Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release 7 (UEK R7) is now the default UEK software source for Oracle Linux 8 instances

The default kernel for Oracle Linux 8 instances is now UEK R7. When onboarding an Oracle Linux 8 instance with OS Management, the service automatically enables the UEK R7 software source so the instance receives kernel package updates.

Beginning with the Oracle Linux 8 platform images launched in January 2023, UEK R7 is the default kernel. The OS Management defaults align with this platform image.

Older Oracle Linux 8 platform images default to UEK R6. If you are deploying an older platform image, a custom image, or a pre-existing image running an older UEK version, you must attach the appropriate UEK software source to the instance after registration with OS Management to ensure it receives kernel package updates.

For more information about the OS Management service, see OS Management.

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