Look up parameters that appear in alarm messages sent by Monitoring. Review parameter descriptions and example values, dynamic variables, and default appearance in formatted messages.
Parameters are listed in the order they appear in pretty JSON and raw formats of email messages.
Parameters in Alarm Messages
The following tables describe parameters in alarm messages and provide example values.
Alarm 🔗
Alarm parameter
Description and example value
Unique identifier of the alarm (grouped message), or of the metric stream in the alarm (split message).
Example value: exampleuniqueid
Comments on usage:
For grouped messages (notificationType: Group notifications across metric streams), use dedupekey to group messages belonging to the same alarm.
For split messages (notificationType: Split messages per metric stream), use dedupekey to group messages belonging to the same alarm and same metric stream.
To deduplicate multiple occurrences of the same message, use dedupekey and timestamp together.
The alarm's notification title (Notification subject in the Console form for creating and updating alarms). If not specified, then the alarm's display name is used.
Example value using dynamic variables: {{severity}} alarm triggered at {{timestamp}}
Example value (alarm's display name): High CPU Utilization
The alarm's configured message body (Alarm body in the Console form for creating and updating alarms). Null if not specified.
Example value using dynamic variables: {{severity}} alarm triggered because threshold got breached due to {{metricValues}} at {{timestamp}}
Example value (text): Follow runbook at http://example.com/runbooks
Example value: https://cloud.oracle.com/monitoring/alarms/ocid1.alarm.oc1.iad.exampleuniqueid?region=us-ashburn-1
The alarm's configured alarm summary (Alarm summary in the Console form for creating and updating alarms). If not configured, a system-generated message that summarizes the state is used.
Example value using dynamic variables: {{severity}} alarm triggered because threshold got breached due to {{metricValues}} at {{timestamp}}
The content of the system-generated message (used when alarm summary isn't configured) depends on notificationType:
For Grouped messages across metric streams:
Alarm <alarm-name> is in a <alarm-state> state; because <number-of-metric-streams> metrics meet the trigger rule: "mql-expression", with a trigger delay of <number-of-minutes>
Alarm High CPU Utilization is in a FIRING state; because 4 metrics meet the trigger rule: CpuUtilization[1m].mean() >90, with a trigger delay of 1 minute
For Split messages per metric stream:
Alarm <alarm-name> is in a <alarm-state> state; because the resources with dimensions listed below meet the trigger rule: "mql-expression", with a trigger delay of <number-of-minutes>
Type of notification (grouped or split).
Valid values: Grouped messages across metric streams or Split messages per metric stream
Dynamic Variables 🔗
The following tables list dynamic variables available for each parameter.
Use the indicated dynamic variable to render the value of a parameter in alarm messages.
HTML escaping occurs for the primary (shorter) dynamic variable. For example, when you use the primary dynamic variable {{title}} for the title parameter value alarm for successRate < 0.99, the < character is rendered as <.
To disable HTML escaping, use the secondary (longer) dynamic variable. For example, when you use the secondary dynamic variable {{{title}}} for the title parameter value alarm for successRate < 0.99, the < character is preserved.