Commercial Guide for Marketplace
The Oracle Cloud Marketplace commercial guide provides publishers (partners) and consumers (customers) a step-by-step guide on how and where to find key information about the Marketplace and gain access to the Marketplace policies.
Marketplace has enabled B2B and B2C software selling by making it easier and faster for partners to reach customers with required solutions. However, understanding the roles, processes, and programs associated with OCM can sometimes be overwhelming.
This guide is designed to guide publishers and consumers on Marketplace and its policies. It provides details about the deployment models, pricing options, enabled jurisdictions, listings management, billing, reporting, and partner payment.
- Pricing Models for Marketplace
- Customer-Consumer: Commercial Information for Marketplace
- Partner-Publisher: Commercial Information for Marketplace
Jurisdictions for Deploying and Launching a Listing
Oracle strives to make it easy for publishers to deploy listings and for consumers to purchase listings using Universal Cloud Credits (UCC) in many of our tax-enabled countries where we do business. After they meet requirements in theUsing Marketplace section, partners are allowed to deploy listings and consumers can draw down and use their UCC. To deploy a listing in tax-enabled countries other than the US, the partners must set USD as the base price before adding other currencies. Consumers can use and draw down their UCC by using the currency associated with their UCC. For Marketplace publishers interested in publishing a listing in tax-enabled countries and currencies, see Adding Additional Markets and Currencies to a New Listing. Consumers can view the list of countries and currencies available for UCC drawdown in the Adding International Markets and Currencies to Paid Listings section. For more information about UCC drawdown terms and conditions, refer to "Appendix B, Operating Model: Deemed Supply" in the Tax and Marketplace Transactions by Publisher Policies for Paid Listings section.