Package | Description |
---|---| |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.backupSchedule(BackupSchedule backupSchedule) |
static Deployment.Builder |
Create a new builder.
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.category(DeploymentCategory category)
The deployment category defines the broad separation of the deployment type into three
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.compartmentId(String compartmentId)
The OCID of the
compartment being referenced.
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.copy(Deployment model) |
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.cpuCoreCount(Integer cpuCoreCount)
The Minimum number of OCPUs to be made available for this Deployment.
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.definedTags(Map<String,Map<String,Object>> definedTags)
Tags defined for this resource.
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.deploymentBackupId(String deploymentBackupId)
The OCID of the
backup being referenced.
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.deploymentDiagnosticData(DeploymentDiagnosticData deploymentDiagnosticData) |
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.deploymentType(DeploymentType deploymentType)
The type of deployment, which can be any one of the Allowed values.
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.deploymentUrl(String deploymentUrl)
The URL of a resource.
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.description(String description)
Metadata about this specific object.
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.displayName(String displayName)
An object’s Display Name.
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.environmentType(EnvironmentType environmentType)
Specifies whether the deployment is used in a production or development/testing
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.fqdn(String fqdn)
A three-label Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) for a resource.
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.freeformTags(Map<String,String> freeformTags)
A simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type, or scope.
Deployment.Builder | id)
The OCID of the
deployment being referenced.
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.ingressIps(List<IngressIpDetails> ingressIps)
List of ingress IP addresses from where the GoldenGate deployment connects to this
connection’s privateIp.
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.isAutoScalingEnabled(Boolean isAutoScalingEnabled)
Indicates if auto scaling is enabled for the Deployment’s CPU core count.
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.isHealthy(Boolean isHealthy)
True if all of the aggregate resources are working correctly.
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.isLatestVersion(Boolean isLatestVersion)
Indicates if the resource is the the latest available version.
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.isPublic(Boolean isPublic)
True if this object is publicly available.
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.isStorageUtilizationLimitExceeded(Boolean isStorageUtilizationLimitExceeded)
Deprecated: This field is not updated and will be removed in future versions.
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.licenseModel(LicenseModel licenseModel)
The Oracle license model that applies to a Deployment.
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.lifecycleDetails(String lifecycleDetails)
Describes the object’s current state in detail.
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.lifecycleState(LifecycleState lifecycleState)
Possible lifecycle states.
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.lifecycleSubState(LifecycleSubState lifecycleSubState)
Possible GGS lifecycle sub-states.
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.loadBalancerId(String loadBalancerId)
The OCID of the
loadbalancer in the customer’s subnet.
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.loadBalancerSubnetId(String loadBalancerSubnetId)
The OCID of a
public subnet in the customer tenancy.
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.locks(List<ResourceLock> locks)
Locks associated with this resource.
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.maintenanceConfiguration(MaintenanceConfiguration maintenanceConfiguration) |
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.maintenanceWindow(MaintenanceWindow maintenanceWindow) |
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.nextMaintenanceActionType(MaintenanceActionType nextMaintenanceActionType)
Type of the next maintenance.
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.nextMaintenanceDescription(String nextMaintenanceDescription)
Description of the next maintenance.
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.nsgIds(List<String> nsgIds)
An array of Network Security Group OCIDs used to define network access for either
Deployments or Connections.
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.oggData(OggDeployment oggData) |
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.privateIpAddress(String privateIpAddress)
The private IP address in the customer’s VCN representing the access point for the
associated endpoint service in the GoldenGate service VCN.
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.publicIpAddress(String publicIpAddress)
The public IP address representing the access point for the Deployment.
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.storageUtilizationInBytes(Long storageUtilizationInBytes)
The amount of storage being utilized (in bytes)
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.subnetId(String subnetId)
The OCID of the
subnet of the deployment’s private endpoint.
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.systemTags(Map<String,Map<String,Object>> systemTags)
The system tags associated with this resource, if any.
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.timeCreated(Date timeCreated)
The time the resource was created.
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.timeLastBackupScheduled(Date timeLastBackupScheduled)
The timestamp of last deployment backup scheduled.
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.timeNextBackupScheduled(Date timeNextBackupScheduled)
The timestamp of next deployment backup scheduled.
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.timeOfNextMaintenance(Date timeOfNextMaintenance)
The time of next maintenance schedule.
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.timeOggVersionSupportedUntil(Date timeOggVersionSupportedUntil)
The time until OGG version is supported.
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.timeUpdated(Date timeUpdated)
The time the resource was last updated.
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.Builder.timeUpgradeRequired(Date timeUpgradeRequired)
Note: Deprecated: Use timeOfNextMaintenance instead, or related upgrade records to check,
when deployment will be forced to upgrade to a newer version.
Deployment.Builder |
Deployment.toBuilder() |
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