
All Ops Insights Metrics

The following table shows all metrics emitted by Ops Insights.

Metric Name Specific Dimensions Description
DataFlowDelayInHrs dataProcessingFrequencyInHrs - Frequency of data processing in hours.

For additional dimensions for this metric, see Dimensions Common Across Ops Insights Metrics.

Number of hours ago at which the data was last processed for a given target and metric.

The DataFlowDelayInHrs metric lets you monitor for data flow interruptions for all enabled targets and lets you quickly and easily identify which sources are having problems.


resourceId - Ops Insights ID for the warehouse

resourceDisplayName - Display Name of the Ops Insights warehouse.

CPU Utilization of the ADW provisioned for the Ops Insights warehouse in percentage.
resourceMetric -
  • Databases use: CPU, MEMORY, STORAGE

aggregateDataMeasure - Indicates what underlying aggregate measure is being used in the forecast. Currently this can be AVG or MAX

forecastModel: Indicates which forecast model is being used in the forecast. Currently this can be SEASONALITY_AWARE, LINEAR_REGRESSION, or AUTOML

exceededForecastWindow - Indicates whether the number of days returned is equivalent to the amount of days being forecasted. This should be used in the alarms, like so: DaysToReachHighUtilization[1D]{resourceMetric="STORAGE", resourceType="Exadata", exceededForecastWindow="false"}.grouping(telemetrySource,resourceId).mean() < 30


For additional dimensions for this metric, see Dimensions Common Across Ops Insights Metrics.
Days to reach high utilization (above default setting of 75%) for a given resource type and resource metric.

To modify utilization thresholds from the default settings see: Changing Utilization Thresholds.

resourceMetric -
  • Databases use: CPU, MEMORY, STORAGE

aggregateDataMeasure - Indicates what underlying aggregate measure is being used in the forecast. Currently this can be AVG or MAX

forecastModel: Indicates which forecast model is being used in the forecast. Currently this can be SEASONALITY_AWARE, LINEAR_REGRESSION, or AUTOML

exceededForecastWindow - Indicates whether the number of days returned is equivalent to the amount of days being forecasted. This should be used in the alarms, like so: DaysToReachHighUtilization[1D]{resourceMetric="STORAGE", resourceType="Exadata", exceededForecastWindow="false"}.grouping(telemetrySource,resourceId).mean() < 30


For additional dimensions for this metric, see Dimensions Common Across Ops Insights Metrics.
Days to reach low utilization (below default setting of 25%) for a given resource type and resource metric.

To modify utilization thresholds from the default settings see: Changing Utilization Thresholds.

SQL Related Metric

The NumSqlsNeedingAttention metric assists you with SQL tuning and performance by allowing you to set alarms notifying you when SQL statements require attention.


See Specific Alarm Conditions (SQL Alarms) for examples of setting up alarms under various conditions.

The following table shows the metric related to SQL alarms.

Metric Name Specific Dimensions Description

isDegraded (0,1) - set to 1 if response time percent change > 20% over the last 24 hours

