The following new feature is now available in Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service:
Global Active Tables: An active/active set of table replicas across a choice of cloud regions, for local read and write performance of globally distributed applications. Additionally, it offers application resiliency and continuity with seamless Disaster Recovery (DR).
The following features have been added to Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud:
Changes in Terraform script for updating NoSQL table definition: While using Terraform scripts, the table schema can be updated based on the new version of create table DDL statement instead of an alter table statement. That is to update the definition of a table, you use a new CREATE TABLE as the ddl_statement and internally the compiler parses the DDL and compares with the existing table definition and generates an equivalent alter table statement and applies it to the table.
Additional features available in the IntelliJ plugin: The IntelliJ plugin for Oracle NoSQL Database offers these new features:
Add new columns using form-based entry or supply DDL statements
Drop Columns
Create Indexes
Drop Indexes
Execute DML statements to update, insert, and delete data from a table
Additional features available in Visual Studio Code Extension : The Oracle NoSQL Database Visual Studio (VS) Code extension for Oracle NoSQL Database offers these new features:
Add new columns using form-based entry or supply DDL statements
Drop Columns
Create Indexes
Drop Indexes
Execute DML statements to update, insert, and delete data from a table
Download the Query Result after running the SELECT query into a JSON file
Download each row of the result obtained after running the SELECT query into a JSON file
The following are the new features/changes are available in Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service:
Enhanced the migrator to support importing CSV files that conform to the RFC4180 standard. Users can create a NoSQL table that corresponds to CSV file fields either manually or through the migrator. The migrator now supports table creation with on-demand capacity and Import/Export of Child tables in NDCS. Additionally, it provides an option to specify OCI Object Storage service namespace for valid sources and sinks.
The following new functionality has been added to the OCI console:
Bulk upload of table rows: The Upload Data button in the Table details page allows bulk uploading of data from a local file into the table, via the browser. The Bulk upload feature is intended for loading less than a few thousand rows.
Query execution plan: You can now access the query execution plan for your SQL queries from the OCI console. On the Table Details page, you have a button to view the query execution plan.
The following are the new features are available in Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service:
Table hierarchies (child tables) are available in the cloud. With the availability of table hierarchy, developers have additional flexibility when choosing the best data model to meet their business and application workload requirements. With child tables comes the ability to perform left outer join (nested table) queries.
The following are the new features/changes are available in Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service:
New query driver in the console: Removed the REST-based query driver from the console and replaced it with a javascript driver. This adds significantly more functionality to the console when it comes to querying your data.
Format change for JSON output: Added pretty print JSON in the query section of the console.
The following are the new features available in Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service:
On Demand pricing model - Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service added an on-demand pricing model. With this model, the service automatically scales the read and write capacities to meet dynamic workload needs. Customers don't need to provision the read or write capacities for each table/collection. The monthly billing captures the application's actual read and write capacities and charges accordingly.
The following are the new features available in Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service:
Oracle NoSQL Database Visual Studio Code Extension - You can now use the new Oracle NoSQL Database Visual Studio (VS) Code Extension to browse tables and execute queries on your Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service instance or simulator.