Installing the Desktop Client

Download and install the client on your local system as an alternative to the browser for accessing your virtual desktop. Using the installed client provides full access to the desktop.


Do not start the installed client manually from your local system. Set the installed client as the default, and then connect to your desktop to automatically start the client.
  1. In the Secure Desktops interface, click Downloads in the left navigation.
  2. Select the package that matches the OS of your local system and download it.
  3. Install the package.
  4. Click Preferences in the left navigation.
  5. Set the preferred client type to Installed Client.

What's the difference between the web client and installed client?

  • Web client: Connects to the virtual desktop directly through a browser. You do not need to install anything.

    The web client does not support:

    • Audio in and out
    • Client drive mapping
  • Installed client: Connects to the virtual desktop through an application installed on your local system. The installed client provides full access to the desktop.


Currently, neither client supports video input (such as from a web camera).