Test Configuration

Up until now, we have seen computation which produces the metrics results. As a machine learning engineer/data scientist, I would like to apply certain tests/checks on the metrics to understand if the metric values are breaching certain thresholds. For e.g.: I might want to be alerted if the Minimum metric of a feature is beyond a certain threshold or Q1 Quartiles for a feature in a prediction run is not within the threshold of the corresponding value in reference profile or for a classification model the precision score is within 10% deviation from the precision score of the baseline run.

Test/Test Suites enables comprehensive validation of customer’s machine learning models and data via a suite of test and test suites for various types of use cases such as :

  • Data Integrity

  • Data Quality

  • Model Performance (Classification, Regression)

  • Drift

  • Correlation, etc.

They provide a structured / easier way to add thresholds on metrics. This can be used for Notifications and alerts for continuous Model Monitoring allowing them to take remediative actions.

How it works

  1. User has initiated a Baseline/Prediction run(s).

  2. User works with Tests, Test Condition, Threshold , Test Results and Test Report.

  3. Each Test has:
    • Test Condition (implicit or user provided). An example of user provided is >=, <=, etc. Implicit is used when running tests for a specific metric.

    • Threshold (either user provided or captured from reference profile). For eg: user can provide a value of 200 when evaluating Mean of a feature with greater than test

    • Test Configuration. Each test can take a test-specific config which tweaks its behavior. For eg: when using TestGreaterThan , user can decide whether to do a > or >= by setting appropriate config.

  4. Tests are of various types allowing flexibility and ease of use:
  5. Tests are executed producing test evaluation results. Each test evaluation results consists of:
    • Test Name

    • Test Description

    • Test Status (Pass/Fail/Error)

    • Test Assertion (expected v actual)

    • System Tags

    • User-defined Tags

    • Test Configuration (if any)

    • Test Errors (if any)

  1. Test results can be stored in a customer provided bucket.

  2. Further post processors can be added to push the alerts to oci monitoring based on each test evaluation result.

Defining Tests for a run

Tests can be provided in a declarative fashion using JSON format. All the tests need to be defined under a new key test_config in the Application Configuration or a Test Configuration.

Using Application config

  • All the tests need to be defined under a new key test_config in Application Configuration.
        "input_schema": {...},
        // other components go here
        "test_config": {<all tests are defined under this>}

Using Test config

  • Test can be defined in separate test config where user would need to pass the monitor id and the test config to be used for the run.

        "monitor_id": <monitor_id>,
        "test_config": {<all tests are defined under this>}


    • The monitor config or application config and test config should be same, else a validation error would be raised.


  • If test config is defined in the application config as well as a test config is also provided for a run using the TEST_CONFIG_LOCATION input parameter, then the test defined in the TEST_CONFIG_LOCATION input parameter would be evaluated.

Insights Test Types

Before we take a deep dive into the test configuration schema, this section explains the Test Types. Currently, Insights supports the following Test Types:

  • Predicate-based Tests

  • Metric-based Tests

Predicate-based Tests

  • General-purpose test to evaluate single conditions against a single metric for a feature.

  • Each test provides a single predicates (test condition) of the formlhs <predicate> rhs
    • For eg: lets consider a test to evaluate whether Mean of a feature is greater than 100.23. In this case: - lhs is the value of Mean metric, - rhs is 100.23, - <predicate> is greater than (>=)

  • For eg: TestGreaterThan is a predicate-based test which tests if a metric value is greater than a specific threshold

  • For a list of all predicate-based tests and their examples, please refer to section: Predicate-based Tests

  • Allows fetching the compared value (rhs) from a dynamic source such as a reference profile

Metric-based Tests

  • Tests specific to an Insights metric

  • Has in-built metric key and test condition

  • For eg: TestIsPositive is a metric-based test which works on the IsPositive metric only and tests if a feature has all positive values

  • For a list of all metric-based tests and their examples, please refer to section: Metric-based Tests

  • When no threshold values are provided, fetches the built-in metric values from reference profile


  • The metric associated with any metric-based or predicate-based test that is configured by the user must be present in the config. For e.g.: The Count metric should be present in the config if user wishes to run TestIsComplete test.

