List Credentials DBMS_CLOUD provides the ability to store credentials using the procedure DBMS_CLOUD.CREATE_CREDENTIAL. You can list credentials from the view ALL_CREDENTIALS.
Delete Credentials DBMS_CLOUD provides the ability to store credentials using the procedure DBMS_CLOUD.CREATE_CREDENTIAL. You can remove credentials with DBMS_CLOUD.DROP_CREDENTIAL.
To access
services in the Cloud, such as Cloud Object Store, you first need to create credentials in your
Autonomous Database.
Create and store credentials using the procedure DBMS_CLOUD.CREATE_CREDENTIAL. For example:
credential_name => 'DEF_CRED_NAME',
username => '',
password => 'password'
This operation stores the credentials in the database in an encrypted
format. You can use any name for the credential name. Note that this step is required
only once unless your object store credentials change. Once you store the credentials
you can then use the same credential name for all data loads.
Some tools like SQL*Plus and SQL
Developer use the ampersand character (&) as a special character.
If you have the ampersand character in your password use the SET DEFINE
OFF command in those tools as shown in the example to disable the special
character and get the credential created properly.
With the credential you created in Step 1, you can access Object Store or other cloud
resources from Autonomous Database using a
procedure such as DBMS_CLOUD.COPY_DATA, DBMS_CLOUD.EXPORT_DATA, DBMS_CLOUD_PIPELINE if you are using a Data Pipeline, or other
procedures that require DBMS_CLOUD
About the Create Credential Cloud Shell Script Run the Create Credential Cloud Shell script in the Cloud Shell developer tool to generate credential scripts to run in your Autonomous Database.
Create Auth Token Used for Swift Credential If you want to create an Auth Token/Swift credential, though Oracle recommends the use of OCI Native Credentials, include the --all argument when running the script to generate OCI Native Credentials and the Auth Token/Swift credential.
Run the Create Credential Cloud Shell script in the Cloud Shell developer
tool to generate credential scripts to run in your Autonomous Database.
Use the Create Credential script,, to create new or
to reuse existing OCI Native Credentials, including an RSA key pair with a fingerprint.
The credentials are provided to the user in the form of scripts,
oci_native_credential.sql and
oci_native_credential.json, that can be run in your Autonomous Database. Existing credentials are
backed up if new credentials are created.
Optionally, is used to create Auth Token/Swift
credentials. Oracle recommends the use of OCI Native Credentials. However, if you want
to create an Auth Token/Swift credential, it is supported by this shell script. See
Create Auth Token Used for Swift Credential for details.
This example uses Cloud Shell to run the Create Credential script to
create OCI Native Credential scripts.
Run to generate
credential scripts, oci_native_cred.sql and
oci_native_cred.json. The script searches for
existing credentials, if found you are asked if you want to reuse
them or if you want new credentials created. Depending on your
decision, the generated credential scripts include new or existing
credentials. Download the OCI Native Credential script or copy it to
run it directly in your database using any SQL or JSON tool or
For a list of
arguments supported by the Create Credential script, enter --help.
Sign into your Tenancy, select the Developer Tools icon
and click Cloud Shell from the drop down list.
Run the script.
Enter y to reuse existing credentials in the generated
OCI Native Credential script.
If you choose to create new credentials, and
decide after overwriting the credentials that you
want to use the overwritten credentials, go back to
the directory where the backup is and reuse them.
The backup file name or folder has a suffix with
this syntax: _bkp_YYYYMMDD_abc. For
example, this backup file was created on June 06,
2024: _bkp_20240603_woT.
Enter n to exit the script without running the OCI
Native Credential script in your database.
The program exits and displays the name of the OCI Native
Credential and the command to view it.
Download the OCI Native Credential script or
copy it and run it directly in your database using
any SQL tool.
Example: Create OCI Native Credentials and
Run in Autonomous Database 🔗
This example uses the Create Credential script to create an OCI Native
Credential script that is run in your Autonomous Database.
