The page includes filter and search settings, and a list of invoices.
If one or more invoices aren't visible on the Invoices page, you can also check for invoices at the Oracle Customer Center.
To Filter Invoices
Under Filters, you can filter based on invoice status, invoice
type, and starting or ending invoice dates. You can also search for an invoice
number directly. The following table describes the Invoices
filter fields:
Invoice Filter
Open: The invoice is open.
Closed: The invoice is
Past Due: The invoice is past
Payment Submitted: Invoices paid
online in Cost Management but not closed.
By default, all statuses are displayed.
Service: Periodic invoices for
Monthly/Annual Commit plans. The invoices appear under
Resources on a subscription's
detail page's Billing Schedule
section (see the Status field).
Usage: Pay As You Go invoices, or
overage invoices (if you exceed the committed amount for a
Monthly/Annual commit period).
By default, all types are displayed.
Subscription ID
Filter based on the subscription IDs in the tenancy. Defaults to
ALL (all the invoices under
Invoice No for the subscription
Start/End Invoice Dates
Allows specifying the invoice date range. The Invoices table automatically refreshes when a custom date range is selected. The default date range is one year in the past, with the end being the current date. If no invoices are available, a message is displayed.
Search based on the invoice number, reference number, payment
reference, or total amount.
Invoices Table 🔗
Under Filters, a tabular list of the invoices is displayed, where you can also pay an invoice. The following table describes the Invoices table fields:
Invoice No
The customer invoice number. The Party
Name is also indicated in the information
Click the Invoice No to display the
Invoice No. details page.
Reference No
Subscription plan number.
Past Due
Payment Submitted
Invoice Type:
Invoice Date
Invoice generation date.
Due Date
Invoice due date.
Payment Ref
The payment type when the Oracle Cloud order was placed:
Purchase Order PO
Credit Card and Number
Total Amount
Total invoiced amount.
Balance Due
Balance remaining on the invoice. The information icon also
displays the following:
Note: This link doesn't appear if you have already paid the invoice.
Actions (three dots) menu
Open this menu to:
Download Invoice
View Usage
Open Support Request
Click the Invoice No to display the Invoice
No. details page. This page contains an Invoice
Information tab, Payment tab (for paid
invoices), and Invoice Lines table for each invoice.
On the Invoice No. details page you can:
Pay an invoice (open and past due invoices)
Download an invoice as a PDF
You can also download the entire
Invoices page table as a CSV file, by clicking
the corresponding Download as CSV link.
View usage
Open a support request
The Invoice No. details page Invoice
information tab contains the following information:
Invoice Date
Due Date
Reference No (the plan number)
Payment Terms
Payment Reference (PO number at order booking)
Bill to Address
Bill to Email
Total Amount
Credited Amount
Adjusted Amount
Applied Amount
Amount Due
The Payments tab contains the following:
Paid On: The invoice payment date, online or
Paid By: The email of the person making the Account
Management payment. If the payment is offline, it appears as an empty
Payment Method: Online or offline payment method. The
online payment method shows credit card or PayPal, and represents the
payment method entered at order booking. The offline payment method
represents payments made through other methods, such as wire transfers and
Amount Paid: The amount paid for the invoice
Under Invoice Lines, the following is displayed:
Order No
Subscription Id
For IaaS customers, the ID is same, but for SaaS customers,
you can view multiple differing subscription ID lines for the
Order No.
Start Date/End Date
Net Unit Price
(Total invoice line) Amount
Viewing Invoices 🔗
Two options are available for accessing invoices:
View invoice details and invoice lines on the Invoices
page, and individual invoices on the corresponding Invoice
No. details page.
Download and save the invoice as a PDF from the Download
Invoice context menu.
To view an invoice:
Open the navigation menu and click Billing & Cost Management. Under Billing, click Invoices.
Enter the invoice number in the Search field, or click
the invoice in the Invoice No. field. The
Invoice No. details page is displayed.
To download an invoice:
Open the navigation menu and click Billing & Cost Management. Under Billing, click Invoices.
Select the invoice from the list of invoices on the
Invoices page, or to find the particular invoice,
enter the invoice number in the Search field . The
Invoice No. details page is displayed.
Click Download Invoice on the invoice's
Invoice No. page. A notification is displayed that
the invoice download has started, and another notification is displayed after
the download is successful.
