Console redesign

The Console has a new design that improves onboarding and account management. For some users, the redesign changes the sign-in experience.

  • Console Home: New customers will now have the Oracle Cloud Console home page as their landing page instead of the My Services Dashboard.
  • Service Limit Increase Requests: You can now initiate a service limit increase request from within the Console at the time of resource provisioning. You can access the request form from several locations, including the help menu and the Service Limits details page. Relevant information about your tenancy is automatically included in requests. For more information, see Requesting a Service Limit Increase.
  • Announcements: You can now access all announcements pertaining to your tenancy by clicking the Announcements icon in the Console header. For more information, see Console Announcements.
  • Contextual Help: The Console now includes links to contextual help. To see documentation for the administrative task that you're trying to accomplish, click the help icon in the Console header.

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