Features of HeatWave Service

Region Availability

HeatWave Service is present in various regions such as North America, Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA), Latin America Division (LAD), and Asia Pacific (APAC).

For the complete list on the regions where HeatWave Service is available, see Data Regions for Platform and Infrastructure Services.

IAM Policy

HeatWave Service in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure integrates with Identity and Access Management (IAM) for authentication and authorization for all interfaces (the Console, SDK or CLI, and REST API).

An administrator in your organization needs to set up groups, compartments, and policies that control which users can access which services, which resources, and the type of access. For example, the policies control who can create new users, create and manage the cloud network, launch instances, create buckets, download objects, and so on.

If you are a regular user (not an administrator) who needs to use the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resources that your company owns, contact your administrator to set up a user ID for you. The administrator can confirm which compartment or compartments you should use.

Related Topics

Data Security

HeatWave Service utilizes encryption and data masking to keep your data secure and private.

  • Encryption at rest: HeatWave Service uses Block Volume for all data storage. Block volumes and backups are always encrypted. To read more about the encryption algorithm, see Block Volume Encryption.
  • Encryption in transit: HeatWave Service supports encrypted connections between clients and server using Transport Layer Security (TLS). By default, MySQL applications attempt to connect using encryption. However, you can configure the use of encryption for a given user as optional or mandatory. You can create users that require encryption for all connections with CREATE USER ... REQUIRE SSL. See Encrypted Connections.
  • Data masking: HeatWave Service supports data masking to transform existing data to mask it and remove identifying characteristics. See Data Masking.

Related Topics

Service Limits

When you sign up for HeatWave Service, a set of service limits is configured for your tenancy. The service limit is the quota or allowance set on a resource.

These limits may be increased for you automatically based on your resource usage and account standing. You can also request a service limit increase. See Requesting a Service Limit Increase.

Related Topics

Always Free Service

Each tenancy in the Commercial realm (whether free or paid) can create one Always Free DB system free-of-charge in the home region of the tenancy.

Always Free DB system has the following configurations and restrictions:
  • The DB system is always created with the latest version.
  • It must use the MySQL.Free shape.
  • It has a fixed storage size of 50GB to store data and log files.
  • A one-node HeatWave cluster based on the HeatWave.Free shape can be added to the DB system.
  • HeatWave AutoML and HeatWave Lakehouse are supported.
  • HeatWave GenAI is not supported.
  • Inbound and outbound replications are allowed.
  • High availability and read replica features are not supported.
  • Automatic backup with 1 day retention is enabled by default.
  • Manual backup and point-in-time recovery are not available.
  • Database Management and Ops Insights service integrations are not available.


HeatWave Service supports Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Audit Service and MySQL Enterprise Audit plugin.

  • OCI Audit Service: The OCI Audit Service automatically records calls to all supported public application programming interface (API) endpoints throughout your tenancy as log events. The log events contains details such as the source, target, or time the API activity occurred. The service logs events at both the tenant and compartment level. See Viewing Audit Service Logs, and Overview of Audit.
  • MySQL Enterprise Audit plugin: The audit plugin enables you to define filters that specify which events and activities should be collected. The content includes when clients connect and disconnect, and what actions they perform while connected, such as which databases and tables they access. You can add statistics for the time and size of each query to detect outliers. By default, audit plugin logs are disabled, and you have to enable logging all auditable events for all users. The audit plugin is supported on MySQL version 8.0.34-u2 or higher. See MySQL Enterprise Audit Plugin.

HeatWave Versions and Storage Engines

HeatWave Service supports MySQL Enterprise Edition version 8.0 and higher with InnoDB Storage Engine.

If you intend to migrate to HeatWave Service, and are not using InnoDB, convert the existing database to InnoDB before attempting to migrate to HeatWave Service.