  • If the metric associated with a particular metric-based or predicate-based test is not found during test execution, the test’s status is set to ERROR and error details are added to the test result.

Understanding Test Configuration

We will now look at the details of the test_config key in the sections below.

Defining Feature Tests

  • All Insights Tests for a specific feature need to be defined under feature_metric_tests key. The general structure is as below:

    "test_config": {
        "feature_metric_tests": [
                "feature_name": "Feature_1",
                "tests": [
                    // Each test is defined here
                "feature_name": "Feature_2",
                "tests": [
                    // Each test is defined here


  • The feature name provided in the feature_name key must be present in the Profile i.e it should come from features defined in either input_schema or via conditional features

  • If the feature provided in feature_name is not found during test execution, the test’s status is set to ERROR and error details are added to the test result

Defining Dataset Tests

  • All Insights Tests for the entire dataset need to be defined under dataset_metric_tests key.

  • Dataset metric tests are evaluated against Dataset metrics.

  • The general structure is as below:

    "test_config": {
        "dataset_metric_tests": [
                // Each test is defined here
                // Each test is defined here

Defining Global Test Tags

  • User can set user-defined, free-form tags for all the tests in the tags key.

  • Both key and value can be any user-defined values of type string only.

  • These tags are then attached to each test and available in each test’s TestResult via user_defined_tags property.

  • The general structure is as below:

    "test_config": {
        "tags": {
            "tag_1": "tag_1_value",
            "tag_2": "tag_2_value"

Defining Predicate-based Tests

  • A Predicate-based test is defined in feature_metric_tests under tests key and in dataset_metric_tests.

  • The general structure is as shown below:

    "test_name": "",
    "metric_key": "",
    "threshold_value": "<>",
    "threshold_source": "REFERENCE",
    "threshold_metric": "",
    "tags": {
        "key_1": "value_1"
    "config": {}
  • The details of each of the above properties are described below:










  • Metric key on which to run the test evaluation.

  • Each Insights Metric is emitted in a Standard Metric Result format. The metric key must be one of the values in variable_names

  • If a metric has nore than one variables, qualify the metric key with Metric name.

  • For eg: consider Quartiles metric which emits the metric result as. To run test evaluation against lets say q1 value,

    metric_key = <Metric Name>.<Variable Name> i.e Quartiles.q1

    metric_name: 'Quartiles',
    variable_names: ['q1', 'q2', 'q3'],
    // other details omitted for brevity

Min, Quartiles.q1


Yes, if threshold_metric is not provided. Otherwise No

  • A static user-defined threshold value against which the metric value is compared against

  • The type of threshold value is dependent on each predicate-based test

  • For eg:
    • For TestIsBetween user needs to provide a range of values as [min, max]

    • For TestIsGreaterThan, user needs to provide a single number value

100.0, [200, 400]



  • Set threshold_source to REFERENCE to evaluate metric value against the corresponding metric value from reference profile

  • When this is set, ensure reference profile is made available to the prediction run

Always set to REFERENCE


Yes, if threshold_value is not provided. Otherwise No

  • Set threshold_metric to evaluate the metric value against another metric.

  • For eg: if one wants to test whether Min metric is greater than the Mean metric, set metric_key to Min and threshold_metric to Mean

  • When used in conjunction with threshold_source set to REFERENCE, the metric value for the metric provided in threshold_metric is fetched from reference profile

Min, Quartiles.q1



  • User can set user-defined, free-form tags for a specific test in the tags key.

  • Both key and value can be any user-defined values of type string only.

  • These tags are then attached to the test and available in the test’s TestResult via user_defined_tags property.

"tags": {
    "key_1": "value_1"

One can provide multiple tags in the above format.

Defining Metric-based Tests

  • A Metric-based test is defined in feature_metric_tests under tests key.

  • The general structure is as shown below:

    "test_name": "",
    "threshold_value": "<>",
    "tags": {
        "key_1": "value_1"
  • The details of each of the above properties are described below:










  • A static user-defined threshold value against which the metric value is compared against

  • The type of threshold value is dependent on each predicate-based test

  • For eg:
    • For TestIsComplete user needs to provide a single number 100.0

    • For TestNoNewCategory, user needs to provide a list of string values

  • When threshold_value is not provided, the general behavior is to fetch the corresponding metric from reference profile

100.0, [200, 400]



  • User can set user-defined, free-form tags for a specific test in the tags key.

  • Both key and value can be any user-defined values of type string only.

  • These tags are then attached to the test and available in the test’s TestResult via user_defined_tags property.

"tags": {
    "key_1": "value_1"

One can provide multiple tags in the above format.

List of Available Tests

Predicate-based Tests

Test Name

Test Description

Test Configuration



  • Tests if the left value is greater than or equal to the right value.

  • Is of the form: lhs >[=] rhs, where lhs = left hand side and rhs = right hand side

  • Both left and right values must be one of int, float or boolean

  • strictly : bool

  • When set to True, condition is >=, else condition is >

  • Default value is false

Tests whether Min metric of a feature >= 7500.

     "test_name": "TestGreaterThan",
     "metric_key": "Min",
     "threshold_value": 7500,
     "config": {
           "strictly": true

Tests whether Min metric of a feature > Median metric of the same feature

     "test_name": "TestGreaterThan",
     "metric_key": "Min",
     "threshold_metric": "Median"

Tests whether Min metric of a feature > p25 i.e Q1 metric of the same feature

     "test_name": "TestGreaterThan",
     "metric_key": "Min",
     "threshold_metric": "Quartiles.q1"

Tests whether Min metric of a feature > p25 i.e Q1 metric of reference profile

     "test_name": "TestGreaterThan",
     "metric_key": "Min",
     "threshold_metric": "Quartiles.q1",
     "threshold_source": "REFERENCE"

Tests whether RowCount metric > RowCount of reference profile

     "test_name": "TestGreaterThan",
     "metric_key": "RowCount",
     "threshold_source": "REFERENCE"


  • Tests if the left value is less than or equal to the right value.

  • Is of the form: lhs <[=] rhs, where lhs = left hand side and rhs = right hand side

  • Both left and right values must be one of int, float or boolean

  • strictly : bool

  • When set to true, condition is <=, else condition is <

  • Default value is false

Tests whether Min metric of a feature <= 7500.

     "test_name": "TestLessThan",
     "metric_key": "Min",
     "threshold_value": 7500,
     "config": {
           "strictly": true

Tests whether Min metric of a feature < Median metric of the same feature

     "test_name": "TestLessThan",
     "metric_key": "Min",
     "threshold_metric": "Median"

Tests whether Min metric of a feature < p25 i.e Q1 metric of the same feature

     "test_name": "TestLessThan",
     "metric_key": "Min",
     "threshold_metric": "Quartiles.q1"

Tests whether Min metric of a feature < p25 i.e Q1 metric of reference profile

     "test_name": "TestLessThan",
     "metric_key": "Min",
     "threshold_metric": "Quartiles.q1",
     "threshold_source": "REFERENCE"


  • Tests if the left value is equal to the right value.

  • Is of the form: lhs == rhs, where lhs = left hand side and rhs = right hand side

  • Both left and right values must be one of int, float or boolean


Tests whether Min metric of a feature = 7500.

      "test_name": "TestEqual",
      "metric_key": "Min",
      "threshold_value": 7500


  • Tests if a numerical value is between a minimum and maximum value

  • Is of the form: min <[=] lhs <[=] max, where lhs = left hand side, min and max are range of values

  • lhs must be one of int, float

  • rhs must be a list of 2 values, each of which must be one of int or float

  • strictly : bool

  • When set to true, condition condition is (minimum value <= test value <= maximum value)

  • When set to false, condition condition is (minimum value < test value < maximum value)

  • Default value is false

Tests whether Min metric of a feature lies within the range 7500 to 8000

      "test_name": "TestIsBetween",
      "metric_key": "Min",
      "threshold_value": [7500, 8000],
       "config": {
            "strictly": true


  • Tests if the deviation between two values is within threshold

  • Both left and right values must be one of int or float

  • Right value is fetched from the reference profile for the configured metric

  • deviation_threshold : float

  • The threshold value that should be used to compare with

  • Default value is 0.1 (i.e 10%)

  • Suppose Mean metric of a feature in prediction profile is 200.0 and 205.0 in reference profile