isVariant (0,1) - set to 1 if SQL variability is > 1.66 over the last 24 hours

isInefficient (0,1) - set to 1 set if inefficiency > 20% over the last 24 hours

isPlanChanged (0,1) - set to 1 if the SQL plan has changed over the interval

isIncreasingIo (0,1) - set to 1 if IO increase > 50% over the last 24 hours

isIncreasingCpu (0,1) - set to 1 if CPU increase > 50% over the last 24 hours

isIncreasingWait (0,1) - set to 1 if Wait increase > 50% over the last 24 hours


For additional dimensions for this metric, see Dimensions Common Across Ops Insights Metrics.
  • Emits the total number > 0 of unique SQL statements executed by an Ops Insights database resource that have possible performance conditions, e.g., performance is degrading beyond an Ops Insights determined threshold over the past 24 hours or a plan has changed. If no SQL statements meet the criteria, nothing is emitted. i.e., the metric is generated only when one or more SQLs require attention.
  • There are seven possible conditions that can be alerted on. These are represented by the is<trend> dimension flags, such as isDegraded, isVariant, or isInefficient. If a dimension flag is set to 1, it means that all the SQL statements represented by the metric have that condition. For example, if a metric reports the number 6, with isDegraded=1, isPlanChanged=1, it means that 6 SQL statements were observed to have both of these conditions over the last 24 hours. If, over the same interval, there were 3 SQL statements with only isPlanChanged=1, the system would emit a separate metric with a value of 3 and the dimension set to isPlanChanged=1. These values are mutually exclusive, so you can assume that the same SQL will not appear in both metrics. The ability to combine is<trend>

    dimension flags allows you to easily create alarms for specific combinations of conditions by simply specifying a dimension filter for every condition of interest.

Data Flow Metric

Ops Insights consumes data coming from different types of sources such as Autonomous databases , Enterprise Manager targets (databases, hosts, Exadata, etc.) and Management Agent targets (external databases, hosts, etc). The data gap metric allows you to set up alarms in the event data from these sources has stopped for the last 1 or 2 days .


For examples on setting up alarms for the data flow metric, see Specific Alarm Conditions (Data Flow Delays).
Metric Name Dimensions Description

sourceIdentifier - This will be Enterprise Manager Bridge Id for Enterprise Manager target, agent Id for agent based target and OCID of ADW for Autonomous Database targets.

sourceEntityIdentifier - This will be the Enterprise Manager target GUID for Enterprise Manager target, Cloud Infrastructure database Id for Management Agent based targets.

associatedResourceId - This will only be populated for Autonomous Database targets and it will be the OCID of the Autonomous Database.

dataProcessingFrequencyInHrs - Frequency of data processing in hours


For additional dimensions for this metric, see Dimensions Common Across Ops Insights Metrics.
Number of hours ago at which the data was last processed for given target and metric

Data Flow Metric Examples

The following table shows the possible values of the dataProcessingFrequencyInHrs dimension for different resource types.

dataProcessingFrequencyInHrs Value Resource Example telemetrySourceType Description
1.00 Enterprise Manager managed DB EnterpriseManager Loads every hour to process performance metric data accumulated in the Object Storage bucket for Enterprise Manager managed DB targets.

Autonomous DB

Database Cloud Service DB

Enterprise Manager managed DB

Enterprise Manager managed host

Exadata Cell

Cloud Infrastructure DB




Loads every 3 hrs to get hourly performance metric data from the Monitoring service (for Cloud Infrastructure and Autonomous DBs) , Object Storage bucket (for Enterprise Manager managed targets) or for generating hourly rollups from the raw data ingested via ingestion APIs.


Autonomous DB

Database Cloud Service DB

Enterprise Manager managed DB

Cloud Infrastructure DB




Every 12 hours, load daily performance metrics data by reading raw data from the Ops Insights data store.

Enterprise Manager managed DB

Enterprise Manager managed host

Exadata Cell


Every 24 hrs, 2 ETLs are run to process data for Enterprise Manager managed targets.

One ETL to load daily performance metrics data from the Object Storage bucket for Enterprise Manager managed targets.

Another ETL to load configuration metrics data from the object storage bucket for Enterprise Manager managed targets.

Oracle Database Cloud (DBCS) Metric

The MetricCollectionErrors metric number of collection errors for given target and metric

Metric Name Specific Dimensions Description

associatedResourceId - This will be the DBAAS OCID for the resource.

sourceMetricName - Name of the metric collection which is failing.

This dimension can be one of the following:

  • ASHSqlStats
  • ASHSqlTexts
  • ASHSqlPlans
  • cpu_usage
  • memory_usage
  • storage_usage
  • tablespace_usage
  • db_external_properties
  • db_external_instance
  • db_os_config_instance

ErrorCategory - DatabaseConnection/QueryExecution

Cause - <actual ORA error code if available> or NA

e.g., ORA-12850


For additional dimensions for this metric, see Dimensions Common Across Ops Insights Metrics.
Number of collection errors for given target and metric.