Before running the script, consider the following:
(Optional) Provide the database region, compartment and database
name, to avoid having the script search for the database. Although these
options are not required, they can save processing time, especially on
tenancies spanning a multitude of compartments and Autonomous
The script assumes the database is in your home region. If it is
in a different region, you must pass in the region name argument,
--region, when running the script.
If you don't provide the compartment (--compartment), or
database name (--database), the script searches for possible candidates and
prompts you to make a selection from lists of possible compartments and
To list available options, enter -h or
In the following example, the Create OCI Native Credential script,, is used to generate a credential script
with existing credentials and run the script in a specified database.
The database region, compartment, and name are passed as arguments to the
script. The --database option requires both
--region and --compartment. If you specify
only --database without these, then the option is ignored.
The username used to connect to the database is also provided along with
a name for the created credential.
For a list of arguments supported
by the Create Credential script, enter
Sign into your Tenancy, select the Developer Tools icon and click
Cloud Shell from the drop down list.
Run the script, including arguments
used to locate the database, connect to the database and a user specified
credential name.
Existing API keys and fingerprint were found. Enter y to reuse them in
the generated credential scripts.
If you choose to create new credentials, and decide after
overwriting the credentials that you want to use the overwritten
credentials, you can go back to the directory where the backup is and reuse
them. The backup file name or folder has a suffix with this syntax:
_bkp_YYYYMMDD_abc. For example, this backup file was
created on June 06, 2024: _bkp_20240603_woT.
Enter y to run the created credential script,
oci_native_credential.sql, in the database you specified
with the region, compartment and database arguments.
A Wallet File was not found, so it was set up. If a Wallet File was found, you
are asked if you want to reuse it or set up a new one. Enter the
password for the ADMIN username you provided. The username
and password are used to connect to the database.
If you have an Autonomous Database private endpoint in a
Virtual Cloud Network, the script
generates the SQL and JSON scripts. However, it does not perform the
steps required to access the Autonomous Database private end point. Instead, it prompts you
to execute cat ~/oci_native_credential.sql to copy the
SQL into whatever SQL tool you have access to via a Bastion or Jump
The login was successful and the MYOCICRED credential is
created in the specified database. The existing credentials are dropped and the
new credentials are created. Enter n to not run credentials in another
database. The script exists and provides the path for the created
oci_native_credential.sql script.
If the connection to
the Autonomous Database is
unsuccessful, you can run cat
~/oci_native_credential.sql, and copy the SQL to run it
directly in your database using any SQL tool.
If you want to create an Auth Token/Swift credential, though Oracle
recommends the use of OCI Native Credentials, include the --all argument
when running the script to generate OCI Native Credentials and the Auth Token/Swift
For example: --all
When this flag is used, the script asks if you want to include an Auth Token.
By answering y, your Auth Token key is generated and uploaded to your OCI
profile, and the oci_auth_token_credential.sql and
auth_token.tok scripts are created.
There are 2 options you can use to view the Auth Token key:
Run the oci_auth_token_credential.sql script from
the Cloud Shell, to create the Auth Token key in your database. The Auth Token
key is the value of the password parameter for
View auth_token.tok from the Cloud Shell. Your
Auth Token is the value of token.
DBMS_CLOUD provides the ability to store
credentials using the procedure DBMS_CLOUD.CREATE_CREDENTIAL. You can list credentials from the view
For example, to list credentials, run the following command:
SELECT credential_name, username, comments FROM all_credentials;
---------------------------–----------------------------- --------------------
---------------------------–----------------------------- --------------------
{"comments":"Created via DBMS_CLOUD.create_credential"}
{"comments":"Created via DBMS_CLOUD.create_credential"}
DBMS_CLOUD provides the ability to store
credentials using the procedure DBMS_CLOUD.CREATE_CREDENTIAL. You can remove credentials with DBMS_CLOUD.DROP_CREDENTIAL.
For example, to remove the credential named DEF_CRED_NAME, run the following command: