Finishing Pre-Built Function Deployment

Find out how to complete pre-built function deployment in OCI Functions, and find out about the different deployment states shown in the deployment dialog.

Initial Waiting State

After you select Create, the dialog displays the state of each deployment task. Initially, each task has a "Waiting" state.

  • The following resources are being created: Waiting
    • Function: <your-function-name>: Waiting
    • Dynamic Group: <your-dynamic-group-name>: Waiting
    • IAM Policy: <your-iam-policy-name>: Waiting

Deployment States Updated

As each deployment task completes, its state changes to "Done."

  • The following resources are being created: Waiting
    • Function: <your-function-name>: Done
    • Dynamic Group: <your-dynamic-group-name>: Done
    • IAM Policy: <your-iam-policy-name>: Waiting

Deployment Completes

When deployment completes, all deployment tasks change to a "Done" state.

  • The following resources are being created: Done
    • Function: <your-function-name>: Done
    • Dynamic Group: <your-dynamic-group-name>: Done
    • IAM Policy: <your-iam-policy-name>: Done

Select Close to display the function's details page.

To navigate to the function from the main menu, go to Developer Services, then under Functions select Applications. Select the application in which you created the pre-built function, and then select the function.