 7 (x86_64)
- Oracle Linux 7Server Optional Latest (x86_64)
- Software Collection Library release 3.0 packages for Oracle Linux 7 (x86_64)
- Ksplice aware userspace packages for Oracle Linux 7Server (x86_64)
Migration to the Oracle Autonomous Linux service is completed!
For more information, please visit the following links:
- https://docs.oracle.com/iaas/oracle-linux/autonomous-linux/index.htm
- https://docs.oracle.com/iaas/os-management/osms/alx-index.htm
- https://docs.oracle.com/iaas/os-management/osms/alx-migrate.htm
After setting up managed instances, you can start using Autonomous Linux with the OS Management service to
keep those instances up to date with the latest patches and updates.