Migrating an Exadata DB System to the New Resource Model

Learn how to use Terraform to migrate an Exadata DB system to the new Exadata resource model.

The X8M generation of Exadata hardware introduces a new resource model that replaces the Exadata DB system. The new resource model uses new APIs to provision and manage its resources. The existing DB system APIs for Exadata will be deprecated by Oracle Cloud Infrastructure for all users following written notification and a transition period allowing you to switch to the new API and Console interfaces.

If you have existing Exadata DB systems in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, you can use Terraform to switch them to the new resource model and APIs.


Switching an Exadata DB system to the new resource model and APIs can't be reversed. If you have automation for your system that utilizes the DB system APIs, you might need to update your applications before switching.

Switching to the new resource model:

  • Doesn't impact the DB system's existing Exadata databases or client connections
  • Doesn't change the underlying hardware or shape family of your Exadata Cloud Service instance
  • Won't affect bare metal and virtual DB systems

After converting your DB system, you'll have two new resources in place of the DB system resource: a cloud Exadata infrastructure resource, and a cloud VM cluster resource.

What to expect after switching:

  • Your new cloud Exadata infrastructure resource and cloud VM cluster are created in the same compartment as the DB system they replace
  • Your new cloud Exadata infrastructure resource and cloud VM cluster use the same networking configuration as the DB system they replace
  • After the switch, you can't perform operations on the old Exadata DB system resource
  • Switching is permanent, and the change can't be undone
  • X6, X7, X8 and Exadata base systems retain their fixed shapes after the switch, and can't be expanded

See Exadata Database Service on Dedicated Infrastructure for more information.

To Migrate an Exadata DB System

These migration steps use the following example, which shows an existing Exadata Cloud Service instance using the old DB system resource model:

resource "oci_database_db_system" "test_db_system" {
  availability_domain = data.oci_identity_availability_domain.ad.name
  compartment_id      = var.compartment_ocid
  cpu_core_count      = var.cpu_core_count
  database_edition    = var.db_edition
  time_zone           = var.time_zone

  db_home {
    database {
      admin_password = var.db_admin_password
      db_name        = "TFdb1Exa"
      character_set  = var.character_set
      ncharacter_set = var.n_character_set
      db_workload    = var.db_workload
      pdb_name       = var.pdb_name

      db_backup_config {
        auto_backup_enabled = false

    db_version   = var.db_version
    display_name = "MyTFDBHome1Exa"

  maintenance_window_details {
    preference = "CUSTOM_PREFERENCE"

    days_of_week {
      name = "MONDAY"

    hours_of_day       = ["4"]
    lead_time_in_weeks = 2

    months {
      name = "APRIL"

    weeks_of_month = ["2"]

  disk_redundancy  = var.db_disk_redundancy
  shape            = var.db_system_shape
  subnet_id        = oci_core_subnet.subnet.id
  backup_subnet_id = oci_core_subnet.subnet_backup.id
  ssh_public_keys  = [var.ssh_public_key]
  display_name     = var.db_system_display_name
  sparse_diskgroup = var.sparse_diskgroup

  hostname                = var.hostname
  data_storage_percentage = var.data_storage_percentage

  #data_storage_size_in_gb = var.data_storage_size_in_gb
  license_model          = var.license_model
  node_count             = data.oci_database_db_system_shapes.test_db_system_shapes.db_system_shapes[0]["minimum_node_count"]
  backup_network_nsg_ids = [oci_core_network_security_group.test_network_security_group.id]
  nsg_ids                = [oci_core_network_security_group.test_network_security_group_backup.id, oci_core_network_security_group.test_network_security_group.id]

To migrate the system to the new resource model, first create the oci_database_migration resource:

// This is 1 time action to migrate test_db_system into db ExaCS
// and the test_db_system will become `Migrated`
resource "oci_database_migration" "test_migration" {
	db_system_id = "${oci_database_db_system.test_db_system.id}"

Provisioning the oci_database_migration resource creates two new resources: oci_database_cloud_exadata_infrastructure and oci_database_cloud_vm_cluster.

You can get OCIDs of these two resources from the oci_database_migration resource:

output "cloud_exadata_infrastructure_id" {
  value = oci_database_migration.test_migration.cloud_exadata_infrastructure_id

output "cloud_vm_cluster_id" {
  value = oci_database_migration.test_migration.cloud_vm_cluster_id

Create a Terraform configuration for the two new resources:

resource "oci_database_cloud_exadata_infrastructure" "test_cloud_exadata_infrastructure"{}

resource "oci_database_cloud_vm_cluster" "test_cloud_vm_cluster" {}

Then run the Terraform import command:

terraform import oci_database_cloud_exadata_infrastructure.test_cloud_exadata_infrastructure <cloud_exadata_infrastructure_id>
terraform import oci_database_cloud_vm_cluster.test_cloud_vm_cluster <cloud_vm_cluster_id>

Terraform now manages the two new resources. After switching to the new Exadata resource model, remove the old oci_database_db_system config.


After the migration, you can use resource discovery to create a full configuration and state file for importing these two new resources.