Working with Listings

You can perform many tasks with listings in the Oracle Cloud Marketplace catalog in the Console. Most of these tasks can also be performed by using the OCI CLI and API:

By default, Marketplace displays all listings in its catalog. However, an individual's ability to see or launch particular listings varies by tenancy, according to what permissions the individual has, and the pricing model for the listing.

If you launch a listing through CLI or API, ensure that you subscribe to the listing. When you launch a listing through the console, accept the agreement check box to continue. For information on how to subscribe to the listing, see API GetListing.

Listings are either images, stacks, container images, or helm charts. Image listings have a Launch Instance button. Stack listings have a Launch Stack button. Container and helm charts have a Export Package button.

For information about pricing and how it affects whether you can see a listing, see Pricing for Listings.

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