The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure SDK for Java enables you to write code to
manage Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resources.
This SDK and sample is dual-licensed under the Universal Permissive License 1.0 and the Apache License 2.0; third-party content is separately licensed as described in the code.
Cloud Shell: The SDK for Java is pre-configured with your credentials and ready to use immediately from within Cloud Shell. For more information on using the SDK for Java from within Cloud Shell, see SDK for Java Cloud Shell Quick Start.
Oracle Linux Cloud Developer image: The SDK for Java is pre-installed on the Oracle Linux Cloud Developer platform image. For more information, see Oracle Linux Cloud Developer.
To use the SDK for Java, you must have the following:
An Oracle Cloud Infrastructure account.
A user created in that account, in a group with a policy that grants the desired permissions. This can be a user for yourself, or another person/system that needs to call the API. For an example of how to set up a new user, group, compartment, and policy, see Adding Users. For a list of typical policies you may want to use, see Common Policies.
A key pair used for signing API requests, with the public key uploaded to Oracle. Only the user calling the API should be in possession of the private key. For more information, see Configuring the SDK.
Versions 2.23.0 and later of the OCI SDK have been tested to run and compile
with Java 17.
Java 11 Support
The OCI SDK for Java has been tested with Java version 11.
Java 8 is required to build the OCI SDK for Java from source, but once it's built
you can use the OCI SDK for Java with Java version 11.
For OCI Java SDK versions before 1.27.0, you need to include the
javax.bind and sun.bind dependencies, since
Java 11 no longer includes Java EE and CORBA modules. For more information, see the
JDK 11 Release Notes.
Java 21 Support
Versions 3.25.2 and later of the OCI SDK have been tested to run and compile with
Java 21.
Services Supported 🔗
Access Governance
Account Management
AI Anomaly Detection
AI Language
AI Speech
AI Vision
Analytics Cloud
API Gateway
Application Dependency Management
Application Management
Application Performance Monitoring
Autonomous Recovery
Autoscaling (Compute)
Big Data Service
Blockchain Platform
OCI Cache
Cloud Bridge
Cloud Guard
Cloud Migrations
Cluster Placement Groups
Compute Cloud@Customer
Compute Instance Agent (Oracle Cloud Agent)
Console Dashboard
Kubernetes Engine
Container Instances
Content Management
Core Services (Networking, Compute, Block Volume)
Connector Hub
Data Catalog
Data Flow
Data Integration
Data Labeling
Data Science
Data Safe
Database Lifecycle Management
Database Management
Database Migration
Database Tools
Delegate Access Control
Demand Signal
Digital Assistant
Digital Media
Disaster Recovery
Document Understanding
Email Delivery
Enterprise Manager Warehouse
Exadata Fleet Update
File Storage
Fleet Application Management
Fusion Apps as a Service
Generative AI
Generative AI Agent
Generative AI Inference
Generic Artifacts
Globally Distributed Database
Governance Rules
Health Checks
Identity Domains
Java Management
Java Management Service Downloads
Key Management (for the Vault service)
License Manager
Load Balancer
Logging Analytics
Logging Search
Logging Ingestion
Managed Access
Managed Services for Mac
Management Agent Cloud
Management Dashboard
Marketplace Private Offer
Network Firewall
Network Load Balancing
Network Monitoring
Networking Topology
NoSQL Database Cloud
Object Storage
OCI Control Center
OCI Registry
OCI Secure Desktops
Operations Insights
Operator Access Control
OS Management
OS Management Hub
Process Automation
Queue Service
Resource Manager
Resource Scheduler
Roving Edge Infrastructure
Secret Management (for the Vault service)
Secure Desktops
Security Attribute
Service Catalog
Service Mesh
Source Code Management
Stack Monitoring
Support Management
Threat Intelligence
Visual Builder
VMWare Solution
Vulnerability Scanning
Web Application Acceleration and Security
Work Requests (Compute, Database)
Zero Trust Packet Routing
Contact Us 🔗
Got a fix for a bug or a new feature you'd like to contribute? The SDK is open source and accepting pull requests on GitHub.
To be notified when a new version of the SDK for Java is released, subscribe to the Atom feed.
Questions or Feedback
GitHub Issues: To file bugs and feature requests only