Compute Cloud@Customer Metrics

You can monitor Compute Cloud@Customer infrastructure resources using metrics. Compute Cloud@Customer metrics provide you with the total and available OCPU, memory, and storage resources for the infrastructure.

The following topics describe the metrics emitted by the Compute Cloud@Customer infrastructure in the oci_ccc metric namespace:


The monitoring information in the topics in this section only describe the metrics for the Compute Cloud@Customer infrastructure.

For more general information about metrics, alarms, and the Metrics Explorer for other resources such as instances, see these topics:

Required IAM Policy

To monitor resources, you must have the required type of access in a policy written by an administrator, whether you're using the Oracle Cloud Console or the REST API with an SDK, CLI, or other tool.

The policy must give you access to the monitoring services and the resources being monitored. For more information about user authorizations for monitoring, see Metric Access for Groups.

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