Paying Invoices 🔗
Credit Card and PayPal are available options for making a payment. Payments amounts are restricted to amounts less than USD 100,000 (you can't pay for any charge over USD 100,000 through the Console). Only open and past due invoices have the pay function available on the Invoice No. page.
Both payment options might not be available for every country.
To pay using a credit card:
Open the navigation menu and click Billing & Cost Management. Under Billing, click Invoices.
Enter the invoice number in the search field.
Click Pay for the associated invoice. The Oracle payment window is
displayed with the available payment methods. You can pay with either an
existing payment method, or enter a new one.
To add a new credit card, click Credit Card. An
Add Payment Method pop-up is displayed.
After entering your billing and credit card details, click
Finish. The newly added credit card is now available
as a payment method in the Oracle payment window.
Select the credit card that you want to pay with and click Pay Now. A confirmation is displayed that the payment is successful. On the Invoices page, the payment's Status field changes to Payment Submitted, to indicate that you submitted the payment. You can then monitor the payment on the Payment History page (see Payment History for more information).
To pay using PayPal:
Open the navigation menu and click Billing & Cost Management. Under Billing, click Invoices.
Enter the invoice number in the search field.
Click Pay for the associated invoice. The Oracle payment window is
displayed with the available payment methods. You can pay with either an
existing payment method, or enter a new one.
To add PayPal as a payment method, click PayPal. A PayPal
pop-up is displayed, where you can enter your PayPal credentials, and choose the
PayPal payment source.
After selecting your PayPal payment options, click
Continue and Agree & Pay.
PayPal is now available as a payment method.
Select the PayPal account that you want to pay with and click Pay Now. A confirmation is displayed that the payment is successful. On the Invoices page, the payment's Status field changes to "Payment Submitted" to indicate that you submitted the payment. You can then monitor the payment on the Payment History page (see Payment History for more information).
Viewing Usage Associated
with an Invoice 🔗
You can view and monitor your plans usage by viewing the
usage through two access points.
Option 1:
Open the navigation menu and click Billing & Cost Management. Under Billing, click Invoices.
Enter the invoice number in the Search field.
From the context menu, select View Usage.
Option 2:
Open the navigation menu and click Billing & Cost Management. Under Billing, click Invoices.
Enter the invoice number in the Search Field
When the invoice appears, click the linked invoice from the Invoice No
Click View Usage at the top of the page. This opens the Subscription Usage page but shows you usage related to only the selected invoice number (Invoice Usage). A Usage by time chart and Used Services table details the usage.
can check the payment status of a paid invoice (only paid invoices are shown) and
reconcile your account. Paid invoices associated with the Oracle Cloud account on
file are available. The invoice status is provided for current or past due invoices.
Payment details are also provided.
Open the navigation menu and click Billing & Cost Management. Under Billing, click Invoices.
Enter the invoice number in the Search field, or filter
within a specific date range.
Once the invoice appears, click the linked invoice from the Invoice No column. See Invoices Table for more information on the fields and descriptions of the Invoices and Invoice No. details pages.
To show payment information, click Payment at the top of the page.
Opening a Support Request 🔗
Option 1:
Open the navigation menu and click Billing & Cost Management. Under Billing, click Invoices.
Enter the invoice number in the Search field.
From the context menu, select Open Support
Option 2:
Open the navigation menu and click Billing & Cost Management. Under Billing, click Invoices.
Enter the invoice number in the Search field.
When the invoice appears, click the linked invoice from the Invoice
No column.
Click Open Support Request at the top of the
Invoice No. details page.
For the best service, open a support request from the associated page, page table,
or billing entry where an issue has been encountered, rather than opening a support
request from the main support menu. As a result, a resolution for your
billing-related issue can be more easily tracked and targeted.
What Happens If a Credit Card is Declined and the Payment Isn't Processed? 🔗
You will receive an email for one of two reasons:
New orders when the initial credit card authorization/charge fails.
Existing orders when the credit card authorization for the current
billing cycle has failed (previous authorization might have been
The email directs you to the Oracle Store to update your credit card information
for payment.
The invoice payment status for the failed payment remains as Payment
Submitted until a payment has been applied.
You continue to receive emails from Oracle Collections until the payment has
been applied.