Deleting Applications

Find out about deleting applications.

You can delete applications in OCI Functions that you or other functions developers have created, provided you have been granted the necessary permission (FN_APP_DELETE, and potentially FN_FUNCTION_DELETE).

When using the Console to delete applications, note that:

  • deleting an application deletes all of the functions it contains (hence the potential requirement for the FN_FUNCTION_DELETE permission)
  • you're always prompted to confirm deletion because you cannot undelete an application or function later

Note the following:

  • Deleting applications and functions is permanent. You cannot undelete an application or function that you've deleted.
  • Deleting a function does not delete the Docker image on which the function is based. To delete the image, you have to delete it explicitly (see Deleting and Undeleting an Image).
  • Deleting a function does not necessarily enable you to immediately delete the subnet and VCN in which the function runs. Expect to wait up to five minutes after the function was last invoked before you can delete the associated network resources.

You can delete applications using the Console, the Fn Project CLI, and the API. See Deleting an Application.

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