  • Deviation thrershold has been set to 10% or 0.10

  • Deviation is calculated as 205.0 - 200.0 / 200.0 = 0.025 i.e 2.5%

  • Actual deviation is less than the deviation threshold i,e 0.025 < 0.10

     "test_name": "TestDeviation",
     "metric_key": "Mean",
      "config": {
           "deviation_threshold": 0.10

Metric-based Tests

Test Name

Test Description

Test Configuration




  • Tests whether completion percentage of a feature is greater than the threshold value (in percentage)

  • Threshold value can either be provided via threshold_value OR

  • Validated against the completion % in reference profile



Tests whether completion percentage of a feature >= 95% i.e 95% of values are non-NaN

     "test_name": "TestIsComplete",
     "threshold_value": 95.0

Tests whether completion % of a feature >= completion % of the feature in reference profile

     "test_name": "TestIsComplete"


  • Tests whether all the values in a feature match a data type specified by the threshold value

  • Threshold value can either be provided via threshold_value OR

  • validated against the inference type in reference profile

  • Accepted values for threshold_value: Integer, String, Float, Boolean, None

  • Test errors out if threshold_value is None and no reference profile is provided



Tests whether type of a feature is Integer

     "test_name": "TestIsMatchingInferenceType",
     "threshold_value": "Integer"

Tests whether type of a feature matches the type in reference profile

     "test_name": "TestIsMatchingInferenceType"


  • Tests whether all the values in a feature are negative



     "test_name": "TestIsNegative"


  • Tests whether all the values in a feature are positive



     "test_name": "TestIsPositive"


  • Tests whether all the values in a feature are non-zero



     "test_name": "TestIsNonZero"


  • Tests whether any new categories are found in a feature for a prediction run that are not present in threshold_value.

  • Test status is set to FAILED if new category(ies) are present

  • Threshold value can either be provided via threshold_value (must be a list) OR

  • Validated against the categories found in reference profile

  • Use the test for only categorical features



Tests whether categories in a feature match the threshold_value list values

     "test_name": "TestNoNewCategory",
     "threshold_value": ["cat_a", "cat_b"]

Tests whether categories in a feature match the `values present in reference profile

     "test_name": "TestNoNewCategory"

Test Results

In this section, we will describe the test results returned after a successful run.

Test Summary

Test Summary returns the following information about the executed tests.
  • Count of tests executed

  • Count of passed tests

  • Count of failed tests

  • Count of error tests
    • Tests error out when the test validation fails or error is encountered during test execution

Test Result

Each test returns a result in standard format which includes the following properties:





Name of the test

TestGreaterThan, TestIsPositive


  • Test description in a structured format

  • For predicate-based tests, the descriptions are structured in the following formats depending on test configuration.
    • The <metric> of feature <feature> is <metric value>. Test condition : <lhs> [predicate condition] <rhs>

    • The <metric 1> of feature <feature> is <metric value>. <metric 2> of feature <feature> is <metric value>. Test condition : <lhs> [predicate condition] <rhs>

    • The <metric 1> of feature <feature> is <metric value>. <metric 1> of feature <feature> is <metric value> in Reference profile. Test condition is <lhs> [predicate condition] <rhs>

    • The <metric 1> is <metric value>. <metric 1> is <metric value> in Reference profile. Test condition is <lhs> [predicate condition] <rhs>

  • The Min of feature feature_1 is 23.45. Test condition : 23.45 >= 4.5

  • The Min of feature feature_1 is 23.45. Median of feature feature_1 is 34.5. Test condition : 23.45 >= 34.5

  • The Min of feature feature_1 is 23.45. Min of feature feature_1 is 4.5 in Reference profile. Test condition is 23.45 >= 4.5

  • The RMSE is 23.45. RMSE is 12.34 in Reference profile. Test condition is 23.45 >= 12.34

  • The Min of feature feature_1 is 23.45. Test Condition: 23.45 deviates by +/- 4% from 1.2


  • Each test when executed produces a status which is one of the following: PASSED, FAILED, ERROR

  • When test passes a given condition, status is set to PASSED

  • When test fails a given condition, status is set to FAILED

  • When test exeuction encounters an error, status is set to ERROR

Test Assertion Info

Each test returns the expected and actual information which helps in understanding why a particular passed/failed


When a test encounters error(s) during its execution, returns an error description